Tempo Back Squat (31×1)
Work up to heavy triple tempo back squat.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
50/40 Calories Rowed
20 Thrusters 95/65
Row at an aggressive but maintainable pace. The Thrusters should be light-medium (“Fran” weight) and unbroken on the fast end, though 2-3 sets is appropriate.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to learn how to do cool stuff like the Zercher Squat? Come to Strong Fit on Saturdays at 8am! Read on for more info…
- Schedule Change: Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
Strong Fit Returns to Saturdays at 8am!
Join us for Strong Fit, a strength program that includes lifting heavy things often. Strong Fit will stimulate different energy systems/intensities, and include objects not normally seen in group class: the yoke, axle, sandbags, handles, ropes, and sleds. Pick it up, put it down, hold it, squat it, push it, pull it, and move it from point A to point B. Full body functional movements performed at high intensity that will compliment your training and get you stronger. This is fitness in its rawest form.
Saturdays at 8am
Members of CrossFit South Brooklyn may use their existing memberships to drop into this class. If you’d like to purchase a punch card for this and our other specialty classes (Yoga, Short Circuit, Active Recovery, and Pilates), you can purchase one of the cards listed below:
Single Class Drop-In: $25
10 Class Punch Card: $200
20 Class Punch Card: $360
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Should You Eat Fat After a Workout? BarBend
16-Year-Old CJ Cummings Clean and Jerks 407lbs Hookgrip
Fun coaching SF and SC today!
10am class
275-285-295 on the paused triples. Felt good!
WOD Rx'd in 18:01 did not. 8-7-5 on all thrusters. Should have pushed for 2 sets since rows were pretty slow anyway.
Strong Fit was so fun!
Very bummed I have to miss AR for the third week in a row. I promise I'll be back next week.
8am with Melo and JB
BSQ 145, 150, 150. The weight felt fine, but getting used to that tempo was TOUGH. Rep 3 was pretty shaky during all the work sets.
WOD in 18:18. Thrusters at 75#, broken up into 3-4 sets each. The row was a killer.
9am with Melo and JB
Tempo BSQ up to 235. The downwards tempo wasn't as bad as the pause at the bottom and the very quick pause at the.
WOD Rx in 17:42. Rows were slow, around 3min each (maybe 2:30min for first round and 3:30min for last round), and thrusters were broken up in 4 sets for all rounds. Should have gone with a consistent 4×5 rep scheme, with short breaks. Need to learn to not listen to the coaches "break it up into no more than 3 sets". Glad I went Rx on this, I was torturing myself over 95 or 75, and 95 was the right call.
Then 11am-12:30pm AG Strength with all the shoulder work, including a nice 4 sets of 3 tempo strict pull-ups. Lots of pull-up gainz.
11am with Jess.
160, 165, 170 for the tempo BSQ. The down and the pause wasn't so bad, but exploding up was hard!
14:40 for the WOD. 75# felt good and I had to do 20, and then 10-10, 10-10. I love rowing and felt pretty good and I took some pauses on sets 2 and 3. I tried to get 1 calorie per row – if actually ended up being about 1.5 rows per calorie.
1pm with Melo and JB
Love tempo squats, got up to 130lbs. Felt really good, the slower movement lets me pay attention to how my weight is placed and more effectively drive up through the foot.
Also Allie deserves some sort of award like "best encouragement technique" or something. Really excellent cheering 🙂
WOD: Got a wisdom tooth pulled earlier this week and since I can still feel my heart beat in the tender spot I needed a scale. Melo gave me the great option of 5 rounds of 20 calories, 10 thrusters (yellow bar), felt good, just enough but not too much as to aggravate my face. 12:57 or something, I didn't look at the clock.
Squats: 135×3, 185×3, 205×3, 225×3, 235×3
WOD @75lbs – finished in 16:31. A slow time, but I'm just happy to be doing thrusters again. (Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but trust me on this one.)