Push Press
3 x 8
Heavier than Week 3.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
30 Minutes Not for Rounds:
20 Russian KBS
50′ Sled Push
20 Calorie Row
10 Burpees
Just move around today and don’t look for intensity if you did “Murph” yesterday. The Kettelbell Swings should be light to medium-heavy and unbroken. The Sled Push can be on the heavy side, but you should be able to complete it without stopping. Easy row, easy Burpees.
Post work to comments.
3… 2… 1… Go! Here’s yesterday’s 10am heat taking off at Murph Day. Thanks to everyone who participated, coached, grilled, worked the front desk, or helped out in anyway. How did “Murph” go for you? Let us know in the comments!
Today’s the Last Day to Sign Up for AG Strength!
Are you struggling with your Pull-Ups? Are you stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class. Class starts tomorrow, so act fast! There are still some spots left in the AM cycle.
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up.
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month. This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
“There are a lot of good specialty workout options here at CFSBK, and I am happy to say that AG Strength has earned its spot at the top with the best of them. For any good program to be effective, it needs two components: an excellent coach and coach-able participants. Coach Ro brings his meticulous approach and his dedication to the integrity of his craft. Its up to you to bring the latter. In this class, great emphasis is placed on the proper execution of movements. Suffice it to say. this class is not about building egos but rather overall strength. Rest assured, by the end of the cycle you are guaranteed to see results. I did! Apart from having loads of fun while working extremely hard (this may be paradoxical but it’s the truth), I have seen improvements in my Bench, Overhead Press, Chin-Up and Pull-Up (I couldn’t do a Pull-Up prior to this class). Love this class! Thanks, Coach Ro!”—Wendy S.
“AG Strength brought marked improvements to my upper body pull and push strength, and it was impressive how it translated into gymnastic gains/z. During AGS I got my first Handstand Push-Up, my first Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up, and went from doing a 15 lbs weighted strict Pull-Up to a 60 lbs one! It’s a great class to focus on targeted upper body strength, and Arturo’s programming helps you see constant week-after-week improvements.”—Daniel R.
News and Notes
- We raised over $3,000 (including $5 from each t-shirt we sold) for K9s for Warriors this year. Thanks to everyone who donated to provide service dogs for veterans! You can still contribute here.
- In case you missed it, Coach KHarpz has begun writing a fascinating series for Beyond the Whiteboard on her progress toward qualifying for the 2018 East Regional! Check out the first installment!
- Rachel H. is planning to go to the Power Monkey Fitness Camp in October and would like to assemble a group of CFSBKers to go with her. Groups of 5 or more people get a sweet discount, and she needs just 2 more people! The camp takes place October 1st through 7th in Crossville, TN. Contact Rachel at rthsiung [at] gmail.com if you’re interested!
My Relationship with Pain Training Think Tank
Jupiter Is Even Weirder Than We Thought Atlas Obscura
Wednesday's Programming
Back Rack Reverse Lunges
3 x 8e
Heavier than Week 3's 8s. Perform 8 reps on one leg, then perform 8 reps on the other.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
2 Rounds
AMRAP 6 Minutes:
6 Toes-to-Bars
9 Overhead Squats 115/75
15 Double-Unders
Rest 6 minutes between rounds.
The goal is to score the same and feel the same on each round. Scale the T2Bs to HLRs/HKRs as needed. You should be able to do at least a few sets unbroken. The OHS weight should be on the medium side for you, unbroken, and something you could snatch into the first rep. Scale Dubs to Singles as needed, or to 5 attempts to keep yourself moving.
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Weekend Post:
Had to redo a workout with film, it totally sucked the first time around so it was a mental one for me to repeat twice in 10 days:
5 rds:
1 power snatch (AHAP)
10 burpee box jump overs (30" box)
Sets completed at 1:01, 1:10, 2:21, 1:06, 1:07, @ 125#/130/130/130/135 respectively.
