Take 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Squat Snatches 115/75
Burpees Over the Bar
The Snatch weight should be on the light side for you. The Burpees Over the Bar are Rx’d as a two-foot take off. Stepping over is scaled.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Linda and Steve H. dropped into Coach Noah’s CrossFit Lumos in Austin and were “pleasantly surprised to see some CFSBK faces (and shirts), plus of course Noah!”
Eat, Pray, Gainz: Sausage and Tortilla Egg Bake
By Chris Fox
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Not sure, but it can certainly be the hardest one to get right on a busy morning. Here’s an easy, healthy, make-ahead breakfast idea that can be tailored to your taste and to what you happen have on hand in your kitchen.
The recipe below makes 6 servings, each at about 275 calories with 25 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, and 15 grams of carbohydrate.
- 3 links chicken andouille sausages, diced (we used Amylu brand)
- 2 cartons egg whites (16oz ea)
- 6 corn tortillas, sliced
- 2 oz pepper jack cheese, shredded
- 2 cups frozen chopped spinach, defrosted and thoroughly drained
- 2 teaspoons of butter (for greasing the dish)
- Salt and pepper (to taste)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees
- Grease baking dish with butter
- Dice sausages
- Slice tortillas
- Shred cheese
- Drain spinach
- Season egg whites with salt and pepper
- Layer tortillas, andouille, spinach, and cheese in the greased baking dish.
- Pour egg whites into the dish over layered ingredients.
- Place in center of preheated 400 degree oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until cooked through. It should be slightly browned and an inserted toothpick should come out dry.
- Let cool before slicing. Store in airtight container (or plastic wrap).
That’s it! You can nuke it for 40 seconds or so to reheat in the morning for a protein-packed breakfast, though Jess and I have often been spotted eating these at room temp out of our hands at around 7am. It doesn’t just have to be a breakfast meal! You can enjoy it any time of day. And, it travels and reheats well for lunch or brunch parties. Mimosas optional…
- Change ingredients to your taste, or to use what you have on hand!
- Use 2c cooked pasta or potatoes instead of the tortillas.
- Use any other cooked lean protein in place of the chicken andouille.
- Use any other cooked, chopped, and dried green vegetables.
- Use whatever cheese you have on hand.
- Use 12 whole eggs in place of egg whites for a higher fat content.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Tempo Front Squat | Deadlifts, Box Jumps
6 Common Deadlift Errors Alan Thrall
Woman Who Drinks 6 Cups of Coffee Per Day Trying to Cut Down on Blue Light at Bedtime
The Sunday AR cookbook is here ๐ Excited to try out this recipe for weekend breakfast.
This recipe does in fact look amazing and comes at the perfect time. Spring break next week = morning workouts = lots of morning carbs ๐
Daniel!!! Such a great idea! Like the Dog Calendar.
How awesome would it be to make a gym recipe book to sell at the front desk! Including macro content and gym member hacks/advice like Fox gave above . ~$20.00 to buy, we could sell for $25 to cover shipping, etc.
Would anyone buy this!? Would anyone contribute recipes???
6am with Jess and McD
Snatch – worked up to 175 – nice and easy
Metcon – 9:58 Rx'd
Could probably have pushed a bit harder to be honest. Moved pretty consistently though (finished the round of 15 at just under 3 minutes)
6am with Jess and McD
Snatch – worked up to 145 – I'm kinda sick, so this was sand bagged to a tremendous degree.
Metcon – 12:57 Rx'd – Just sorta kept moving and not get too far from the bar. Actually sped up my pace as the sets got shorter.
Make up posts:
4/1 – Strongfit then group class – 4 rounds of metcon in 29:?? – so many hspu
4/3 – Bench up to 185×9.5 (f), metcon in 15:50
Hey all, cross-posting from Classifieds in case anyone's in need of a couch:
Willing to make a deal for a CFSBKer. Feel free to email me directly if interested: nosillajk (at) gmail (dot) com.
found myself at 8AM group class this morning after a client canceled and I was already at the gym! it's been a while since I've worked out that early…
t-spine + lat smash, and some quick work on the Xover Symm to try to get my shoulders and neck warm.
63×3, 83×2, 93, 103, 113, 118, 123#
123 is 93% of my best lift and I've found it's now a reasonably comfortable weight that I can come in and hit without concern… apparently even at 8AM when I just slammed an egg-rito. sweet.
WOD in 10:18 RX'd.
was not in the mood to push this one. wish I had taken the time to change out of my lifters. my feet and legs felt like cement on those burpees and I couldn't wait to get my shoes off when I finished. this was just leggy for me. gotta get back to my higher rep squats.
snatches: 5-3-3-2-2 on first round, then I think some doubles in round of 12. after that all quick singles which felt like the better move for keeping myself on it and not resting.
A. superset
4×10 single-leg KB DL (12kg each hand), L side only ๐
4×5-7 hollow pull back on bar
B. 4×5 GHR with blue band. i hate these and am not good at them. will be doing more!
C. 30 min, just moving:
3 min assault bike, moderate (around 48-50RPM)
100' sandbag carry, 80#
8 rope L-sit pull-ups, alternating hands (did this with a break after each 4) – HARD AND FUN!
think I did 4 rounds plus the bike
D. 10 min hip stretching (adductors, ext rot, glutes, piriformis, etc.)
8 AM — I've got two days of funemployment between jobs so I'll see you next week, 7 AM.
Worked up to 93 on the snatch — PR for full squat snatch. I recently made this weight for the first time on power snatch so it was good to catch it a big lower. Failed at 98 and almost dropped the bar on my head, which clearly means I had the height and not the courage of my convictions to drop under the bar. ๐
Started the WOD Rx but quickly stripped down to 63. I wasn't sure going in whether or not to Rx because 75 is about where I start to have trouble catching consistently in a squat. When I failed a rep in the first round I decided to eat crow and take some weight off the bar. 10:57. Not my finest performance!
