For Time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Box Jumps 24/20
American Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
There is a lot of volume in this Hero Workout, so scale appropriately. If you can do the prescribed weight/height then go for it. Otherwise, scale the weight/height as needed. The volume scale is:
This cuts the volume by a third, and is a hell of a workout in its own right.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare with 12.14.16
Scott M. testing his 1RM last week | Photo by Thomas H.
Movie Night Returns!
Save the date! On Friday, July 21st at 8pm (after Open Gym), a CFSBK summer tradition returns. No, we’re not talking about sweating through multiple t-shirts in one class. And we’re not taking about jockeying for that one really good spot under the Big Ass Fan in 597. We’re talking about Movie Night! And we want you to tell us which of the following movies we shoud show:
Please leave a comment on the event page to vote for your preference! Movie Night will be BYOB. Come for some fitness, stay for some fun!
4th of July Schedule
We’ll be running on a limited schedule on Tuesday, July 4th. We’re offering Open Gym from 9am to 12pm that day. All other classes are cancelled!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Scienfitic Reason You Should Get Drinks With Friends This Week Rodale Wellness
Minor League Baseball Gives Us The Corgi Races We Need Vice
AG last night:
Really fun. WOD was really hard. Jeez Ruiz . . .
I invite all of you to peruse the CFSBK Facebook and Instagram pages this morning. I can't stop looking at that amazingly lithe (and hot) fellow on the rope. I am shocked that there are only 2 or 3 Likes.
7am w/ Ro flying solo (so-Ro?)
MORRISON! This workout sucks but I also kind of love it. Did all the weights/heights RXed except that I had to do step ups (no "explosive movements" for another ~2 weeks) which felt like cheating. 25:29, compared to 31:31 in December doing everything RXed so I guess that comparison doesn't mean much. But I felt like I did a good job staying calm by sticking to my strategy (sets of 10 until the last round) and being mindful of my breathing.
I like Morrisons. Van, Jim, Toni.
34:22.47. scaled to a 20kg bell.
Wanted more cfjournal screen time.
congrats to everyone taking on fran and morrison this week. i haven't done either in about a year and am interested in re-testing them before 2017 is over. now is not the time though…
a. sciatic floss, thoracic rotation, wrist rehab, etc.
b. RDL, 8 reps, @ 20×1
95, 125, 145, 155, 165
(hook gripped 145 onward)
superset with wrist/shoulder rehab: weighted scap cars, wrist cars, etc.
c. db front rack box step up
3×8 L
2×8 R
@ 25# ea hand
– :30 wall walk nose and toes hold between sides (yay i can do this again without pain!)
– :30 hollow hold with side shifts between sets
d. 5x:
:15 assault bike, all out effort
2:45 rest walk/cycle
death and destruction.
topped out at 90 RPM on sets 1-4. could only get up to 87 on the last one. i think last time i was averaging 87-89, so happy to break 90 here.
as i recalled from last time, this really f*cks me up. i walked for a few minutes afterward and then laid on the floor to breathe for a couple minutes but was light-headed and in a dark, dark hole for a solid 15 min afterward. i'm hoping this improves slightly over time. maybe better to do in afternoon rather than morning.
Jan/Feb '16: 36:30-ish, Russian KB swings
Dec '16: 36:09 Rx'ed
June '17: 31:29 Rx'ed
That's a 4:40 improvement from six months ago, and I feel like I could've done it sub-30 if I'd planned it better. Gunned it a bit too hard in the rounds of 50 and 40, then took too much rest in the round of 30.
Allie B.'s comment from yesterday is a good point for me in this workout: break it up more and take shorter, rigorously enforced breaks! I hate putting the ball down, but really it's not like having to do an extra clean in a thruster-based workout (like Fran).
8 am with the coach with all the new nicknames; the one who introduced me to the assault bike in AG last night – So-Ro, Jeez Ruiz.
AG was one of the tougher workouts what with goblet squatting right to box jumping on over then to the AB. Stepped over the box at Ro's suggestion since I had Morrison to face 12 hours later but that bike….now that is a whole new sensation. I like to rope climb but the rope ate my shoe. This is the second pair of shoes with a bad rope bite. I'm mad. They were sparkly sneakers.
Morrison was a life lesson.
