Susan Pittard: Strong Is A Woman
Today we’re thrilled to bring you another installment of CFSBKer Susan P.’s Strong Is A Woman photos. Susan has been running this series for the past couple of months. With her permisson, we’ve been reposting some of her photos. Here’s what Susan herself had to say about the series:
“The motivation behind my ‘Strong is a Woman’ portrait series was and is the amazing women and men at CFSBK. I knew I wanted to shoot a portrait series after being on a ‘break’ of sorts, having my son. I ultimately decided to focus on the women at CFSBK because being a woman, I am impressed by the women I workout next to and I am especially taken by the pregnant women who fly by me in WODs. I also thought about the diversity of this great community. My goal was/is to show that strength can come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and ages. In gathering quotes from my subjects, I have learned that strength breaks boundaries for most people. Being strong is not only physical but it permeates into one’s mental state and creates a wonderful sense of empowerment and well-being for anyone who seeks it. I feel like I have only scratched the surface with this project and I will be excited to shoot more women, hopefully soon. Thank you to ALL the STRONG women who participated and to CFSBK for providing this amazing community that inspires me daily.”
Check out Susan’s Instagram and website. Go here and here for our previous posts. And stay tuned to the blog for more from this series!
“I teach 10-14 year olds music and drama at a middle school in East New York. I love to show videos or pictures to my students of me doing challenging physical feats, like Olympic Lifting and gymnastics. As a petite female music teacher, they never expect the strength I have. Becoming strong has not only inspired me to believe more in my own potential, but also to empower my students that anything is possible. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, where you come from, or the expectations people have for you—if you want something, and are willing to go after it, it’s yours for the taking.” —Allie B.
“Being strong means being the best possible version of myself, not just in the mirror but in every aspect of life: for my family, and for every challenge and opportunity life presents. It constantly expands the borders of what I believe is possible.” —Ellie M. at 8 weeks and 38 weeks pregnant
How have your perceptions of strength changed? “My perceptions of strength have changed dramatically. Where I once believed big and bulky wasn’t attractive or that long and lean was a mere genetic anomaly, I now appreciate and admire the work and sacrifice it takes to have those physiques. Also, as I’ve gotten older, my perceptions of emotional and spiritual strength have changed. Where I once believed strength was defined by making it a point to have the last word, I now see how much more strength it takes to say, ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I love you,’ or by saying nothing at all.” —Val K.
News and Notes
- Schedule Change: Tonight’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- Our latest lost and found haul, including a bounty of water bottles, is up on our Flickr account. Please claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Overhead Complex | Kettlebell Swings, Muscle-Ups
Pro Cycling’s Most Harrowing Race Is A Day In Hell Deadspin
To Be a Genius, Think Like a 94-Year-Old NY Times
Wednesday's Programming
Tempo Front Squat (31X1)
4 x 2
Use 90% of what you were able to make last week, or about 80% of your FSQ 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Team WOD
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds to complete…
21 Rounds for Time (7ea):
15 Double-Unders
9 Deadlifts 185/125
Post time, Rx, and partners to comments.
1. Rope climb practice
2. Conditioning 80-90% aerobic/sustainable effort
5 Rounds
2 min:
3 Hspu
6 alt DB power snatch
8 Box jump over
Rest 2:00
I love the 'Strong is a Woman' series. Love it.
Wednesday's work w/McD at 7
Worked to 145 on the FSQ doubles. I had come in thinking I would do more like 160 but this was just about right. That 3-count down is a killer, especially on FSQ with the bar pressing against your throat!
WOD 10:49 Rx. DUs were pretty much on today, I was happy about that. Kinda wish it had been longer, which is something I NEVER say!
Rope climbing tonight with my busted hands from yesterday's pullups should be interesting.
Cool series on Strong Women. ๐
6am doing Monday with McD:
Presses: Worked up to 85#. First presses in a while so tried to keep it manageable. 85 was plenty heavy enough.
Metcon: I felt like I had no idea what I was doing on this one. After the start, I swapped my light kettle bell for a slightly heavier one (still light). I planned to scale the pull ups to 4 per round but was quickly humbled and grabbed a box after two rounds and did jumping PUs.
@Stella I destroyed my hands this morning doing Monday's workout too! ๐
7AM w/ Brett doing Monday. Worked up to 73# on the overhead complex which = a PR for my strict press, woo! WOD in 15:38 or :39. It felt looooong. But I did all the pull-ups!
The "Strong is a Woman" series is AMAZING. So inspiring!
Tempo Front Squat: 165 x 2 x 4.
WOD with Austen: 7:13 Rx (both at 185).
Scaled up the deadlifts. Everything unbroken.
Such a beautiful day, decided to mix in some running with my HSPU practice. Ended up doing 6 rounds NFT of 3 HSPU and 550 jog (plus an extra 3 HSPUs at the end for good measure). More than twice the amount of work I originally intended, but it was just too nice out to stop.
10AM group class, doing Monday's work with Brett
A. Xover symmetry to warm up
B. P/3PP/5PJ complex:
Worked up to 90# successfully. It's all about the strict press.
Tried for 95#, which is my 1RM, but couldn't get it past my forehead.
65, 75, 85, 90, 95F
C. Performance WOD, with 2 MU per round instead of 3.
time =13:19
all MU done unbroken, except for the last rep which I caught super low and couldn't dip out like a really dummyyyyyyyy ๐ still a success for me to hit 10 doubles while fatigued. took solid rest between KB and rings, esp after first few rounds.
Shoulders pretty lit up from short circuit + tempo DB bench yesterday, so this was a good challenge. Swing is feeling better, focusing on tension and keeping legs tight.
Did about 3 extra singles after I recovered and hit a much better straight leg kip with more lat tension through the "pull." Gotta practice that version to ingrain the habit.
Vacation hotel workout:
30 DUs
5 push-ups
10 lunges with 20# DB
2 chin-ups
Hotel hell at 20# (Rx is 25#)
I'm so out of shape! 2 minutes slower than two years ago!!!! SAD! Was so out of breath!
5 minute cool down row
3 rounds
5 push-ups
30 DUs
6-8 DB High pull @25#
3 rounds
2 strict chin-ups
16 lunges
3×6 front squats @65# with 5 sec pause at bottom. Used the heaviest barbell with fixed weights. Should've done at least 10 reps but it's vacation.
6 sets of 250m rows with 2 min rest in between
Again, so out of shape.
5 minute cool down row
3×20 hollow rocks
Love this photo series. Rad.
6:30 class with KHarpz
Worked up to 58lbs with the press. This was super light. But with my wrist in its current condition and my teres lat thing still being a thing apparently it was probably wise. Worked on being super clean with technique, Katie reminded me to keep my hands closed, which I have filed away in my brain cabinet. Only accidentally jerked once during a push press so that was an improvement.
WOD: with slam balls subbed for burpees and jumping pull ups, yellow kettlebell, I either did 10 rounds or 11 rounds. I added one on because I thought I might have missed one. Like 10 minutes. Enjoyed this. Wrist did not like kettle bell swings. At least i'm working on lefty's grip.
super rad rope climbs. plus dumbell power snatches. be still my heart.