Front Squat
Establish a new 1RM or 3RM.
Post loads to comments.
EMOM x 15 (5 rounds each):
A) 7 Box Jumps 24/20″
B) 5 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
C) 130m Jog
These should be completed well before the 30-second mark on the fast end. Use bands as needed for the Pull-Ups but make these strict Chest-to-Bar today.
Post work to comments.
CRASH-Beasts on the Water at Row New York
On Saturday some members of CFSBK’s indoor rowing team (aka “CRASH-Beasts”) got a taste of the real thing and rowed on the water at Row New York’s new site in Canarsie. The crew, which was helmed by Jess Goldman, consisted of (from bow to stern) Liz Mefford, Steven Rivas, Amy Muckerman, Robyn O’Brien, Joe Mefford, Charlie Nagle, Henry Poydar, and Jess Fox. The group learned about the sheer terror that comes with carrying a heavy rowing shell overhead to the dock on an extremely narrow ramp surrounding by pylons; the difference between port and starboard (when facing backward); and how to set a boat. And it started pouring halfway through the row. So that part was fun, too.
Coach Nick, who arranged the excursion, thought everyone did well and says it was all worth it just to see Jess Fox’s face light up when she took her first stroke. Nick would like to organize another couple trips with the same crew to get them to the point of rowing all eight; now if only we can find a group of strong folks to carry the shell down for them…
Row New York also posted more fun photos on their Facebook page.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
To the Loudest Guy in the Gym The Players’ Tribune
Your Brain Treats a Blink Like a Tiny Nap NY Mag
FSQ: 185, 200, 210PR, 215F
Five pound PR. Totally lost tension for 215 at the bottom – definitely rushed the attempt. Maybe next time.
WOD: Scaled up the box jumps to 24". Used the orange band for the first two rounds for C2B chin ups, then the red for the remaining three.
Some time after for some accessory work:
Played around with some kipping leg swings and knees to elbows.
Ring push ups (5×5)
One arm overhead walk @ 40# for 100' (two times each arm)
Oh, and just continuing the Chas love fest from yesterday. I always enjoy seeing Chas bright and early behind the desk and can attest to his crazy good trivia skills. YAAAAAAYYYYY CHAS!!!
Belated YAY for Chas! We have the best people on team cfsbk!
Yesterday: great PT appointment, starting back in with a bit more push/pull this week, racking a bar, continued wrist/elbow work. woot!
movement prep: banded ankle and hip distractions, monster walks, clamshell, etc.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×2)
A2. Loaded Scap CARs (3 ea direction with 8kg each hand)
B1. 3 x 1:00 bottom of FSQ hold @ 45#
DEATH. but soooooooo happy to be front racking a bar again. no pain wrist, just stretchy.
B2. 5×3 chin up @ 31×1
C. 3x
10 GHD hip ext @ 4022
:45 single arm farmer carry L @ 62#
:45 SAFC R
D. assault bike, 20 min, :30 on / :30 off
56rpm x4
57-58rpm x4
59-60rpm x4
60-62rpm x4
62-64rpm x4
2 min easy recovery row
Yes, Cheers for Chas! Question of the day today "What was the first thing you noticed when you entered the gym?" and I heard a lot of "No one at the front desk" – but I'll vouch for Chas, he checked me in right at 7:00.
Don't know if I PR'd – I lost all my data on the app I've been using for three years which was created by a former CFSBK'er Dan Betz. The site is down, and all my info along with it. Anyone have an app to recommend for tracking WOD's and Lifts?
Front Squat at 175×3 which must be close to PR because I wrote a PR of 190×1 last summer.
Good luck to McDowell and Family! It goes without saying (but I'll say anyway) that the coaches at CFSBK have been instructive, encouraging and knowledgable. McD no exception, so all the best!
Richard G.
7am w/ McDowell + Ro. Perhaps my last class w/ McDowell? ๐ ๐ ๐
FSQ: 95×3, 115×3, 120×1, 130×1, 135×1, 140 (f). 140 was my most recent 1RM so I was bummed to fail it, but as McDowell so wisely said, "some days it just feels heavy." TOO TRUE, in weightlifting and in life.
Fun workout even though I had to scale the box jumps to step-ups (no jumping for 3 more weeks) which was sad, because I love box jumps. Pull-ups started out pretty strong but fell apart a little towards the end. Great opportunity to work on them!
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone! Except from you, 7 a.m. crew. For the record, I wasn't behind the desk because one of you spilled soap all over the bathroom floor this morning! It's all glamour here at CFSBK.
(Just kidding, 7 a.m., you're great too. As are all my awesome FD co-workers! Say hi, we're very friendly.)
Monday's push presses w/McDowell: 165, 185, 200 (PR!), 215F, 210F. Moved great for the first three. Got greedy at the end and then was too tired to hit 210 (next time).
Wednesday's work w/Brett: 185, 205, 225, 250Fx2. 250 would've been a PR but I wasn't in the right headspace. (I blame the prolonged exposure to soap fumes.)
