Zachary Z. enjoying a spring run | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We’re hosting the Starting Strength Seminar at 608 Degraw this weekend and will be running on a slightly modified scheduled. See below for details!
2. In the return of our Better Know a Member series, we got to know Tori P. a little better. See Monday’s post to find out how this professional dancer trains at CFSBK to get better at her job!
3. What’s in or out of your control as a CrossFit athlete? How can a flexible mindset help you overcome challenges and simply have more fun at the gym? Coach Whit brought the fire this week with “Focus on the Process: How an Evolution in Mindset Changed the Way I Compete.”
4. This week we shared a fourth and final installment of member Susan Pittard’s photo series “Strong Is a Woman.” Check out Wednesday’s post. Thanks again to Susan for letting us share these amazing photos!
5. Last week we reported on Rob U. and Dan C.’s awesome work at the 2017 Starting Strength Challenge at CrossFit Gantry. The nation-wide results are in (see page 12), and we’re thrilled to annouce that Dan C. placed 1st in the nation in the Men’s Masters division! Congrats, Dan!
Weekend Schedule
With the Starting Strength Seminar happening in 608 from Friday through Sunday, 608 will not be available during Open Gym hours on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. All classes will take place in 597 this weekend, which means that we can’t accomodate OGers outside the regular 2 to 4pm hours on Saturday and 6 to 8pm on Sunday. Here’s the full schedule:
Saturday, April 22nd
8am CrossFit group class
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit group class
11am CrossFit group class
12pm CrossFit group class
1pm CrossFit group class
2-4pm Open Gym (597 only)
10am Yoga for Athletes
11am Active Recovery
8am Strong Fit
9am CrossFit group class
AG Strength
Sunday, April 23rd
8am CrossFit group class
9am CrossFit group class
10am CrossFit group class
11am CrossFit group class
12pm CrossFit group class
1pm CrossFit group class
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6-8pm Open Gym (597 only)
9:30am – 11am Starting Strength
11am Active Recovery
10am CrossFit Preschool
11am CrossFit Kids
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Nancy
Putting Retirement on Hold CrossFit
Sharing Workout Results with Your Friends Pushes You to Exercise Even Harder NY Mag
Saturday's Programming
Take 10 minutes to warm up to a heavy single clean.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
For Time:
Burpees Over the Bar
Front Squats 185/125
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The Burpees are lateral to the bar. The Front Squats come off the floor and should be heavy for you. The first rep of any set can be a full Clean. Scale the C2B to chin over bar, bands, or Ring Rows as needed. Partners may break up the sets however desired. For example, partner A does 6 BOBs followed by partner B doing 6 BOBs to complete the first round of 12. Then Partner A does 7 FSQs followed by partner B doing 5 FSQs to complete the round, so on and so on.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
6am with Brett
Still super sore from Tuesday and Wednesday, so came in not expecting much.
Worked up to 155 on the power snatch/OHS to warm up
Nancy in 12:32 – 0:18 PR! – stayed pretty consistent on my rounds. Super happy with that result.
Are there no afternoon classes today (Friday)?
@Michael A – Regular Friday schedule today. Noon is last class then OG from 5:30-8pm.
10am class
PSN + OHS worked up to an easy 165 then finished Nancy in 17:58. Nancy is one of my least favorite Girls and the last 2 times I did it I DNF'd so happy so finish, albeit slowly. OHS all unbroken.
7am doing Saturday w/ Brett. Almost didn't come in this morning, but I'm so glad I did…this was a fun one!
Worked up to 100# on the clean which I think is a 2# PR.
Partner WOD w/ Brad in 19:02. Glad I pushed the weight a little (was going to do 83# and decided to do 93# at the last second). Kipping pull-ups felt pretty great this morning…I feel like I redeemed myself after being a total mess on Wednesday.
Off to Cancun tomorrow for a few days on the beach!
10AM with McBrett
Did a rowing/front squat version of 'Nancy' @95lbs. Finished in 14:34.
6am doing Saturday w/ McD
Worked up to 225 on the clean.
Partner WOD w/ Roy in 18:57 Rx'd. We mostly did 6s the whole way, but in the 18 rounds I did more squats and he did more pullups. Tried to keep up the pace on burpees. Could have been faster if we switched some of the shorter sets at the end.
Workout felt good, but I'm confident my legs won't work tomorrow.
9AM: short circuit strength portion (lat pull downs, scaption raise, tempo erg pull-ins, and some one leg hip hinge stability). then realized it was dumb to do the workout before 10am class so just alpha-balled the heck out of my R shoulder girdle — SO NEEDED. hidden treasures in there.
10am group class doing Saturday with McD
Worked up to 165# clean, which I actually think is a PR match!?
85×3, 105×2, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165
Felt good to just move and get to heavy weight quickly without thinking about it. Also in metcons. Hanging out at the top a little too long at 160 and 165, which is my tendency. Definitely feel like I could've kept going up though — and I haven't felt that way on a full clean in a VERY LONG TIME. f*ck yeah.
Partner WOD… For Time:
Burpees Over the Bar
Front Squats 185/125
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
13:16 RX'd
Partnered with Courtney (she was doing 105# on FSQ)
Was thinking the FSQ weight would really crush me, but doing this with a partner in manageable sets was actually awesome! We kept moving and stayed right on it. Broke everything evenly.
-traded unbroken 6's in the first round
-in the 18's we did everything 5-4
-in the 24's we traded 3 sets of 4 reps back and forth on everything
-same in 18's on the way back down
-last round: BOB in quick 3's, FSQ she did 3-3 I did 4-2. CTB unbroken 6's to finish.
cool down: 400m run, 3min each side couch stretch with movement, 1min each side calf stretch
10AM with Brett.
Worked up to 95# on the Power Snatch OHS complex- right around my PR.
Nancy @75# in 17:34.
Compared to 6/12/16- 42# in 14:51.
Very happy with that improvement.
7a doing Saturday's work with Brett
Worked up to 128 on the clean.
WOD in 14:50 working with Megan, front squats at 100#. We did the whole workout in rounds of 6. Lots of transitions, but steady throughout. This one was fun!
Make-up from Thursday
'Nancy' in 18:38 with 75# on the bar. First time doing this workout, pretty humbling experience. Did the first three sets of overhead squats unbroken, then 10-5, 10-5. Wrists were really feeling it on this one. Rain made the runs a little soggy, but it was a nice way to cool down!
Cleans: Worked up to 153#.
WOD: 17something with Rob. I did it Rx-ish, adding the "ish" because I forgot it was C2B in the first round, started in the second. Broke up the FQ as 6-6, 6-6-3-3, 6-6-6-6, and same the way down, which was manageable as a partner workout.