From our Instagram account: “Some fun sandbag carries at CFSBK! Want to play with sandbags, sleds, and other fun implements? Check out our Strong Fit class Saturday mornings at 8am!”
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. This week we were thrilled to announce the winners of the 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge. 1st place went to CFSBK power couple Steph M. and Andrew S. Congrats, you two!
2. Coming in at 2nd, we had repeat-winner Mo A. and first-time competitor Sarah M.!
3. 3rd-place went to Barbara K. and Steven N. Great work, Barbara and Steven!
4. Coach Fox gave a special shout out to the following LFPBers, “who could have been in the top 3 with the flip of a coin”: Dan H., Kayleigh R., Adam S., Michelle B., Matt Q, and Allie B.
5. From Coach Fox’s final note: “I couldn’t be prouder of all of the LFPBers who chose to get a little bit outside of their comfort zone and work hard and honest at being better versions of themselves these past three months. So many of you did so well and developed what are hopefully some healthy habits you can maintain for a lifetime. The ebb and flow of a 3 month challenge allows for some ups and downs and can be viewed as a fraction of a lifetime. Incorporating habits that are a little bit better, amplified by months and years, works out to a whole lot better you over time.”
6. We dare you not to get hungry after you read this recipe for an easy sausage and tortilla egg bake that appeared on the blog yesterday! Look for Coach Fox’s recipes to return as a regular blog feature. (You already lost the dare, didn’t you?)
7. SCHEDULE CHANGE: Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Squat Snatches, Burpees Over the Bar
The Hippies Have Won NY Times
Thoracic Mobility and the Cat-Camel Exercise Juggernaut
Saturday's Programming
Tempo Back Squat (31×1)
Work up to heavy triple tempo back squat.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
50/40 Calories Rowed
20 Thrusters 95/65
Row an aggressive but maintainable pace. The Thrusters should be light-medium ("Fran" weight) and unbroken on the fast end, though 2-3 sets is appropriate.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thursday with McD.
Kept snatches light as they were my first in months. Did a few at 75#. Trying to get better shoulder position with overhead stuff.
Metcon: 14:58 with snatches at #55. Just trying to figure out how to move this way again.
So happy to be at CFSBK this morning. 🙂
Triple Tempo Squats: 135 – 165 – 185 – 195 – 205
Tempo always adds a spiciness factor.
WOD: 12:23 Rx
Thrusters unbroken, 12-8, 8-6-6. Slowed down on the row each time, probably could have pushed a little harder here.
10 AM with Brett doing Thursday's work
Trying to learn to catch the snatch in a squat, you know, like it's meant to be caught.
Felt like I was finally close to doing this and made my way up to 95#- best I've ever done with this lift.
So, of course, the metcon was a breeze, uh, nevermind.
Failed 3/ my first 6 attempts at 75# and then just slowed way down and tried to dial in each lift.
Failed a few more in the round of 12, but ultimately did way more to full depth than I would have a month ago.
finished in 14:34 (I think).
Tempo HBBS
225 – 245 – 255 – got heavy quick
12:55 Rx'd
This was hard and a lot of rowing. Broke the thrusters too often.
What I Did on My Day Off, by Stella:
7:30 AM: Wake up intending to go to 10 AM class. Look at workout. Think, "Ew, rowing and thrusters."
8:00 AM: After much deliberation about whether to go to 10 AM class, have brilliant idea: "Short Circuit! I can do Short Circuit!"
9:00 AM: Go to Short Circuit, which is actually really freakin' hard. Question my life choices.
Noon: Make lunch, wanting to fall asleep all the while. Eat lunch.
1:30 PM: Collapse into bed. Nap for almost 2 hours.
In addition to being very excited about the recipe series on the blog, I would love an interview series about people's mindsets when working out. Maybe a thought for anthropologist, Katie??
-what is the pain cave?
-how do you allow your body to go there?
-what self-talk do you use while working out?
-music/no music?
-competition between peers?
I'm genuinely interested because I think I could have done yesterday's workout in 9-10 minutes had I been stronger in mind! But how!?!?
That's all, bye!
Also, LOL, stella.
@Allie, I would also love to know about the pain cave + breathing strategies.
Woke up w/a little cold, thought I could sweat it out at the gym
Snatch work up to 77#. Had 3 perfectly satisfactory pulls at 82# but didn't get under.
Bailed on the WOD: after the first round I was shaky, sweating like a maniac, and my legs were like lead. Body said nope. So bummed, I was excited for this workout!
Woke up with a full on cold this morning and slept it off most of the day. Try again tomorrow!
Funny you should say that! Coach Whit is working on a mindset article for the blog. But In general, it's a great idea for a little series! Let me talk to #Blogmaster Josh.
@Allie Excellent idea!
I've collected some great data on this important topic! I would love more thoughts, experiences, and stories, if anyone wants to share. I'm working on a sharable article on it too. Looking forward to Coach Whit's blog post!!