Mary M. shows that sandbag who’s boss in this awesome photo by Robert C.
CFSBK at Pull for Pride
Cam C. and Kayleigh R. will be competing in the Pull for Pride this Saturday, June 10th at 4pm at CrossFit Crow Hill. The Pull for Pride is a Deadlift-only event benefiting the Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently. Head over to Crow Hill and cheer our lifters on! Better still, you can sponsor Cam here.
News and Notes
- Rachel H. is planning to go to the Power Monkey Fitness Camp in October and would like to assemble a group of CFSBKers to go with her. Groups of 5 or more people get a sweet discount, and she needs just 2 more people! The camp takes place October 1st through 7th in Crossville, TN. Contact Rachel at rthsiung [at] if you’re interested!
- Many sad fitness implements, articles of clothing, and water bottles are in our lost and found bin, abandonded by their uncaring owners. [Music from the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercial begins to play] But you make it right by going to our Flickr account and seeing if any of this stuff belongs to you. Please claim your lonely items before we donate them to CHIPS in two weeks.
- Coach Jeremy’s and Coach Margie’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle on Sunday, June 11th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Push Press | Row
10 Undeniable Benefits of the Clean and Jerk BarBend
Taylar Stallings Power Snatching 103kg hookgrip
Wednesday's Programming
Back Rack Reverse Lunges
3 x 6
Heavier than last week. Perform 6 reps on one leg, then 6 reps on the other.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
2 Rounds
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
18 Double-Unders
9 Front Squats 95/65
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
18 Double-Unders
6 Ring Dips
Rest 3 Minutes
Aim to score within a few reps each time on these AMRAPs. Scale dubs to singles. The FSQ weight should be light and unbroken. Scale ring dips between the box/bench dips or push ups as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
I'm not much of a writer, but I wanted to share the following with all of you.
We started the process of moving to Sweden a long time ago. During our goodbyes most people often asked what we thought we were going to miss from BK and my answers always varied from "I'm going to miss that bar"… "that pizza"… etc. The truth is, what I'm going to miss the most from BK is where I spent most of my time sweating, chatting, chasing, and relaxing. My second home. My happy place.
Here's a bit of what I miss already: I miss looking at the blog and seeing the wod and figuring out how many classes I should take that day… should I do short circuit followed by regular class? And maybe active recovery? Pilates? What should I eat before all of this? Hmm… that's 4 hours of work. This brings my total to 13 classes this week… David hates me.
I miss the happy faces that always greeted me at the front desk.
I miss the dogs hanging out by the entrance and the occasional child or two patiently waiting for a parent to finish a wod.
I miss looking around and seeing a sea of familiar faces. The white board with the wod numbers and the quick math to figure out how to beat the am crews. The meticulous breakdown of the wod by a fellow member: cue French accent "the row should be done at 21 spm / @947. Transition in 6 sec and the thrusters unbroken." Huh? The first round usually works exactly as mentioned and the rest is hell.
I miss the warm ups and question of the day. How sometimes the question becomes self serving because a coach wanted ideas on where to get the best pie in town.
I miss seeing the regulars and knowing who your squat partners will be based on last week's wod… and seeing the fresh faces coming out of foundations semi lost in the lingo, but confident to start crossfit because they know this is the best place to do it.
I miss the extremely detailed coaching and dedication from every single coach. The small adjustments, the ever present "go deeper" on a squat, the elbows up, the nod.
I miss recovery classes and how the class turned into an episode of the cooking channel or group therapy. Pilates and the pain that comes with it… sometime from laughter… sometimes from 100s. The short circuit classes with our regular crew and seeing tabata on the board. Ok, maybe I don't miss seeing tabata.
I'm happy to be here in Sweden and ready for my new adventure, but I do miss all of you.
To every single person who works at this gym and to every single member – Thank you
Awww mo!!!! Love this. We miss you all too ๐ best of luck to you settling into your new home. You know where to find us when you come back to visit! Also sweet pic Mary!
Supa sore from Sunday still:
Obliques and abs are shot from the cash out, which was: 3 rds
75M farmers carry ea (w/ cool little rope handles on 65# barbells, very tough to keep stable!)
50M duck walk w/ 72lb KB
10 dead bugs
Today's Warmup:
30s supinated bar hang
30s ea one arm static DB hold (40#)
5 ea suitcase deadlift @ 83#
Assasult bike: 5 rds 15s on/45s slow spin
Could not wake up my body to save my life for Grace. Gross. This felt so gross. Finally gathered myself. Then:
Grace: 2:23
One second off of my best time. I hate it when this happens!! I didn't mentally have it today. Went 15 unbroken, then singles. didn't fight through it fast enough. Intention was to do a max effort set and pick up the pieces afterwards. I freaked. As expected. But, put your head downs and do what your told! Hoping this will push my capacity for bigger unbroken sets in the future
Cardio: target HR 140-145
10 min run: 1500M, HR: 155-160
15 min bike: 144 cal, HR: 108-133
15 min row: 169 cal, HR: 133-160
100 Doubles: 54s, unbroken!
-I'm all over the place! Can't keep my heart rate down on the run even with the slowest possible shuffle.
-bike is old news. That's as fast as I can go right now, given I know that I have 15 full minutes and 15 min row to follow
-row I'm finally starting to figure out. Was able to dance around the 145-150 range for the most part. Damper down to 1 helps!
Can't wait to get them #meatyabs
I think someone is cutting onions in here. We miss you Mo!
A. Ring Muscle up
B. 3-6 rounds @90% Hard effort
15 american KB swings, AHAP/unbroken
10 Burpees, AFAP
20m sled push, AHAP/AFAP
rest/walk/correctives 5-7 minutes
Awh, Mo! Also LOVED Lesley's AOM post!!
