This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Come out to the gym at 7pm tonight, when we’ll be hosting a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm, during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning.
2. Mo A. is our March Athlete of the Month. CONGRATS, MO!
3. As the Open heads into its final week, we brought you the gym’s top-10 ranked women and men. CFSBK is ranked 87th among 379 CrossFit affiliates in the Northeast Region. Go here to see the entire affiliate leaderboard.
4. Yesterday we also reported on Week 4 of the CFSBK Open Intramural Team competition. Good luck to everyone competing this weekend!
5. Our latest lost and found dump can be found on our Flickr account. We’re now including abandoned water bottles in the photo, so please take a look and see if any look familiar! Water bottles will now be given out after a week. All other items must be claimed within a month, after which we’ll donate them to CHIPS. Come get your stuff, gang!
6. Lots of great photos from the recent Squad WOD event at CFSBK can be found here!
7. The 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge wraps up tomorrow. Congrats to everyone who participated! On Wednesday, Coach Fox said a few words about the end of the Challenge and encouraged you to do your post-challenge submission.
8. Schedule Change: Strong Fit is Sunday at 8am this week. It will return to Saturday’s next week!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: EMOM Work | Mid-Hang Snatch
The Practice of One Thing at a Time Zen Habits
The Most Unsatisfying Video in the World Ever Made Luksan Wunder
T-Rex Does 16.4 CrossFit Ground Up
Saturday's Programming
Open Workout 17.5
10 Rounds for Time:
9 Thrusters 95/65
35 Double-Unders
10 Rounds for Time:
9 Thrusters 65/45
35 Single-Unders
There is a 40 minute time cap for all athletes,. If you do not finish the 10 rounds by the 40 minute cap then your score is your reps completede cap, their score will be the number of reps completed. There is no tiebreaker for this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
I can't believe I couldn't sleep because I was stressing about this workout. When I first looked it didn't seem any worse than some of the 18-minute slogfests we've seen in previous years, but once I heard about the 40-minute cap I was a little wigged out. Or maybe I couldn't sleep because I'm stressing out over the crossword tournament. Insert joke here.
Anyway, 22:34. It was definitely a suckfest, because my double unders were just not there today. Most days I can string together 10 or more on a regular basis, but today I kept getting 2s and 3s, occasionally more. And it's really hard to count to 35 by 2s, 10 times :/
Still, I am here to reassure you that you can still finish this well under the cap even if you are not very good at DUs.
Now, off to Stamford to compete in something I'm actually good at. CROSSWORDS FOR TIME!
Do y'all still need judges for FNL?
Hey hey hey CFSBK!
I'm moving and selling a bunch of furniture. If you want:
-an excellent Sealy posturpedic full-sized bed (firm mattress + boxspring) with an adjustable/easily loftable frame ($100, bought the whole set new on deep discount from Sleepy's for $400),
-a cheap Ikea love seat ($30, bought it used for $80)
-a fold-down couch/bed that needs repair work to get properly balanced ($40 or best offer, bought it used for $160, just get it out of my apartment!)…
…get in touch! (I'll post this in the classifieds too)
-Chas (chascarey * gmail)
8am (snooze button!!!) doing Thursday w/Nick
Mid-hang snatches up to 78#. Working on keeping shins parallel and not letting my knees come forward as much–good cues from Nick on this as it was hard for me to realize I was even doing it, especially as it got heavier. Will be good to keep in mind when pulling off the floor.
Kinda stuck at 78# as the limit on snatches lately, but shoot I've come a long way from dropping multiple f-bombs during my very first snatch workout & I might be coming around to thinking they're my favorite lift??
7am, with McDowell!
17.5, Scaled, 10:45. Thanks to Shlomo for being such an encouraging partner in this.
First four rounds of Thrusters unbroken, then split 5/4 for the next 5 rounds, and on the last round Shlomo yelled, "DON'T PUT IT DOWN" so…I didn't.
Watching Katrin and Sara do this last night was unbelievable. The Dottirs are inspirational!
8 AM with Nick and Whitney
My double unders are pretty much non-existent, so I was planning to scale the entire workout
and then Fox told me I could do 9 thrusters and get an RX score, so I did it that way-
ended up getting 9 doubles in-a-row-ish (single/double) which is way more than usual, so
my workout score was 18 at the 40-minute cap.
Stripped the weight to 65 and did singles the rest of the way and finished in 10:27.
Looking back I should have attempted more d/u's and maybe gotten to a second round of them before scaling.
The Open was a great experience overall- pushed me to do a lot of things I'd have backed off from in regular group class.
17.5 bright and early – 13:04.
Had no idea what the pace of this would be like, so went in with a goal of double-Dottir. Tough, but never entered the pain cave in this one. Thrusters unbroken until the last three rounds (6-3, 6-3, 5-4). Doubles very broken everywhere – only first set was unbroken. But quick breaks and keeping moving works better for me usually than longer rest. Many thanks to Yossi and Nick keeping me moving through this one.
17.5- 13:59 Rx
Steph went first and killed it.
DU's were pretty good- most sets unbroken. Long rest in transition. Thrusters unbroken until round 9, then 6-3, and 4-2-3 (!)
I think I paced pretty well, but I just couldn't force myself through that last round if thrusters. Silly, really.
Thanks Jess and Steph and everyone who cheered. I wish I had listened to you guys at the end.
This was all about my lungs… and then my willpower.