Power Snatch
Every minute on the minute x 10:
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build to a heavy load on the complex
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
400m Run
Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/53kg
Box Jumps 24/20″
400m Run
Buy in with a 400m run, perform the couplet, and then cash out with another 400m run. The swings should be on the heavy side and unbroken on the fast end. The Box Jump is Rx’d as a two-foot take off. Bounding or stepping down is permitted.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Our new Diapers & Dumbbells class kicks off tomorrow at 11am! Check out photos from a recent demo class here
Diapers & Dumbbells: Lift, Laugh, Learn, Love.
Crossfit South Brooklyn is excited to introduce Diapers & Dumbbells, a postpartum fitness class designed to help new mothers safely return to exercise, connect with other parents, and develop the strength they need to support their growing babies. Classes start tomorrow!
Diapers & Dumbbells is a one-hour class that focuses on postpartum rehabilitation, restorative exercises, strength training, and conditioning and includes time for socializing with other parents and their babies. It provides a supportive and educational environment and is appropriate for individuals with or without previous CrossFit experience. Classes are open to mothers (and partners) of all fitness levels and their pre-crawling/pre-walking babies. Scaling options are available to allow anyone to participate and progress. Bring your baby and enjoy an hour of fitness and community.
Classes are led by two coaches to ensure close attention to each participant and help parents manage their babies so they can get the most out of class.
Diapers & Dumbbells takes place at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s 608 Degraw Street location, between 3rd and 4th Avenues. Our facility includes new changing rooms (with showers and towel service) that may serve as a private nursing, pumping, or diaper-changing station.
We encourage new parents or parents-to-be to contact us with any questions at Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com
Monday: 11am-12pm
Wednesday: 11am-12pm
Single Class Drop-In: $25
10-Class Punch Card: $200
20-Class Punch Card: $360
Members of CrossFit South Brooklyn may use their existing memberships to drop in to this class; however, anyone and everyone is welcome as there are no prerequisites for this class. You can also purchase a punch card for this and our other specialty classes: Yoga, Short Circuit, Active Recovery, and Pilates.
What to Bring
Along with yourself and your baby, we recommend that you bring typical baby changing supplies as well as a blanket to lay your baby on. We suggest bringing your baby to the class in a stroller so that they may be comfortable and easily wheeled around the gym during class.
Coaching Staff
Melissa Loranger, DPT: Melissa received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Hunter College and is a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of New York. She has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since March, 2012. Melissa is also new mom to a 4-month-old baby girl.
Sasha Slocombe: Sasha has worked with families as a parent-baby yoga teacher for 17 years and as a labor-support doula for 10 years. Her three children are her greatest teachers.
Lauren Borducci: Lauren is a personal trainer and wellness coach who works with individuals of wide-ranging ages and experience. She has coached a variety of CrossFit classes and has been developing her yoga practice for 20 years. Lauren has two daughters (ages 8 and 6) who have been, and continue to be, a fun and inspiring part of her focus on health and fitness.
If you have gently used boppys or toys appropriate for babies one year and under, please feel free to donate them for use in this program. Donations can be dropped off at the Front Desk.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Double-Unders, Wall-Balls
36 Amazing Benefits (and Side Effects) of Coffee Jen Reviews
Alnwick Poison Gardens Atlas Obscura
Jay-Star says
We had a great time at the pot luck yesterday. Thank you DO, Danae and all of the cooks and friends who turned it out.
Arturo R says
Ring Muscle Up Practice
3 Rounds On the Minute of:
45 sec Max cal row
45 sec Max 10m Suicides
45 sec Max Wall ball
45 sec Max Lemon squeezes
Rest 2:00
Kayleigh says
Great time yesterday with lots of CFSBK activities: STRONGFIT!, short circuit, and the wonderful potluck! Always very thankful to be part of this community.
Scooter warm up was thoroughly enjoyed.
Snatch Complex: 83 x 3, 93 x 7.
Stayed at 93 to work on technique. Always am too far out in front with the bar and not extending enough. Got better near the end after some helpful cues from Fox – a little closer, but moreso felt faster pulling underneath.
WOD: 6:39 Rx.
All engine – didn't even have time to catch my breath on the kettlebell swings.
Played around with some ring dips after (probably 8ish sets of doubles) and then assault bike (101 calories in 10 minutes – 16work/14rest).
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
First Lauren class. A good one. Kept it light on Snatch complex, at 65#, but also felt like I was actually doing an OHS for once.
12 minutes flat RX on WOD. Followed Andrew's lead and went shirtless.
ALSO, and OT … a couple friends of mine are matching $20,000 today on ACLU donations. So, if you're inclined, now is the time to give. See http://gothamgal.com/2017/01/a-20000-match-offer-on-aclu-donations-today/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=CFSBK for details.
CharlesS says
10 AM with Mr. Fox.
My movie rec was Hell or High Water- see it.
10×75# on the snatch complex. some felt great- big thanks to Keith for reminding me to stay aggressive.
Need to work on my OHS.
