Every minute on the minute x 16:
Start at a medium weight and build to something heavy for the day. Don’t feel compelled to add weight after each and every successful lift. You might use the next lift to fine tune an aspect that didn’t feel 100%.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
Throwback Thursday: Coach Fox had fewer tattoos and a slight kettlebell problem in 2011
Friday Nights: THE GAUNTLET
Tomorrow night we’ll be hosting a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm, during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning. Come for Open Gym, stay for THE GAUNTLET.
Don’t forget that we’ll be showing the announcement of Open Workout 17.3 tonight around 8. Come early or stay late to watch it with us on the big screen!
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Rankings: Week 2
It’s Week 2 of the CFSBK Open Intramural League and things are really starting to heat up! Snatch Me If You Can remains the team to beat after posting the highest team average with a score of 52. When asked for a comment, team spokeswomen Griselle O. and Steph M. simply stared at your blog editor until he slunk away in terror. They’re a scary team.
But the big story this week is that there is now a 3-way tie for 2nd place. Los Snatchos put together a team average just high enough to maintain their spot, but We Rx-Cited to Be Here put up 53 points, and Team 2 Legit 2 Quit brought the hammer (get it?) down with 52 points. You are all welcomed to trash talk in the comments.
As if the tension couldn’t get any higher, WHAMRAP! is just one point behind the 2nd-place teams. Alternative Reps put in a strong showing this week, bringing their overall average down and keeping them within striking distance. Will they start nipping at everyone’s heels? To find out, you’ll have to come out to the gym on Friday night for THE GAUNTLET.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average (Week 2 Score)
1. Snatch Me If You Can: 50 (52)
2. Los Snatchos: 54 (57)
2. We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here: 54 (53)
2. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit: 54 (52)
5. WHAMRAP!: 55 (53)
6. Alternative Reps: 61 (59)
Open Intramural Team Scores
CFSBK Affiliate Leaderboard
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Row, Dumbbell Thrusters, C2B Pull-Ups
How to Grow Old Like an Athlete World Economic Forum
A Look at Women’s Strikes Around the World Pacific Standard
Snatch EMOM: Started with some doubles 73, 83, 88, and then worked my way up five pounds at a time to PR territory (old PR was 115). First attempt at 118 was no more than a high pull. Second attempt caught is entirely on my toes at the bottom and couldn't figure out how to stand it up. Third attempt – made it – nice little 3# PR.
I'm enjoying Team 2 Legit 2 Quit's graceful rise to the top 🙂
Some days you have it, and some days you really, really don't. Today was…that.
Not much to say except that I somehow seem to have forgotten how to get under the barbell. My hips seriously felt fossilized when I tried to drop into a lower catch position. I even failed my SECOND rep! At 63#!
All in all, a baffling and humbling morning. Oh well, nowhere to go but up from there!
great acupuncture session yesterday. neck sore L side traps, but mostly out of actual pain. still stiff and missing some ROM. feels iffy.
a. 7 min assault bike, then line drills/heat up
b. 10 min soft tissue smash: L trap, pec/subclavius, lats, double-lax neck to tspine
c. power clean:
35kg x3
45kg x3
50kg x3
55kg x3 … started to feel sketchy. called it there.
did some more lat smash with alpha ball.
d. light jog home with penny, walked the last little bit (1.5 mile run)
7am snatchy snatches w/Jess & JB
Just when I thought snatches felt like an OK thing, my starting position is all outta whack.
63# x 3
68# x 5
73# 1, F, F, x3
78# F, 1
78# is a PR I guess but it didn't feel super. Patience on the first pull.
In other news, the double unders practice was really helpful!!
6am with Jess and JB
Snatch EMOM: steadily increased from 95# to 170# (PR) with 2 misses and 1 press out along the way. Didn't do full snatches to avoid aggravating hip, but actually dropped under into legit power snatches, rather than my customary nearly-muscle-snatch efforts. Very happy with this.
Make up post from 3/8
Squat: 255×5, 295×3, 315×1. Haven't squatted much recently so I kept the weight conservative which was good, since it didn't feel that light.
EMOM: rows in 40s-45s, subbed american kb swings @ 32kg, 5 kipping c2b pullups.
Huge 8 a.m. class w/noted man under kettlebells C. Fox who subjected us to the feeling-est hits of the 90s for most of the EMOM before dropping some Eazy-E on us like it isn't the 20th anniversary of the death of the Notorious B.I.G. Where is your East Coast loyalty, Fox?
Lifts felt really good. Slowly worked up from 95# to 125# and didn't miss anything. Got into a nice groove stepping up to the bar with 10 secs to go.
4:30pm Class with Coach Hubblescope
Used the beaded rope and 24kg bell for the tabata
Didn't track work but went HAM every round, working beep to beep on both movements.
First day working out since 17.2 on Saturday, been hella sick all week and was def feeling it in my lungs and energy level during this.
Worked up to 198 for my last set. The last two times I've snatched Ive hit this weight basically, really really happy to feel like I'm closer to "owning" this weight.
4:30 w/ whitskis
I was sore AF after squats yesterday. Sad. So I decided to see if doing group class would clear things up a bit instead. Well see how I feel tomorrow…ANYWAY. Glad I came in.
Did not go so ham on the tabata. Mostly because I mainly get my joints moving. Did singles just to practice some nice light bouncing and get my calf pump on.
Snatch: worked in KG
40, 42, 45, 45, 45, 47, 50, 50, 55(started to feel really good), 57, 60, 63, 65, 69(F), 69 PR!
Wooo! Unexpected, but I'll take it. I felt so cruddy coming into this. But the weight kept moving so I went with it. Gooooood STUFF.
4:30 Whitness Protection Program
Loved the structure of this workout. Struggling with my snatch but things are moving in the right direction. I still have trouble getting more than a couple of my problem areas right at a time: start position, catching low, foot work–pick two per lift. A janky 140 is technically a PR, but I was prouder of my close misses at 145 that felt better technique-wise and I was getting under but just couldn't quite catch.
Thanks to Whit for policing my start position from across the gym.
Class for me today which is very unusual. Low energy still recovering from being sick. Something going around, you think?
Tabata was fun.
Snatches- got to 98 (power) but then lost it. Had to drop back down. Meh. Not a good snatch day. Feeling weak and stiff. Though I went in with an incredibly sore t-spine / rhomboid area and felt better afterward so there's that!
Planned on Short Circuit this evening but fell asleep… oops.
Hopefully 17.3 will be something I can actually do!
Shoot. Wish I hadn't gone done and maxed out my snatch!
Hmmm is there an alternative CFSBK blog that posted today's tabata mashup? Was not expecting it but went light with the white KB because I'm still recovering from this cold (almost better!). Glad I took it easy because my left trap kept cramping.
Snatches: Worked up to 93. Whit said I was a little segmented which made me laugh bc she hit the nail on the head with that feedback. Had two fails because the bar was too far in front on me. 93 felt solid but not easy as did most other reps so form was def a little off today. Really wanted to go for a PR or PR match but miscounted reps and wasn't paying attention to time.