Back Squat
Establish a new 1RM or 3RM. Use spotters on all heavy sets.
Post loads to comments.
EMOM x 15 (5 rounds each):
A) 30 Double-Unders
B) 15 Wall Balls
C) :30 Hollow Hold
The jump rope and Wall Balls should be completed unbroken (barring a trip-up) and well before the 30-second mark on the fast end. Scale accordingly.
Post work to comments.
Happy Pride Week! Check out our recent Instagram post of Jayson S. and other CFSBKers rocking the CFSBK Pride shirt
Tomorrow: The Return of Sunday CrossFit Kids!
We’re so excited to announce that 10am CrossFit Preschool and 11am CrossFit Kids will be returning to our Sunday schedule starting tomorrow! We’ve missed your kids and can’t wait to see them running, crawling and climbing all over the gym again. Our new CrossFit Kids coach working with David and Xela will be CFSBK member and lifelong dancer Tori Pierce.
As always, we’re open to hearing back from you guys about other class times that would work, thoughts on the program, and anything else you might have on your mind. If you’d like to provide some feedback or requests, please fill out our CrossFit Kids feedback form!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
To Train an Athlete, Add 12 Minutes of Meditation to the Daily Mix NY Times
Sugar-Free Zone with Kathy and Michael Dalton CrossFit Journal
11am class
Ties my previous best. Happy with that. Planning to squat 4 plates for the first time next cycle.
Felt every of last night's poor choices on the EMOM. Good to sweat though.
15 lb PR on the back squat today and 10 lb PR on the front squat on Tuesday. This tempo stuff works.
Also: super sad I missed McDowell's last day festivities. Who is going to openly mock me whenever I do something stupid now?
200-210-220! (5# PR)
Made a jump from 180 to 200 for the first time which was a bit scary but had to if I wanted to go for a PR. At 220- Got out of the bottom quickly but had to fight it at the top. There was no way I was giving up with everyone cheering! I love this supportive environment! I also had awesome bar mates Sarah and Johanna who made it less scary if I did fail.
Had a bunch of bad reps on my wall balls but didn't no rep myself. Double unders went surprisingly well today! Guess spending 3 minutes per day has helped!
MLC – I've got you
1PM with Whit and Brett
HBBS: 205,225(old pr), 235, 245, 255 (new pr)
These felt good. 255 was a bit of a grind for me, but I managed to get it up (I noticed that I got a little lose on the way up). It's been a year since I attempted a 1RM, so this gives me a good base to start at for the next cycle.
Hollow holds were the hardest part of this. After round 3 I found it difficult to maintain position. Scaled to Singles and a 14# ball.
Way to go, Kelly!!!!