Back Squat / Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (41×1):
2 x 6
Heavier than week.
Tempo Front Squat (41×1):
1 x 6
Heavier than week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
25/20 Calorie Row
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
Cash Out: 1 mile jog, easy pace
CFSBKers worshiping at The Church of the Kettlebell | Photo by Robert C.
Today! CFSBK at Pull for Pride
Cam C. and Kayleigh R. will be competing in the Pull for Pride today at 3pm (lifting starts at 4pm) at Murder of Crows Barbell Club. The Pull for Pride is a Deadlift-only event benefiting the Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently. Head over to Crow Hill and cheer our lifters on! Better still, you can sponsor Cam here.
Tomorrow! Starting Strength Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle tomorrow starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Strange Brain of the World’s Greatest Solo Climber Nautilus
Joy & Spain CrossFit Journal
Hahaha that caption! Nice work, Josh.
7 a.m. yesterday doing today's work w/Brett.
BSQ: 205#x6x2; FSQ: 165#x6. Rude but glad I soldiered through.
Metcon: 9:02 Rx'ed. So wanted to get under 9 minutes here. Oh well.
8 a.m. today doing STRONG FIT (must be in ALL CAPS and you must growl its name when you check in, new rule) w/Brett:
Some fun warm-ups (Powell raises are humbling), some excellent feats of strength (320# sled pulls!), and 4 rounds of sled sprints that left us on the floor cursing the day(s) we were born. 10/10 would strong again
10am class
I knew it was gonna be a good day when Ed Sheeran came on as I was putting on my lifters.
WOD in 11:08
Subbed 6 D-Ball cleans (80#) for the KB swings to baby my wrist. Thanks, Mel, for the sub.
10am class. Started the day with an angry back thanks to a 16-hour flight with a broken seat that did not recline.
BSQ 2x6x105 – focusing on making sure I don't short the depth. These feel good.
FSQ 1x6x95 – woof. These do not feel as good.
WOD in 9:18 w/ a yellow KB. Proud to have been the only person in class who can't count to 5 and used a whiteboard. I went out of the gates a little too hot on the row and had to reel myself in for rounds 2 – 5. Felt the back soreness here.
Spent the cash out hunting in vain for shady spots on the sidewalk. T-minus 3ish months to fall, right?
12 o'clock class with Whit and Brett
Bsq 83lbs for first set then 93 for the second. Fsq 63lbs. I haven't been here as consistently as I'd like for squats but still happy with how they went. Excited to try again for more for next week.
11:01 for the metcon with the blue kettlebell. I think I went too fast on the first couple of rounds, those last 5 calories were real tough and my legs felt like jello afterwards. Still really happy with my time overall.
Cheated myself out of a full cash out. I gave it a shot but found myself limping a bit and totally out of steam. Decided to only go around the block once and save my energy to walk home from the gym. By the time I got home my legs feel almost back to normal. Yay!
Sarah!!! You crushed this workout!
Tempo Hbbs: 110
Tempo FSQ: 100
Got a compliment from Whit about how far my squat form has come–really made my day!! I definitely feel a huge improvement in depth and range of motion. Obviously this cycle with single leg stuff and tempo/pause is working wonders!!! I can't wait to squat 200 someday!!!
Metcon: 12:03 rx
Got some great advice from Whit about driving hips back further: when I do it right, I pulled one cal per pull. I felt it! My tempo and recovery was incredibly slow, but at least I feel a huge improvement in using my legs and maximizing power.
Mile run was HARD!
AG Strength:
2 muscle up attempts with help from Ro
4-6 tempo HSPUS to one ab mat
( 3 rounds)
Dsar: 22.5×12, 25×10, 25×12
Upright row: 45×12, 47.5x 11, 47.5 x 10
Cgbp: 75×10, 80×9, 75×12
Side planks: :45
15 anchored 10x
(3 rounds)
Only two classes today!
11am AGS still doing ALL the volume work. Need to practice the kickup more.
1pm class with Brett and Whit
Squats 150/140, a lot better than expected. Haven't been squatting regularly this cycle.
Metcon 9:23 Rx. This metcon was my jam! It's incredibly rare that I'm the first to finish a metcon in class (maybe the first time). Wish there were 2 more rounds in there. Made sure to have very quick transitions and spend zero time staring at the kettlebell. All of us tall heavy people thank you for this one!
Today: home for the weekend, dropped in at blue crab!
A) Performance care a la KVW:
3 rds for quality:
10 SLRDLs 12kg
10 high pulls ea @ 25#
10 ea slam balls from lunge position
10 heidens
B) 3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
25 Russian KBS (53#)
Completed in 6:35. Tripped on doubles thrice total throughout. All KBS and HSPU unbroken.
C) 5K row for time (damper set to 10)- 21:49, HR: 133 max, 122 avg
Whew! Felt like I was rowing through mud. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. May have overpaced because I felt fine when it was over, but only 19s longer than my best time! AND this time my back did light up. Feeling stronger and happy with my stamina hear days. Hard To figure out how to find a balance in both, that's for sure.
My back did NOT** light up
Open gym today! I guess summer weather is finally here..thank god!
Been doing crossover symmetry ever since murph. I did something to my shoulder and I'm just trying to make it stronger. I think it's helping!
MU transitions
3*5 with #30 added
Feeling way more consistent with these…I can feel that RING MU coming soon!
Back squat
6*5 #175 with a 2 second pause in fifth one
Then into
4*6 front squat #125 with 2 second pause on sixth one
Jackie (8:32)
1000 m row
50 thrusters #35
30 pull-ups
I cut two minutes off my previous time!! So pumped about that. This was my first time doing pull-ups since murph. Did the first set of five as butterflies but I could feel my shoulder lighting up, I went to basic kipping and it felt fine. Guess I'm not ready for that rang of motion yet. Back to strict work!
3 rounds
20 cal row
20 cal aab
1:00 rest
Thanks Phil for the "healthy" peer pressure for this last part. Crushed my legs and lungs.
It was a long hot walk home….
Very welcomed rest day, tomorrow after this week:)
Yeah, Kate Tk! Another great addition. Yes to tik-taks.
@Karina, Are you saying our Mississippi/one thousands were too slow? Probably why we were last to finish each week. #GAINZ
Tempo squats:
LBBS: 115#
FSQT: 105
BS felt great, knees were caving in on FSQT
WOD in 10:19
Really wanted sub 10. Kept erg between 800 and low 900s to try to keep heart rate down. Heart rate didn't jack up but probably should've pushed myself harder- think this was about 85-90%.
Probably won't make it to AG so
5RNFT with :30 rest after each movement
1 strict pullup with a negative
30 DUs (just bad again, had to alternate D/S, but strung a bunch together in the last round)
3 HSPU negatives
5 red banded pistols per leg (left hip was cranky)
15 hollow rocks