From our Instagram account: “We got this sweet sticker from @judioyama who works in the media department at @CrossFit HQ. The character of an affiliate can be found in the thousands of little touches that make each one unique and special. CrossFit affiliates do not operate like franchises. Each gym gets to create itself from the ground up. We wouldn’t have it any other way! #makefitnesspunkrockagain” | Photo by Kate R.
TONIGHT: Friday Night Lights at CFSBK!
Stop by the gym at 7pm tonight during Open Gym to watch our top 15 women and our top 15 men (based on 17.1 scores) thrown down in Open Workout 17.2. All are welcome to watch and cheer on our top athletes! We especially need volunteer judges!
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Rankings: Week 1
For the second year in a row, CFSBK is running the Open Intramural League throughout the CrossFit Open. Last year’s competitors poured (metaphorical) blood, (literal) sweat, and (maybe metaphorical?) tears into 5 weeks of battle. This year’s Open Intramural League Competition won’t be any different. Who will come out on top? That’s why they play the sport of fitness, son!
In Week 1, Snatch Me If You Can got off to a strong start thanks to the steady leadership of team captain Dan L. There are uncomfirmed reports that he has threatened to make the entire team go to 6am class if they don’t maintain their lead. Not far behind them is Los Snatchos, a team that is embroiled in scandal after revelations that Jay R. may or may not be using HGH. His head has grown about 30% in height and diameter over the past few weeks, but league officials tell us that PED test results were “lost” on the way to the lab.
The rest of the pack is very close together, with just 2 points separating the 3rd, 4th, and 5th place teams. And, damn, those are some good team names! Alternative Reps is in last place for now, perhaps because they insisted that this box was Games standard. We look forward to finding out just how much they can pervert the concept of a “rep” over the next few weeks!
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average
1. Snatch Me If You Can: 48
2. Los Snatchos: 51
3. We Rx-Cited Just To Be Here: 55
4. Team 2 Legit 2 Quit: 56
5. WHAMRAP!: 57
6. Alternative Reps: 63
NOTE: The CrossFit Games website isn’t working so hot right now, but we promise to post our affiliate leaderboard over the weekend!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Burpees, Box Jumps | 1RM Snatch
Open Workout 17.2 Announced BarBend
How Exercise Makes You Better at Your Job Thrive Global
Saturday's Programming
Open Workout 17.2
AMRAP 12 minutes:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 DB power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups
8 DB power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
Men's Rx: 50lb dumbbells
Women's Rx: 35lb dumbbells
Movement standards
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
7:30pm with RoMeLo and some guy on the big screen announcing a thing.
97 reps and power snatched 113 which ties a PR from last year. First time snatching anything near that in a long time.
Attempted 118, pulled it up to probably my hairline, but couldn't get down. I blame my lack of lifters.
Can't say I'm looking forward to 17.2. Still kinda tired from Iron Maidens and 17.1!!
First: Josh S. is clearly an enemy of the people.
Second: Yes, I have been accused of using Hair Growth for Him. One look at me should confirm that that allegation is baseless.
Third: My head has always been that big,
Omg Jay-Star
1) FNL is such a cool idea! Wish I could come tonight.
2) Weekly recaps + Jay reaction to weekly recaps = THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST OPEN EVER
3) In a big shocker, I predicted last night exactly how this WOD was going to go for me!
78 reps Rx, and 4 minutes to try for a bar muscle-up. I got a couple of kipping C2Bs, which has never happened before, but a bar muscle-up was not to be. I've got a whole lot of the rest of my life to get there.
Will there be Short Circuit tomorrow? Or does 17.2 take up so much dang space that regular group class will need the space? I feel like I want to get a bit more of a sweat on than I did today.
7:30 last night w/Melo & Ro after a 1.5hr R-train commute SNAFU
WOD: 90 reps + 83# power snatch, which was a PR after all! Felt heavy but solid. Failed an attempt for 88# with a good pull that I just didn't jump under.
Looking forward to 17.2 even w/o MUs or pull ups, I guess?
17.2 at Center City Crossfit in Philadelphia.
214 reps scaled (knee raises and jumping pullups).
7 full rounds of lunges.
Super nice group of folks at this gym didn't make up for the
fact that this gym is downstairs and walking back up was hell.
7 a.m. w/Brett doing Thursday's work.
94 reps in the 6-min burpee/box jump AMRAP (think I wrote 92 on the board but my math was wrong);135# on the snatch, which is 2 off my PR. (Got under 140# for the first time but couldn't stand it back up.)
Mad respect to the intrepid 7 a.m. team tackling 17.2 across the gym from us. "Excited" to "give it a shot" "tomorrow".
8am this morning w/ Brett doing Thurs.
Got to 107 reps and ~125 on the snatch (not 100% sure where this ended). Hips were not agreeing with me this morning, so I followed up with a quick set of hamstring work. Thanks to Whit for the help on foot/hip positioning while I was stretching!
6am with Brett and Whit
148 reps scaled (20#, knee raises, jumping bar muscle ups). Lunges were definitely the most challenging, but overall I thought this was a pretty fun one.
I'd never tried jumping bar muscle ups before, so that was a good personal challenge. Also, partnered with Rob for the first time and he's an excellent teammate!
Also, watching Ro do 17.2 via Instagram Live last night was GREAT, even though he couldn't see/hear all the live commentary. Definitely do that again (props to Cam!!)
10am class with Brett
Not entirely sure how to report this one 148 reps? (20lbs, knee raises, 1chin-up + jumping pullups). Partnered with Saul, who is delightful .
+ 16 knee raises.
Lunges were fine (heel needs to cross the line!), knee raises I think a little too easy (I have consistent t2b but glad I didn't do them as I need to work on my kip), cleans were fun. Recommended to not set dumbells down after cleans cause they need to stay in that position for the lunges. Really wanted to rest there but didn't. Chin ups now consistent! But unsustainable, so did one practice one and then jumping pullups. Overall very enjoyable, I'm liking these Open workouts, kind of wishing I had signed up. . First workout to almost put me on the ground afterwards, not from exhaustion but because my hamstrings and glutes started to cramp, walked around a like a cowboy for a bit. Scared to wake up tomorrow. Gonna take a bath tonight.
17.2 with 10am
Grippy, put enjoyed getting to the pull up bar with 6min left and then forgetting how to kip and do a BMU which I havent tried in some time.
Looking forward to redoing this after some pointers from brett post wod where i got a few bmu's in.
Holler to the Fox Man for being a sick zombie and getting some BMUS
Wait are the lunge reps counted by cross of the room or by 5' block?
Karina, one 5' block = one rep.
Live stream Friday night lights on instagram!!!
*re-calculating* 196 reps.
@andré seconded!!
2 BMUs
Lots of fails!