WOD in 7:17 with 24k bell. (32's were gone- it's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I believe the WIlson's have completed the ACLU match that Rob posted-
here's another one:
K HarpZ says
Today's WOD:
felt a little fuzzy from last night's potluck festivities.
Snatch complex: 83, 88, 98, 103, 108, 113, 113, 118, 118, 123#
Felt a little wobbly, the OHS is always the worst part for me. L ankle felt a bit stiff
WOD: 6:32 RX
Toni was on my tail during this one! I got so nervous about it that i literally screamed out loud when i was bolting out the door. Fun to have a push, otherwise I would've sandbagged this HARD. I should probably learn how to bound box jumps….. this is a scenario where i wish i did it
__dpack__ says
AG today after staying out late post potluck… Lots of fun! Wish I was participating in the lfpb challenge again, but life got in the way. Still set a goal to clean up my diet (drinking last night notwithstanding).
Couldn't quite get my second muscle up today, but I'm close. Just need to practice the motios more, I think the strength is there (I hope?!).
WOD was rough in all the right ways… Assault bike to shuttle runs is quite a "stimulus" 🙂 really glad I came in from Manhattan today!
Allie B. says
Got in some bench and heavy back squats this morning at Crunch for Iron Maidens. My goals for IM are 170# (175 would be so nice!) for back squat, 107.5# for Bench, and 205# for deadlift.
Snatch: 63-68-73-78 (f)-73-78. I think I've hit 83# one time for a full snatch. This last work set felt great– I'm sure I can get up to 93# this year.
WOD: I have been focusing on strength stuff and really neglecting my conditioning! Dang. This killed me. 8:10 (garage was up) RX. Green KB was heavy but doable.
AG: Ro said I'm super close to a muscle up. While doing the green ring pull down thing, my body was coming off the box which is apparently a good thing. Did 2 muscle ups with Ro spotting to put my body in the right place with the kip. SO CLOSE!! I feel it!!!
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
Following up — there are a number of ACLU matches happening now it appears. So if you give, google or search Twitter for a match. Lots of tech folks AND lots of music people (e.g. Sia, who I hear is a lot like Phish) are matching.
Kate Tk says
10am with Lauren
Snatch EMOM: 52×2, 57×2, 62×3, 67f, 67, 72 PR
Maybe the best I've ever felt on snatches and the overhead squats, too. Looking forward to more snatch days, for once.
WOD: 10:02, RX
Slowww transition getting in/out of the gym; slow on the box jumps, too. Still felt good with the day overall.
Headed to Battery Park after brunch, always thankful for the tenacity of New Yorkers. ACLU can have all my money.
KLove says
I haven't found my rope yet. It's a Fit Skuad rope with green metal handles. I've checked everywhere at least 5 times. Left it near the erg last Monday after the snatch, T2B, DU EMOM. If you grabbed it by accident, can you kindly return it to the front desk?
The last two weeks have been extremely busy so haven't had time to post so I apologize in advance- this is going to be a long one. I'll spare you the accessory work I've been doing though. Starting from today and working backwards:
Snatch: worked up to 73#. 55# felt heavy since I haven't been snatching regularly the past month so stayed at 65 for most of it. No pain during or afterwards!
WOD Rx'd in 7:46
Had a talk with Ro at the potluck yesterday about pushing the runs, so I did. Still not fast, but faster than usual!
Muscle up progressions. Practiced my swing without a false grip. Not going to attempt a false grip until at least April. Had a pinch in my shoulder trying ring dips yesterday so didn't make any attempts today. Need to work on dips again. Hopefully will be able to do MU attempts if they are in the Open.
:45 sec of work :15 sec of rest: row, suicides, wall balls, lemon squeezes. 3 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between.
LBBS: 2×10@135#
FSQT: 2×10@105#
Both a struggle.
DUs: 33-43
WBs: 15-19 Had LOTS of no reps on these. I think 5 alone in the last round. Still a little nervous to catch the ball bc of my thumb.
Box step ups: 3×8@45#
Left side is a struggle.
Chinups: 3×3
Happy with this because I didn't do any strict pullups or chinups for the month I was out.
WOD: (burpees, T2B, push jerk scaled to 73#)
Had a little twinge in my neck after the push-jerks, but no pain during. Felt fine after some stretching and Advil. Think I'm ready to go heavier next week.
Full cleans at 83# plus pullups: 2:58
No pain with either! But not going to work on butterflies until after the Open at this point.
EMOM: Snatch, T2B, DUs
First time using my right arm in a workout in a month and also my first group class back! Kept everything light and simple:
Snatches at 55#, scaled to 5 T2B and a variable number of DUs
Air squat/run WOD: 5:21
So happy to be back! Getting my strength back with no pain. Think I will be able to do the Open!
Steven N says
9 am with the Foxes
Scooter warmup was awesome!
Snatches 63×2 73×3 78×5. Hoped to get up to 83, but form started to fall apart toward the end. Really focused on keeping my chest up and shoulders tight on the landings this time around.
WOD: 7:57 with 24" box and green KB. Fast and fun