Yeah, Chas! So awesome to get to know you– esp on the pub quiz team!
Had an amazing rest day yesterday, slept a LOT last night– 10 hours!
AG Strength: need to do less volume and heavier weight on my ring thing transitions. Sigh. I feel like I waste a day when I don't do it properly.
Lots of improvements on all the accessory work we do. Continue to go up in weight. AG Strength is the bomb!
Fsq: 115,125,135,140 (Pr),142 (Pr)
Fun workout– happy to have done all 25 strict chest to bars!
Absolutely amazed by Rachel H front squatting 165 and kayleigh squatting 210. Utterly incredible!!
Also, thanks to Ro for that 2# Pr push. It was perfect!
I'm usually not late to a party but here I am at the YAY CHAS fest. I would happily run for President of his fan club.
Monday I PRed my push press at 95# (88 was previous). Loved the diagnostic work on the erg and stayed up some pretty solid seconds inverted. Even though it was NFT work, McDowell yelled at me to keep going. Gee, I'm gonna miss that guy.
Tuesday I did not PR my FS. Hit 125 and it felt heavy but doable. Added 5 and nope. 135 is previous and I think it's still there on a better day. Did the workout with a 24" pylo and for some silly reason I used a green band. I should have had less assistance but green was already hanging. For AG, had some kipping T2B started to happen but had to settle for vicarious excitement as Vanessa strung together something like 6 or 8 really good looking ones together. Had fun pushing 500 m rows at 34/35 s/m for the first two rounds and 34/33 s/m for the last rounds. Did not let the burpees die and tried not to flail too hopelessly on the T2B kipping sets. Wow -that one – wow!
Kate Tk and I registered to do the scaled version of Hail to the Team! Kharpz and Katie E are also doing it.
Some other teams should join!!! It will be fun!!!
betweener time Workout with Andrew Shay
Front Squats
Worked up to 225×1
Then 185x3x3
EMOM 18:00
130m Run
5 CTB Strict Pull-ups
7 Seated Box Jumps (12" > 24""
All done with a 20lb WTD Vest
Behind on all my postings!
Push press PR: 150#. I attempted 155 and got it above my forehead but I think I gaveup and let it come crashing down to my shoulders. One day!
Short circuit…butt kicked again with this class!!
Front squat PR: #225….haven't attempted a 1rm in maybe a year or two! I almost lost it at 225 but thanks to Pos ques, I was able to save it. Lost all my tension in the bottom so thats something I need focus on…maintaining my midline on the decent.
15 min EMOM
1: 7 box jumps 24"
2: 5 Matador dips (no pulling motions for this week…gotta figure out this shoulder iss.)
3: 130m sprint….dang these felt good. Maybe it's because I was pushing to stay ahead of the guys in the pack but it felt all out and made me push hard to keep up!
Going rock climbing tomorrow…looking forward to a day away from some weights!
quiet solo sesh today
a. 4x
3 inchworm
3ea waiter squat @ 33×1 @ 8kg
:30 pull up grip hang
5-7ea hip airplane
b1. RDL @ 30×1
95×10, 115×10, 125×10, 135×10, 145×10
started hook gripping at 135
b2. DB press @ 21×2
15×12, 17.5×12, 20×12, 22.5×10
no pain. fuck yeah.
c1. db front rack single leg step up
3x8L, 2x8R
slower down faster up tempo
@ 22.5#
c2. pallof press lunge series
3×10 reps each side each way
:01 pause at end range
no conditioning today. had an awesome acupuncture appointment later and bought a bunch of great food and ingredients to make panang curry tonight ๐ solid day
Sarah!!! Dear lord you are NUTS!!! 225!?!?!??? Omg!!!
FSQT: 145-155-165PR- 170F
3# PR. I will most definitely take it. Front squats are a major weakness for me so didn't think I would even match my PR. Did the same thing as yesterday and just went for it after I PR'd even though I knew it was an unrealistic attempt at 170.
EMOM with 24" box jumps and C2B with the blue band. Any type of strict pullup work is a major weakness….that I plan to work on this summer!
Double under practice for 3 minutes. Pierre and Duane both said I'm bring my hands behind me after I flick my wrists. That's three people who have point this out to me. Going to do at least three minutes of DUs every gym day until I can do them properly again.
Reading about these insane PRs is SO inspiring. Ya'll are incredible!!!!!!
FSQ: 95, 105, 115, 125, 130, 125
I honestly can't remember what my Past Life FSQ PR was, but 130 is a 30 pound PR since I joined CFSBK so I'll take it. I need to work on staying tighter at the bottom and not getting into my head and getting all shaky as the weight goes up.
EMOM with a 20" box and a black band. Pull-ups are a weakness, I need to go to AG more often. So fun though! Loved practicing CTB, which I am terrible at. I tried to go a little faster than usual on box jumps and bounced a few times without face planting. It was almost cool out so even the running part was fun. One of those "I love CrossFit!!!"-type WODs.