I was completely in my head during that third round, missed my second OHS, and then had trouble getting it back over my head. Mostly because I was telling myself that I was tired, everything sucked, and I couldn't do it. Don't really know why I was being negative, but I managed to pull it together by round 4, hit the power snatch and OHS easy, then went up 5 lbs for round 5 and it was totally fine! Crazy how drastic head games can affect your performance.
Cardio: target HR 155-160
10 min assault bike- 88 cals
10 min row- 130 cals
10 min run- 1700M
100 double unders
Had trouble getting my heart rate up on the bike and row again. I think my legs were totally smoked from my hour long extravaganza the other day. Tried putting the damper down to 1 on the ERG to take away from the resistance in my lowers, went as hard as i could, and was still only at 130bpm. Should be an interesting process to figure this out. calves and hammies were SHOT for the doubles. took around 2:25! wowzas
MURPH @ Island Park:
Completed in 44:55 w/ a 15# vest. This is my second time doing Murph. I was nervous about how this would feel, so I overpaced it a bit. Did middle portion as follows:
20 rds:
5 pushups (broken up into 3/2 from very beginning)
5 pullups
5 pushups (3/2 or 2/2/1 from very beginning, depending on how my lil armies were feeling)
15 skwats
If I wasn't so disoriented, I think I could have found a decent rhythm here, but by the time i got in from the run, I had no idea where to do pull-ups and pushups in the space, ended up starting on one side of the gym and then finishing on the other. And had no clue where the mile marker was so I had trouble pacing the run. But besides that, Im very happy with my overall time! (I think 2 years ago I got 45:55 w/ no vest, so yay!)
I missed my CFSBK family!!! Had some serious FOMO. I was watching the videos through the Instagrams. Congrats to all that PRed, looking forward to the next event so I can be there to support. wooHOO!
Murph is always one of the best days at the gym, and yesterday did not disappoint. It was great doing it again this year with the CFSBK #6amfamily. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a wonderful day, and especially to Michele and Tom for working the grill and keeping everyone fed and happy.
I totally had CrossFit guilt coming in today. Not gonna lie, I had signed up for 8:30 AM Murph at the last minute (since my original plans to hike the day away were scuttled by rain), and I woke up sore AF from all those 225# deadlifts from Sunday. I was, like, "noooooo," pulled the covers over my head, and went back to sleep. *blushing furiously* At least I wasn't the only one at 7 AM who hadn't done it, although I had the least excuse for sure.
Did Wednesday's work w/Jess. I almost decided to do the Tuesday WOD out of FOMO because I was the only person who spoke up for Wednesday at first. Fortunately, my squat buddy Dan G decided to join me. I have to travel for work tomorrow and I didn't want to miss out on lunge day, so thanks Dan!
Lunges at 100. I definitely started the cycle too light, as this is 15# more than I did at week 3 and it wasn't bad at all.
WOD with 3 T2B instead of 6 per round. 4 rounds + 2 T2B in the first set, then 4 rounds + T2B + 2 OHS in the second set. My better performance in the second set is mostly due to me screwing up the DUs a little less once I got acclimated to my new jump rope.
Dear Ro,
If you ever decide to do a 6:30 AM AG Strength, I'm so in.
I second the request for a 6 am or 6:30 a.m. AG Strength.
Amazing day yesterday!!! I had so much fun. Thank you to everyone who participated, worked the event and donated to K9s for Warriors
WTD Vest Murph
59:29 as Rx'd
Had a rough time with the workout yesterday, but I think there was some subjective elements since everyone in my heat was running out for the second mile when I had like NINE rounds left. That being said, It's actually a weighted vest PR for me so it;s all good in the hood.
I really struggled on the push-ups, in part because I'm not great at high volume push-ups and I was sore from the prior two days of parking lot workouts in PA. Glad I gutted it out. Oh that and I was so HOT from that dang vest.
Post Murph we played 5 games of Spikeball and then I basically had to spend two hours laying on the floor of my apartment before I was back to normalish.
Bummed to have missed Murph yesterday. Planning to make it up soon (but not today) if anyone wants to get in on a little make-up with me and Michael A.
Wednesday's work at 6am w/ McD
Reverse lunges @ 110.
