Push Press
3 x 8
Go heavier than last week. Perform each rep as it’s own event, focusing on moving from a solid rack to a stable overhead position. Hold each rep overhead for a 2 count before recovering.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
200m Row
7 Overhead Squats 95/65
7 Handstand Push-Ups
The barbell should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale the Handstand Push-Ups to Box Piked HSPUs or 3 Wall Walks as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Eat, Pray, Gainz: Easy Turkey and Green Salsa with Black Beans Skillet
By Christian Fox
Healthy, delicious meals don’t have to be at all complicated… and here’s some proof! It really couldn’t be much simpler. Make it your own depending on what you like and/or what you have on hand in your kitchen.
The recipe below makes 4 servings, each at about 375 calories with 42 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat, and 23 grams of carbohydrate.
- 1lb lean ground turkey (we used Plainville brand 93% lean)
- 1 15.5oz can black beans, drained and rinsed (we used Fairway brand)
- 1 16oz jar salsa verde (we used Mrs. Refreño’s Green Salsa w/Jalapenõs)
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- Drain and rinse black beans
- Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and brown the turkey over medium high until cooked through.
- While the turkey is browning, drain and rinse the black beans.
- Once the turkey is cooked through (you shouldn’t see any pink in there) add the beans and the salsa.
- Cook a few minutes more until the beans and salsa are warmed through.
That’s it!
- Change the ingredients to your taste, or use what you have on hand!
- Any lean ground meat will work, as will crumbled tempeh, Boca Burger, or extra firm tofu (pulse the veggie options in a food processor for a few turns to crumble).
- Any beans you like or have on hand will work. Make sure to drain and rinse ‘em.
- Use your salsa of choice!
- The pic above shows the dish served with a few toasted corn tortillas (for added carbs), a dollop of nonfat yogurt, shredded lettuce and Oaxaca cheese, and some sliced pickled jalapeños. A few pickled red onions would have been nice, too…
- Serve over cooked pasta or rice for extra carbs!
- Garnish with sliced avocado for extra fat!
Here’s How CrossFit Games Athlete Sam Dancer Warms Up BarBend
Nike’s Quest to Beat the Two Hour Marathon Comes Up Short Wired
Losing weight is actually easy if you get the right support or guide , i was searching online and came upon this website and found out that many had success in losing weight, i am also seeing wonderful results, here is that site, hope it will help those who really want to lose weight ,
Yes!!! More recipes on the blog and less shots of David in deep reflection on a Sunday morning ๐
Fox that looks delicious!
I've been traveling and was sad to miss Squat Saturday. Rode dirt bikes this weekend which helped me discover some interesting new leg muscles and dropped in today at CF Pallas in Ithaca. This was only the 4th affiliate I've been to so my frame of reference is somewhat limited, but I thought it was a well-run gym with a friendly, welcoming, and diverse group of members. Big, bright space – though it made me appreciate the incredible equipment and facilities we have at CFSBK.
Wall ball and then DB squat cleans
Kipping drills
Partner MetCon – 20min AMRAP
7 DB hang squat cleans @ 25# (Rx was 50/35)
10 ring rows (Rx was CTB)
13 box jump overs @ 20" (24" for the guys)
Each partner completes a full set of each movement before moving on to the next (so one full round = 14 cleans / 20 RR / 26 box jump overs).
7 rounds + 5 reps
This was fun!
Push Press: 105 x 8 x 3.
This got tough.
WOD: Scaled to 4 HSPU to 1 ambat. Between the push presses and deadlifts yesterday, my body was not up to full volume – had at least 3 fails along the way today. Finished around 14:30.
4 Rounds of relaxed accessory work after:
4 strict pull ups
6 pistols (3 per side)
7 AM push pressin'
97.5 for the 8s. I'm glad I went up only 2.5# instead of 5# from last week. These were tough but I didn't jerk at all, which is good.
11:41 on the WOD with piked HSPU on a 24" box. I really need to start working abmat-heavy HSPU into warmups because for-time WODs are not a great place to practice, and yet if I don't practice I am never going to be able to get over my pathological fear of traveling downward while upside down.
6am with Ro and McD
Push presses at 100#. Good weight, heavy enough.
Metcon: Scaled to front squats at 75# and piked box.
Good workout. So stoked to be in class this morning.
No push press for me, but I did mention a fundraiser at this morning's Short Circuit class in response to the question of the day "What are you looking forward to?"
