We all got a little soaked at Murph Day, but we had fun! The first set of photos from the day is now up on Flickr
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. CFSBKers donated over $3,000 (including $5 from each t-shirt we sold) to K9s for Warriors this year. Thanks to everyone who donated to provide service dogs for veterans! You can still contribute to this terrific organization here.
2. Rachel H. is planning to go to the Power Monkey Fitness Camp in October and would like to assemble a group of CFSBKers to go with her. Groups of 5 or more people get a sweet discount, and she needs just 2 more people! The camp takes place October 1st through 7th in Crossville, TN. Contact Rachel at rthsiung [at] gmail.com if you’re interested!
3. In case you missed it, Coach KHarpz has begun writing a fascinating series for Beyond the Whiteboard on her progress toward qualifying for the 2018 East Regional! Check out the first installment!
4. Coach Nick and Coach MeLo completed their CrossFit Level 2 Certificate Course last weekend. Congrats, you two! We’re lucky to have some of the best coaches in the business.
5. On Wednesday, we told you about a new business called Fabric that Steven S. just launched. Check it out!
6. Behind the Desk returned this week, and we learned more about Karina S. You can look forward to more interviews with your favorite front deskers in the coming weeks!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Single-Arm DB Thrusters, Box Jumps
Boost Your Workouts with Caffeine, Even if You Drink Coffee Daily NY Times
When Spellers Became Athletes The Outline
Saturday's Programming
Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo BSQ (41×1):
Heavier than Week 3's 2 x 8.
Tempo FSQ (41×1):
1 x 6
Heavier than Week 3's 1 x 8.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
CrossFit Regionals Event #5
Team Relay Chipper:
50/35 Cal Row or 30/21 Cal Bike
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
10 Sandbag Cleans
Partner 1 starts on the row/bike… then partner 2 begins when partner 1 finishes the row/bike, then partner 3 and so forth. You can only progress to the next movement when the partner ahead of you finishes. Score is the total time for all three teammates to complete the chipper.
For the Burpee Box Jump Overs, the feet must touch the top of the box (i.e. no jumping over or crawling over). The Sandbag Cleans are over the shoulder. Hips and knees must reach full extension at the top of each rep. The Regionals Rx was 30"/150#, 24"/100#.
Post time, Rx, and partners to comments.
Yesterday: this day was a fun reality check. So many weaknesses addressed
A) box step ups: 3×8 @ 60#
I hate how hard this feels
B) 16 min AMRAP:
8 RDLs @ 185 (3s down/1s up)
12 ring rows (as hard as possible)
50M OH dumbbell walk @ 30#
Completed 4 Rds + 5 RDLs. This sucked too. Those tempo RDLs slayed me. Grip was a factor. Hook gripped all and broken up into 4/4 after first set then 4/2 by last. Ring rows elevated to a 12" box, almost parallel. These were just as bad as the RDLs! Broken up into 4s and 3s. OH walk was easy. But my forearms/hands were on fire.
120 cal row FT: 7:56 @ 135 avg HR
120 cal bike FT: 12:32 @ 140 avg HR
the row went fine. The bike went terribly. Guess it's a tough act to follow on the row. The bike made me emotional yesterday. It made me whimper out on the sidewalk a little bit. Was shooting for sub 10, but just couldn't get any power into that machine at the time.
7 AM squatting with Brett
BSQ 135, FSQ 115. Now that I know I don't have to brace and hold my breath the whole dang time, these are so much less awful! (Note my choice of words: "less awful," not "easier")
WOD with 24" box and 60# sandbag, 11:36 as a team (I finished at 6:19). I thought I was going to do the 80# sandbag, but I underestimated how much those box jump-overs were going to destroy my hip drive. I tried 80, but kept dropping it once it was as high as my armpits.
Getting on an airplane tonight is going to be SO MUCH FUN.
6am with Brett, Thursday's work
Definitely still feeling Murph for any type of squat. Went a little lighter to start on the Clean & Jerk complex, but by the 4th or 5th round I was feeling way less rusty. Ended up with 88#, with room to go higher next week 🙂 Thanks to Brett for all the tips and encouragement!