Metcon: 6 rds/6+1 rds rx
Stayed calm and steady on my first round. Was able to push myself to a faster pace in the second round, but got a little too excited on my last snatch and failed. Good workout for focusing on consistency.
"Murph" Recovery
40 min @Z1 effort
800m jog
10 wall walks
130m farmers carry
Murph!!! First, a big thank you to all of the coaches and volunteers. Always a fun day and I appreciate the opportunity it offers me to pause and reflect on the sacrifices that so many have made for our country.
I had a huge arsenal of excuses at the ready coming in the gym: (1) it was my first day back after a week off nursing a pretty bad cold, (2) right shoulder has been bothering me after a little mishap on the rings, (3) I have a touch of plantar fasciitis. TMI? Probably, but in the end I didn't really need to draw upon any of them. Finished in 53 something. The middle portion actually went very smoothly. I was able to keep moving consistently throughout and avoided staring at the floor praying to the push-up gods (thank you AG!!). I highly recommend the 5-5-15-5 rep scheme. I could have gone faster but I had to stop to catch my breath and blow my nose numerous times (alright – one excuse (and again TMI)). Second run was hard because I was having trouble breathing through 1/2 a nostril.
Overall, happy with the effort. I was going to stop after round ten if I wasn't feeling well but once I got there I decided to push on through and I am glad that I did.
Sometime in the future I would like to try it with a vest – it would probably mean breezing through the one hour mark though.
Congrats to all of the participants.
That's an excellent idea! Let's see if we can get it going! Anybody interested in a 6:30am AG Strength cycle please email me or post here. I'm trying to figure out another time slot. arturo(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Thank you!
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the great job that all of the Crossfit Kids did yesterday. Those guys GO FOR IT. Their workout was no joke:
800m run
10 rounds
5 jumping pull ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
800m run
Niko was pretty wasted afterwards but made a miraculous recovery a few hours later and went rock climbing for 2 hours. I chose to nap instead. Leaderboard members: enjoy it while you can. The next gen is coming up fast.
who supplied that amazing meat yesterday, you might well ask? only our CSA partner, Herondale Farm! if grass-fed and pastured protein is your jam, join the CSA! they have many options – from 10 pounds a month all the way up to 20/month – and a chicken-only program that runs June-November. they also run the egg CSA for monthly delivery of the most amazing pastured eggs you've ever tried.
if you have questions about the CSA, feel free to hit me up at mignycat gmail dot com.
impromptu Murph-ish situation yesterday:
1 mile run
200 sit ups
300 air squats
1 mile run
with 14# vest
time: 36:40 (done as 20 rounds of 10 sit up, 15 sqts)
can't wait til my wrist is healed, my shoulder is feeling 100%, and i've been training upper body again enough to hit it for real with the vest!
great day in the gym with everyone, as always!
today, recovery movement:
30 min
1:00 single unders (fwd butt kicks, backward, side side)
100' each side shuffles
50' lunge variations (fwd, backward, cossack, etc.
10ea single leg RDL or hip airplane, bodyweight
10ea banded steps side-side and front-back
10ea side plank twists or raises
think I did 5-6 rounds, then…
10ea eccentric ankle dorsiflexion
2x 10ea towel scrunches and push outs
~2:00 ea brettzel with contract/relax
~5:00 active rest with breath work
felt like a million $ after this!!!!!
Ro – I would be very interested in a 6am (would settle for 6:30am) AG Strength class in about 4 months or so..
I would also be interested in an early morning AG Strength class! 6 AM would be my preference, but I could probably swing 6:30 AM.
I'd definitely be interested in an early morning AG Strength class. Glad there's so much interest!
First Murph is in the books! I'm sad I wasn't able to do it at cfsbk, it sounds like everyone had a blast.Thankfully the crew at CrossFit Durham was out in full force – I think there ended up being about 80 of us spread across two heats.
Murph (no vest) in 45:50. Ended up doing some weird math — 33 rounds of 3 pullups, 6 pushups, 9 air squats, followed by a final round of 1-2-3. In retrospect, probably could have upped the rep scheme to something closer to Cindy. On the bright side, things moved super steady throughout, which felt really good considering how much this workout intimidated me.
