Handstand Push-Ups
10 minutes to practice Kipping Handstand Push-Ups. 1-2 AbMats is okay. The buy-in is 1 Strict HSPU. If you can’t perform a Strict HSPU, then perform 5 x 3 HSPU Negatives (3 seconds down) or 3 x 10 DB Push Press, as heavy as possible. Add a deficit to your range-of-motion if you can perform sets of 10 easily.
Post work to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpees
Rx the dumbbells at 25% of your bodyweight. Games standard for the Dumbbell Snatch.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s a fun vid of Captain Osorio doing Open Workout 17.2. How did 17.2 go for you? Tell us in the comments!
CrossFit Open Score Submissions
A reminder for Open competitors: In order for your score to be counted, you must submit your score and judge’s name to the CrossFit Games site by 8pm tonight. If you don’t submit a score, you’ll get a zero for the workout, but you’ll still be allowed to participate in the subsequent workouts. CFSBK Open Intramural Team captains: don’t forget to submit your team’s scores to the spreadsheet by tomorrow at noon!
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Want to stay connected to the CFSBK community when you’re not at the gym? Here are a few ways (other than the good ol’ blog) you can find out about events, see awesome photos, and more!
- Like us on Facebook, where we always post the workout of the day and tons of other cool, informative stuff.
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Animal Sex: How Hummingbirds Do It LiveScience
6am with Nick and Whit
HSPU work – did a bunch of strict deficits (sets of 10 – 8 – 8 – 7) Also worked some freestanding headstands to handstands and walking on my hands.
Metcon – 5:22 with 45# DBs. Fun burner – mostly a burpee workout.
Great coaching this morning, NickWhit!
Anyone else having problems submitting scores? CFHQ has the worst IT dept.
Kipping HSPUs with 1 abmats, then some doubles and singles with no abmats. Nice tip from Whit to look at toes after kicking up to check in on midline.
WOD: 7:00 with 35# DB. Goal was to not be lapped by Dan. Goal failed.
7a with Nick and Whit
Always fun doing a bunch of handstands early in the morning. Focused on kipping HSPU today, sets of 3 to 5. Good notes from Whit to bring my knees closer to my elbows to get more power from my hips/the kip.
WOD: 8:30 with 35# db. Reminiscent of 17.1. Very thankful no boxes were involved.
6am with Nick and Whit
HSPU: got my first strict HSPU this morning! The followed that up with sets of 2-3 kipping for the rest of the 10 minutes.
WOD: 8:30 with 50# db. Very much a burpee workout for me.
Make up posts:
3/4 – 17.2 – got 78 reps with 3:55 tiebreaker. Almost had a muscle- up multiple times (I swear! ask Fox) but couldn't quite get there.
3/5 – C+J Wod Rx'd @185 – barely made the 15 min cap at 15:00 exactly. Would have been 20s or so faster if I didn't stop my row at 50 cal and have to be called back by Lady Fox.
OG 17.2
Got to the first round of bar Muscle Ups with 4 mins to go, and then hit a wall. Just couldn't put together a bar muscle up, despite a number of attempts. Gotta work on a more effective kip, and the transition over the bar.
8am w/ Nick
Played around with some handstands for 5 sets of 5. While the kip wasn't 100% there today I felt pretty confident inverted, and I almost got a freestanding one. I guess you could say I'm starting to get a… HANDle on these (I'm sorry). The conditioning was steady, done at around 7:40 I think? Those burpees added up.
4:30 with Nick
Strict deficit HSPU from whatever height 1 blue and two green plates is.
Yoga yesterday finally fully loosened up the last tightness in my spinal erectors from 17.1 for the first time, making today's contribution to this endless dumbbell snatch/burpee Groundhog Day horror show that much more unfortunate.
10:22 @ 30#
Fun warmup!
3×10 DB press @22.5#
Had to break the second and third set up. This is where is should be for Bulletproof but haven't done it in several weeks.
WOD Rx'd in 8:27 @35#
Burpees were too slow.