30:20 with some RX adjustments – 14 to 8; box jumps on the pylo (so 18 rather than 20. I would have done 20 if we had pylos that added up) then Russian swings because that is what I believe in. This is the first time I started with a set of 50. It felt hard but achievable most of the way through. I had so many doubts going in. Had to work hard to convince myself to do the total volume. Almost used the fact that we had to jog around the block first as an excuse not to. But talking to others before getting started and knowing that they also felt a sense of trepidation made me go for it. This is one that is in your head before and during and even after. I had the opportunity to Rachel after and it was interesting to run back over it. I actually took some long pauses right before my last reps on a set or two of wall balls and on box jumps. Weird. Why? Just go! It's just one! When I mentioned that to Rachel she suggested that it might have have had to do with anticipating the transition. I'm going to try to be more mindful of that in WODs. All in all this was a workout that reminds me to do that which is difficult and trust that I can and remember that it's hard for everyone because everyone is pushing her and his self to the max and when it's over the reward is that sense of accomplishment that applies beyond the gym. It's only two days into the crush but I'm feeling the opposite of crushed.
Took a few days off for various reasons but I'm back now and feeling more focused.
2 Rounds
200m row
10 band pull aparts
10 OHS
30 second HS hold
A) Snatch Pull + Snatch- every 90 seconds for 10 sets.
63,68,73,78,83 x 3, 88 x 3
Catching high, as always…
B1) Back Squat @31X1
190 x 5, 195 x 5, 200 x 5, 205 x 5, 210 x 5
Rest 90 secs
B2) HSPU Negative @40A1
Rest 90 secs
C) EMOM 12 mins
Even: 12 wallball
Odd: 8 TTB
2 Rounds
10 cal row
30 sec Sorenson hold
8 inchworm push-ups
5 chin-ups
5 sets
A1) Hang Power Clean- 103 x 5
Rest 90 secs
A2) Close-Grip Bench Press
(70% of 1RM)110 x 5
Rest 90 secs
B1) Seated DB external rotation
15 x 8, 17.5 x 8 x 2
Rest 60 secs
B2) GHD sit-ups
3 x 15
Rest 60 secs
C) 400m run repeats- 85-90% same pace, rest 3-4mins
1. 1.49.97
2. 1.49.68
3. 1.44.96
4. 1.44.75
5. 1.45.13
6. 1.46.53
Found it hard to tell if I was running faster or getting tired so it felt faster…hmmm. 🤔
Quick WODdage @ CF island park:
16 min AMRAP:
14 murrican KBS 53#
50M ea farmer carry 53#
Completed 6 rds + 7 HSPU + 14 swangs + 20M carry R
HSPU unbroken. Working on pulling knees down faster and staying tight in kip to speed up my tempo. Kbs unbroken for first 3 rounds then 9/5 after grip was shot. All carries unbroken switched hands and refused to put it down! Stamina is increasing here, carrying 1- 2x a week helps!
So behind I posting!! I always forget about this until its too late!
Did Morrison for the first time today.
Decided to develop a rep scheme prior to working out and really attempting to stick to iy.
Wallballs were gonna be done in sets of 10 with a quick drop, breath, and restart
Box Jumps: just continue. find a groove and don't stop until the set is done
KBS: sets of 10s throughout
Kept this entire pattern for the workout which I was happy about. In the set of 30, I took a break at 15 box jumps walked a mile then restarted(not really). My problem with this workout is how long I rested for towards the end. I wanted to keep it at 20:00 minutes but I kept taking long breaks in between the Kbs and maybe moved a little too slow on the box jumps. I don't know though…I've never done this before so I had no idea how to gage this.
Finished the workout in 23:32 rx!
I am utterly and completely impressed by Katie E and Toni's times! You girls are animals and I think I need to take a page out of your books!!
Morrison in 30:36
Feb 2016: 31:14
Not much improvement but the fact that I came in at all to do it is an improvement in my eyes. I avoid this (and Karen) like the plague. Probably why I still stink at wall balls.
WBs: 10-10-10 then 5s the rest of the time.
Box jumps: whatever felt good at the moment. Needed breaks to breath.
KB swings: 10s
I hyperventilated and fought back tears/cried-ish the entire round of 30. My throat felt like it was closing up and no air was getting in. Luckily no one noticed I was dying. If someone had asked if I was ok or encouraged me I probably would have had a repeat of 17.5 where I left the gym for a few minutes to hyperventilate/ball my eyes out before completing the WOD. Somehow pulled it together and finished. My HR was def more under control the first time I did it.
Was heading towards I think a possible PR (right now Morrison is 29:31 RX) and slipped and slammed on my 25th rep of 30 on the box.
second time in 3 months.