The giant burrito afterward wasn't half bad either
First Murph!!!
43:13 (Let's say 43ish cause I'm not positive)
1mi run
100 ring rows
200 sit ups
300 squats
1mi run
Was so tempted to try for half volume on push ups but really glad I held back on those completely. Hope to have plenty more opportunities to build up to a full Murph in the future! I wish I had pushed my overall pace harder, but 10am was a packed heat, lots of being patient for space, etc.
So many good feels on the day as a whole–watching Kirby & others knock out full volume on all those pull ups & push ups, sharing all the food & booze, hanging with all the dogs & babies, and being grateful for all the generous folks who made the day happen! CFSBK!!!
5:30 group class today w/Whit was everythingggggggg I didn't know I needed.
Push press: 75# x 8 x 3, just challenging enough
30min NFR, easy pace, got through full 5 rounds. V sweaty (so much booze & carbs yesterday) but feeling amazing now.
Oh Murph…I'm not sure what happened during this workout…very frustrating…However, I did PR by 3 minutes at wasted a lot of time in transition here….But I;ve never done that volume truly RX before with all the pushups and butterfly pull-ups so I was happy about that. So cool to be introduced to an NYC murph at this volume…I couldn't believe how many ppl showed up…it was AWESOME!
For time
Calorie Row
Deadlifts #145
except I forgot to look at my time. Just needed to move today and that certainly did it!
Did Short Circuit too
Brett certainly knows how to make a Tabata the most evil workout ever….even if he is playing good tabata songs!
I tweaked my shoulder yesterday during murph and when I go to raise my right arm directly above my head…there is a decent pinch and discomfort. Does anyone have some rehabbing tips for an irritated shoulder like that? Taking it easy this week on over the head movements until this resolve…hopefully by Friday!
Felt heavier than expected.
NFT: Completed 5 rounds
Russian swings @20kg
Sled pushes with 25#, then with 90# for 4 rounds
burpees…ASAP (as slow as possible)
Tired but glad I came in and moved because I'm unable to make it in tomorrow.
Came back for a little AG fun. I scaled up since I didn't do Murph, by trading wall walks for (very AbMatted) HSPUs. I really need more practice being upside down so this super-relaxed class was exactly what I needed to do that.
Chickened out on murph, but next year for sure! Congrats to everyone who did it!
7:30 class today, push presses with Jenny and Liz. Managed to do 63lbs which was more than I thought I'd do! Really enjoyed the sled push, never did that before! Fun stuff. Lauren gave me some good advice to get low, makes things a lot easier. Wod felt pretty great until my last set of burpees, at which point I got super dizzy, womp womp.
Yes, thanks for an amazing Murph. It's easy to take CFSBK for granted when you get used to it. Yesterday was an example of how exceptional this gym and community is. Thanks everyone!!
Was supposed to go to Wisconsin tonight for a funeral, but the plane was delayed– ended up getting a more direct red eye flight tomorrow! That means I got to work out tonight!!!
First night of AG strength:
Max effort handstand holds: 1:16, 1:06, 1:06
Kneeling single arm KB oh tempo presses: blue KB 12×3
Single arm bent over rows: 8kg kb 12×3
Barbell curls 33 8×3
Plank triceps extensions 7.5 10×3
Lateral ball something's and some crazy plank walking thing for some ab burn!
Got to have a private session with KHarpz! I can totally see the allure of having a 1:1 coach… man, if only I could win the lottery.
Lunges: 100 8×3
Wod: 3 rounds +10 reps/ 3rounds +9 reps RX
Had so much advice from KHarpz about the mental game. 75# is heavy for me for 9 OHS unbroken. Katie referenced her workout above where she had that crazy mental challenge and her time significantly worsened. When I went into the squats with belief in myself I was sooo much stronger. Tried to push through to get 4 rounds in round 2… but I just dropped off and didn't do it. So amazing to have that personal coaching though— thanks Katie! It was awesome!!