Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (41×1):
2 x 10
Tempo Front Squat (41×1):
1 x 10
Go heavier than last week, or find a good starting weight. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses. Be true to the tempo work. This may mean eating some humble pie, starting with light weights, and trusting that it doesn’t have to be “heavy” to be effective.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10 Burpees
15 Power Cleans 115/75
30 Double-Unders
The barbell should be on the light side. Scale the Doubles to 60 Singles or 15 attempts as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Check out CFSBK front desker Greg C. in the trailer for VelociPastor! Warning: may contain images of Greg turning into a dinosaur…
Fit 55+: Staying Strong, Mobile, and Able
What is Fit 55+?
Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes: “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Fit 55+ will help you:
- Build muscular strength and joint integrity
- Increase and maintain bone density
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve pulmonary function
- Improve balance, coordination, and mobility
- Reduce your risk of falling (and be more resilient in case you do)
- Maintain independence and improve quality of life
Who is this class for?
Any older adult who wants to exercise in a fun, safe, and inclusive manner. Whether you’re a total newcomer to resistance training or more of a veteran, our classes will challenge you to become better.
What does a class look like?
A typical class will start with a series of light warm up movements to get your heart and joints ready for exercise.
From there we’ll move onto the strength training portion of class, using a variety of tools to help you develop strength. You’ll use both weight training and bodyweight exercises of the upper and lower body to develop and maintain muscular strength and joint integrity.
After the strength training portion of class we’ll move on to the conditioning portion. Here the goal is to get a bit sweaty and elevate your heart rate for a while to improve heart function and lung capacity. To this task we’ll use a variety of equipment and modes like: rowing machines, exercise bicycles, sled pushes, sandbag training, and bodyweight exercises, in addition to many others. The variety keeps it engaging and more fun (we think) than just walking on a treadmill for an hour.
Finally, we’ll end with a few cool down stretches to relax your heart rate and your mind before you head out of the gym.
When do Fit 55+ classes meet?
Mondays and Thursdays at 11am. Starting Monday, May 15th, we’re please to announce that we’ll be tweaking the schedule a bit and adding a third Fit 55+ class. The week of the 15th, Fit 55+ will start meeting Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11am!
Drop-In: $25
5-Class Card: $100
Monthly Unlimited (2x per week): $125
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Important: There’s an Instagram of People Snatching Snack Food BarBend
The Amazing Names of the 2017 Kentucky Derby Horses, Ranked The Week
No comments today? Whatevs I'll be a nerd and go for it!
12 o'clock group today
Loved pizza tag warm up ๐
Backsquat at 85 lbs, front squat at 65. Really thought I would have gone heavier but yeah these are no joke. Hardest part definitely was not getting light headed while holding my breath on the way down and also taking my time on the way down. Funny how 4 seconds often became 3, despite best intentions.
Got up to 3 rounds plus 15 power cleans, but with lots of scaling. For the burpees I did the plank version, for the power cleans I kept it light at 35lbs, maybe could have pushed it more there, but it still was a challenge to keep good form. Rather than do my normal singleunders I decided to scale the volume and try for 10 double unders attempts. I'm close but not there yet. Whit gave me some good advice to not jump down so heavily on each attempt and instead focus on whipping the rope as quickly as possible and jumping as I normally would. I'm thinking I got to buy my own rope and practice each day a bit if I'm ever going to get there!
Yesterday @ noon w/McDowell doing today's work:
Tempo BSQ: 155x10x2. A hair too light.
Tempo FSQ: 135x10x1. That's about right here.
Metcon: 4 rds + 11 reps, scaling to 1/2 d/u attempts/makes. Getting to the point where I can hit a set of 4-5 doubles in a row before getting so excited about my success that I whip myself in the legs with the rope. Gotta stay calm!
Today @ 8 am (also w/McDowell) for Strong Fit. Highlights included:
-Some humbling Cuban Presses and sandbag carries!
-Walking 50' with 470# on the yoke!
-Walking 50' with two 180# handles for a farmer's walk!
-Tossing a sandbag over my shoulder a bunch of times and getting better at the pickup!
It's great fun. Highly recommended.
Took short circuit this morning. Felt good to sweat!
Came back for OG:
Tempo back squats: 95x10x2. Used a timer to keep me really honest on the 4 second descent and 1 second pause. This felt a little light.
Tempo front squat: 86x10x1. Time under tension in the front rack…yuck!
Wod rx: 5 rounds + 27 reps. Took a few breaks and should have powered through to finish 6 rounds even. This seems like a fun one to re-test.
lolmygod Greg.
1pm class
Tempo back squat at 85lbs
Tempo front squat at 70lbs
Had a massive sugar hangover from last night so was already lightheaded, got even more lightheaded trying to find a good breath pattern for these squats. Me and KLove took too long, hard not having a break.
WOD: 4 rounds + 5 Power Cleans
Had to scale burpees to step in and out squat thrusters, sad. But I want to be able to do handstands again at some point in the future. Light bar at 53lbs. Got 24 DU's in a row! I don't remember if that's a record. Whit gave me some good tips afterwards, trying to keep in mind the sequential firing of joints and not shrugging too soon, wait till my hips extend. And then a nice auditory cue of the feet hitting the floor the same time the elbows come up.
It's free 90's dance night at the Bell House tonight! Come dance and watch my face as my insurance expires at midnight ๐
Posting late from 10 AM…
125 on back squat, 100 on front. I think I could have gone a little heavier on FSQ but overall this was pretty rough.
WOD 4 rounds + 43 reps Rx. I took my sweet-ass time on this one, not gonna lie.
10am with JB
Back: 120, Front: 100. Up five from last week. Heavy enough.
Metcon: 15 DU shy of 4 rounds at 85#. This was tough. A fun one.
Squatz with Karina.
85 BS
We def stuck to the tempo for the BS, but had to rush a bit on the FSQTS because we took breaks in between sets. Karina, I don't think our breaks were that long though! Felt these in my lower back.
WOD: 4+ 17 Rx'd
All cleans were 6-5-4
Double unders were ok the first three rounds, then the last set took me nearly 2 minutes!! ๐
Deadlift: All reps from a dead stop
135×5, 165×3, 195×1, 205×3
3×3 HSPU negatives with one ab mat. No pain!!
Ring MUs kip practice. Practiced swinging and pulling my hips to the rings.