Thrusters went fine, but all 90 box jumps felt so. heavy. Was not light on my feet one bit, and felt very elephanty. But I finished! Sub 9 mins.
Tempo HBBS: 155 x 6 x 2
Tempo FSQ: 135 x 6
WOD with Joy and JB – much fun, didn't catch the time. 24" box and 100# bag. BBJs were slow and steady with the larger box. Happy that I had some practice with sandbag cleans from StrongFit so that I could go heavy.
Deadlifts: 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 305×2, 325×1, 335×1, 350×1
Heart rate just wouldn't go down after the WOD, so these felt much harder than I would have liked.
8am with Brett
BSQ 130 x 6 x 2
FSQ 120 x 6 x 2
WOD with 24" box jump and 100# sandbag. Teamed up with Melo and finished around 11:15 (Didn't really catch it at the time). 30 cal on the assault bike is a first for me. Totally felt it drag the last 10. Sandbag was pretty challenging to get the movement right.
After an incredible PT appointment earlier this week, I am starting to use my upper body again. HELL YES it feels so good to carry and hold and push and pull things a bit!
Yesterday, feeling things out…
About 4x through, for quality:
SA OH Carry (15#x200m each, 20#x125m each, 25#x60m each)
:30 chin up grip hang
:30 plank on dumbbells … tried some shoulder taps but not feeling confident on L
130m Farmer Carry, 16kg each hand
5-8 single arm Ring Row (lat/retract/pull), tempo: 31×3
Seated DB Press
4×10 @ 15# @ 22×2
A1. BSQ @ 41×1
(45×5, 95×4, 125×3) 145×3, 155×3, 165×3 … just working out the murph legs, didn't feel like pushing it up today
A2. Elevated Push up (barbell on #4)
5×6 @ 41×1 — way harder than I expected
3×10 each @ 30# @ 21×2
B. 4 rounds, increasing pace
10 v-ups
8each suitcase DL (24kg)
130m run
Rest 1:1 between rounds
1:37 / 1:30 / 1:25 / 1:17
Dropped into LA Fitness down here in Venice Beach
Tempo BSQ
Didn't remember last 8's
Tempo Bench
Incline DB Bench, Curls, Chins, and CABLE REVERSE FLYES
Making up for a bunch of missed posts:
Murph – 39:39 Rx'd with a 20# vest
~1:15 better than last year – happy with that progress, but it left me wrecked for the rest of the week
Weds WOD
Reverse Lunges – 155x8x3 – felt easier than the 6s did at the same weight a couple weeks ago
Metcon – 4rds + 15 / 5rds – took it reasonably easy on this one – pushed it a bit at the end of the second AMRAP
C&J Complex – 135×2, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225(f jerk), 165×3 – super low-energy still – happy to get 215 – shouldn't have even tried 225
Metcon – 7:18 – I hate box jumps
Thursday 6am:
C&J complex up to 123. Push jerk is the limiting factor here, and I've been lazy with overhead work lately.
Metcon: 5:48 w/ a 30 pound dumbell (apparently there was some confusion about what I wrote on the white board and people thought I used a 30" box!) Probably should have used 35#.
Saturday's work at 6am this morning:
Tempo BSq: 2×8 @ 140
Temp FSq: 1×8 @125
Finally getting the hang of these.
Metcon w/ Joy and Kayleigh and an 80# sandbag. No idea what our time was. These were a struggle. Provided some good entertainment to the class with my unsuccessful attempts to clean the 100# bag.
12pm with McDowell
Doing Thursday's work. Head wasn't in it today. 63, 63, 83, 83, 83, 103F, 93 (?), 93
Stopped doing the jerks cause my armpit thing still isn't cooperating. Muscle cleaned the 93, which was pretty amazing. The 1 inch of the floor hang was really messing with me. This is what I get for missing like the entire cycle.
WOD in 8:41 with the 25lb dumbell. Set myself up with a lower box and dumbell but didn't use them! Overpowered the weakness in my mind. Maybe should have gone a little heavier with the dumbell, but again, weak mind today.
I am not particularly competitive, but if you get a chance to say you beat Dan L. By :8 seconds in a workout, I say go for it!!!