Make up post from yesterday–
4:30 w/Ro and a v. serious hangover.
Push press: 90# x 6 x3
WOD: LOL. My weekend's activities revisited me in every round. Best 55.something/worst 1:01. No where to hide and had to sit on the couch for a few afterwards feeling superrr queasy.
That picture of Mary is awesome.
Mo, you are such a missed gym presence.
Lunges: 135 x 6 x 3
18 DUs and scaled to 3 ring dips: 1 short of 4 rounds both times
18 DUs and 9 FSQ Rx: 4 rounds + 6 DUs, 4 rounds + 1 DU
135×5, 225×3, 275×3, 305×2, 335×2
Wanted to work up to my opener for this weekend (150 kg – gotta switch my brain over to kilos). No more heavy deadlifts until Saturday for me. Looking forward to seeing people pull all the weight!
Mo –
I just read your post. It's true. You really are not much of a writer.
Miss you guys. I hope the settling in process is going well.
Everything will probably be the same here when you return – except I will be more dominant.
8am with McDowell
Did Monday's Workout. Wrist has been a little sore since Friday doing the Sandbag cleans so I took a few days off.
Worked up to 110 on the push press.
54.1, 46.3, 46.9, 47.8, 49.3
Last round was a killer. Lost all my drive around the last 100M or so. Fun WOD.
C'mon, Mo…it's time to move on already ๐
Noon class doing Wednesday
Lunges at 175. Gonna be supa sore.
WOD sub 53kg Goblet Squats for FSQs
Really wanted to get 6 rounds the 2nd time through the dips but had an epic tangle of my rope going into the 2nd round…as soon as I threw it down I knew I was an idiot.
Ugh miss you already, Mo. Kat and Lillan!
Will also miss the "Mo Triple Threat Special" Saturdays
7:30 with harpz
93,90,88. Kept going down because my back was being all wiggly. Been months and trying to be patient as my core stability gets back to where it was.
Rows were
No doubt that 0:53 is a PR for 250. ๐
Mo! We mourned you and Kat in AR last Thursday. We were wondering what time it was in Sweden! You'll have to tell us about your new gym!!
AG Strength
3x 6 chest to rings pull-ups with false grip
5 transitions (rock thrus)
5 transitions with 10#
5 transitions with 25#
Will start heavier next time
Btnp: 33×10, 43×10, 53x 10
Pendlay rows: 45×10, 65 10×2
Powell raises? 7.5 10×3
11×3 bench lower things
15×3 VUps
Wednesday, 7:30
Lunges: have had a weird nerve twinge in my knee since last week. When I sit on my hands and knees or touch my knee to the ground during a lunge. Decided to not do lunges today.
Instead (didn't have too much time to set up front rack step ups) I did 12×3 back squats at 108#. Fast and hard!
wod RX:
Du/fsq 1: 3+18
Du/rd1: 3+ 18+ 3
DU/FSQ 2: 3+18+3
DU/Rd: 3 + 6dus
Felt strong, but should have done 2s or 3s on ring dips.
I figured I've been getting pretty strong lately, so an injury of some kind was inevitable. Gunna continue to stay flexible and AR the shit out of my body, so it hopefully won't be anything serious.
Also, I was a hot mess and left my sweater and knee serves :/ won't be at the gym tomorrow– don't donate them to chips plzzz. Sorry!
MO!!! We miss you guys!
Had my second PT appt today — lots of manual work on L wrist and elbow. Feeling better, still intense. Have a few additional exercises to do. Sticking with holds/carries and not too much push/pull or volume just yet. Will focus on R shoulder next week, which likely has some sort of small tear in supra- or infraspinatus.
A. 10 min warm up, including line drills, wrist + shoulder CARS, thoracic rotation, dynamic hip mobz, hollow holds, etc.
BSQ 2×8 @ 155, slower down faster up tempo
FSQ 2×5 @ 130, slower down faster up tempo — using the "no hands" approach. still have pain in R shoulder when racking the bar (right on AC joint)
BSQ felt really solid today. The slow tempo work is definitely paying off and my positions/tension are much better. Going to keep working this way!
C. Deadlift, build to heavy 8
…145×8, 165×8, 175×8, 185×8
D. conditioning…
A. 10 min
6 OHS L (20# DB)
100' SA Farmer Carry L (24kg)
100' SA FC R
rest/reset 3 min
B. 10 min
100' sled push heavy (105#)
5 strict TTB
rest/reset 5 min
C. 10 min
20 DB Front Rack walking lunges (20# each)
:30 FLR rings
5 ring row (slight decline past horizontal, feet on bench)
a. 5 rounds + 12 reps + 50' carry … fine
b. 4 rounds + 100' sled … sled SUCKED
c. 4 rounds … lunges were rough after rep 12 each time
Mo! I think of you every time I scoop some casein out from that free tub you left! Thank you. What's Swedish for gainz?
4:30 class with Whit
90lbs for the rev lunges. Felt surprisingly ok, especially on the right leg. Whit had good cues today, one of which was watching the my anterior pelvic tilt at the bottom of the lunge. Once I fixed it the buns were more receptive.
Something like 3 +18, 3+10, 3+14, 3+12. Went a little lighter for the front squat and was glad 55 pounds was plenty. DU's were great in the first AMRAP then collapsed. Whit suggested to "squeeze buns 10% more" to avoid breaking at the hip and it worked really well, but not under fatigue. Will have to continue drilling that. Things like that should be super obvious to me as Whit said "that anterior pelvic tilt is just bleeding power" or something like that. And it's exactly what I tell my clients, if you're not organized properly how can you do the movement optimally? Idk some good questions there. Did the bench dips, triceps feel spicy.