On May 10th, this Wednesday, Brooklyn Community Housing and Services http://www.bchands.org/ โ an organization I volunteer with – is holding a fundraising party right here in our Gowanus neighborhood. It will be held at the at 501 Union, not the Green Building, across the street. Here's the link for the event.
BCHS provides supportive housing to 900 men, women and children as well as a comprehensive program of services providing safe and clean housing, helping our residents live independently and productively.
At the gala, there will be a silent auction (one item is a CF punchcard!), art show, and music by Slavic Soul Party with special guest emcee Laura Trevelyan, a BBC World News Anchor. Feel free to email me directly at rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com for more information.
Thank you
Richard G.
7 am with McDowell and Ro
75# 3×8. These were great at getting heavy enough after the fist one or two that I had to really think about driving and holding my ribs down and head throughing. The last two of set two and three required long pauses!
WOD – not sure – sub 13. My HSPUs left me after the 2nd round. Total Irish exit. Went to 4 then crashed after 2 then just grapped a 3rd ab mat for the last two sets (of 5) just to go through the (not much of a range) of motion. Geeze. The OHSs felt great though at 52#. And rows stayed at 30s/m throughout.
Hey SBK!
Does anyone have one of those carpel tunnel wrist immobilizer braces for LEFT side?? Or any sort of wrist wrap/brace that has the thumb section included?
holler at me: whitney(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Thank you!
My reflections will never end.
6:30pm Group Class
Push Press
11:56 as Rx'd
Rows around 2:00 splits
OHS Unbroken
HSPU (7)(4-3)(3-2-2)(2-2-2-1)(2-1-1-1-1-1)
I'll add my own recipe to the mix:
My reflections will never end.
6:30pm Group Class
Push Press
11:56 as Rx'd
Rows around 2:00 splits
OHS Unbroken
HSPU (7)(4-3)(3-2-2)(2-2-2-1)(2-1-1-1-1-1)
I'll add my own recipe to the mix:
David – photos please? Of the recipes, not the shower…
Coaching on point tonight – got great help with both my OHS and PP and my wrists are now pain free. As always, humbled and impressed by the talent and knowledge of the folks up front.
PP – 125, missed on the last rep
Ended up having to scale the OHS to 75 halfway through my 3d set, and switch from HSPU to pushups because I bit off more than I could chew again. Need to work on that "what I can do now" vs. "what I used to do" thing. Keeping the focus on the fact that I fixed my form on two lifts today, and that's a huge win.
4:30 class!!
Push Press
#105 across the board…I never really know..should I be going heavier? Pushing myself or am I too complacent with there I am. it's hard to judge sometime but I can def. feel myself getting more efficient in this OH movement!
8:36 RX.
That was a good one!
paralette pass throughs…..OUCH!
Sm Clean complex
10 sets
2 pwr clean + 2 F.S #135
GOT some new workouts from RO to help get this damn ring muscle-up. Now I'm pumped and have some new goals!!
Push Press: 83# 8×3
WOD: 14:01, only did 4 HSPUs each round and had to do them as singles (!?), but overall I felt really good throughout. MAN, SARAH! You're so fast, it's just amazing. If I were less confident in your abilities, I'd challenge you to race to a ring muscleup!!!
Also, shoutout to DO who writes about virtuosity in all movements… and also practices what he preaches. I was watching his glorious OH Squats while rolling out. Perfect form—it was a great reminder that faster/heavier & shittier movement is never worth it.
Cash out: Was too hangry for the grocery store, so I made a hack-hack-hack version of Fox's turkey salsa skillet with cholula and chilli powder as my salsa as soon as I got home. Also, no beans :*( But very good! Can't wait to try the *real* version ๐
PP @80#
Felt great
WOD in 12:03 (or :04?) with 4 HSPUs to 2 ab mats.
Should've pushed harder on the rows. Didn't realize this until the third round.
Didn't snatch the bar into the OHS position bc I opted for a narrower grip because my wrists are sore from yesterday. I practiced snatching with the narrower grip before the WOD and it was a disaster. This slowed me down a bit but was worth it bc my wrists didn't feel strained.
HSPUs unbroken the first two rounds, then 3+F+1, then 2-2. Probably shouldn't have done these bc they made my neck sore. I spent too much at the bottom trying to organize the kip hence the neck problems.
On Tuesday
Push Press
A little conservative. Shoulders never quite felt open today.
WOD in 11:03
Rows got faster each round so probably should have pushed a little harder on them early on. OHS and HSPU (strict) unbroken which was hard on rounds 4 and 5