Stoked about the recipe series getting started back up again! Hope you guys enjoy it!
10am class
175 snatch
13:41 Rx
All singles until the end. Shoulda cycled earlier…Legs were dead. Had no go.
9am cardio sesh:
Cals, bike
Hollow rocks
-took just over 44mins. Hope I don't regret all those hollows tomorrow! #noregerts
Also, that egg bake is one of my favorite breakfasts! Excited to see more recipes and a cookbook could be down the line if we get enough participation! Love the idea.
I saw Coach Fox eating the egg scramble yesterday! Yum
Snatch: Worked up to 103. Back still feeling Tuesday's deadlift bonanza.
WOD: 8:47 Rx
Started cycling with a set of 5, then mainly triples and doubles. I prefer to take my time and set up for the snatch, so doubles work best for me rather than bailing each time. Feet were killing me during this – keeping lifters on might not have been the best choice.
I'm so happy! I know what to do with all of my herondale chicken andouille now!! It's too salty, for my taste, to eat alone but in this, I can definitely see it working. Thanks for this Fox!
A1) FSQ 5-5-5 (tempo 21X1) 135/145/155
A2) Single arm OH carry 3 x 50m 25/30/35
B) AMRAP 20 mins
3 x wall walks
10 cal AB
15 x Russian KB @24kg
20 x walking lunges
5 Rounds, 8 KB
Wall walks were really tough!!
C) 10 min row @ easy pace- 2066m
If I cooked I would make that! Anything with over 4 ingredients and I get overwhelmed. but it looks tasty.
Bunch of Shoulder health stuff, Crossover symmetry, external rotation work, etc etc
Paused FSQ
Some light snatches at 115
3-6-9… Deadlift / Box Jump Metcon
Cleared 15 rounds + 18 Deadlifts and 1 Box Jump as Rx'd
Weighted Bear crawls with a 10-1 Push-up ladder on either end
Parallette Handstand Practice
Jumped into the 4:30pm Group Snatch segment and worked up to 165, missed 185 twice
No more fitness!!!!
WOD: 13:19 @63#
SO hard. My lower back is fried from yesterday's DLs so collapsed at the bottom of every snatch. Could not hold tension at the bottom which made each rep so difficult and took me forever to stand up. Setup wasn't good and also didn't realize I could use my legs until the round 9. Wore my lifters which felt like lead on my feet for every burpee. Not one of my finer moments today but I finished!
Today's workout had me like WOAAHH. One of the hardest workouts in a long time. My legs felt like cement blocks!! It's amazing what simple exercises can do
Snatch work:
# 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, 140, and failed 145 three times. Guess I didn't have it in me today. But all this snatching is making me feel more confident in the lift!
Metcon: 8:05rx
Yesterday I hit a HUGE milestone and got my first bar muscleup…followed by five more. There must be something about this gym that's giving me PR power. Onto a weekend of rest and traveling and coming back full force on Monday:-)
DO…lol! You can do all that fitness up there, run an amazingly organized/sophisticated gym… but can't chop some tortillas & sausage, put it in a greased pan with some cheese and frozen spinach, pour egg whites on top then bake it for 15 minutes!? Hmmmmm….
Didn't go too hard on the snatch. Failed 77# twice– good lift until I didn't press out at the bottom. (83 is my one time PR–> power snatch, lol)
WOD: 11:20 at 52#. Fun! Loved going lighter to focus on solid squat snatches, and pushing in that hard place. 5-5-5, 4-4-4, 3-3-3, 6, 3. Took longer breaks then I should have, considering Sarah & Kayleigh did it in the 8:00 mark RX. Damn. I felt my quads burning. This was absolutely the appropriate weight for me.
I had a great workout yesterday and today. Went with a scale that was appropriate for ME. Normally I try to push the weight to "Get stronger", and then feel really sad that I'm slow AND weak. I'm going to try acknowledging my current level of strength and trying to do my best on the workout and not let myself take too many breaks. By trying to go with heavier weights, I've definitely lost some of my cardiovascular endurance. Woo!
Awesome AR, which exposed an interesting fact…even coaches have weaknesses! : X
6:30pm class with Whit and Ro
Hit a wobbly 125# on the squat snatch, which was a sign for things to come (I'm usually able to hit 135 to 140 consistently).
Metcon 16:28min @ 95lbs
"If you go beyond 15min on this, you've scaled it poorly" (Ro, before the wod). Oh, well.
Did bailed singles from the beginning, and the squat snatches got better as the wod progressed. Legs burning from the squats, heart super spiked from the burpees (don't make jump!), this was a long slog in a dark place. Finished about 4min later than everyone else in class, which is both cool ("yay go Daniel!" from everyone) but terrible ("oh my god I think the last person just finished and I'm starting the round of 6"). Was in a lot of pain once this was over.
7:30pm AR with Whit and special guest Brett made it all better.
So I made this recipe a couple times, and I am a big fan. Definitely would like more from Fox and second the request for a CFSBK cookbook.
As a vegetarian, beans instead of meat works great, and I even tried substituting veggie bacon in place of the corn tortillas, which tastes awesome. Mmm bacon crust!