Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups Superset*
1A) Front Rack Step-Ups
Perform 3 x 8-12 reps on each leg. Start the cycle light enough to make 12 reps on each leg without too much difficulty, and move up in weight week to week from there. Use your non-dominant leg to set the weight and only do as much weight and as many reps as that side can perform. The end goal by the end of the cycle is to perform 8-12 good reps on each leg with about 1/3 of your Back Squat 1-rep max. Use a height that allows you to be at full depth (hip crease below knee) when the working leg is on the box. Come to full standing using the working leg before the trail leg touches down for balance. Do not use the trail leg to help you stand up. Use the trail leg as little as possible to push off from, and use a tempo in which the down/eccentric phase of the movement is slower than the up/concentric phase. The barbell comes off the floor. Stop the set when you’re not sure you can do another rep or two (i.e., do not bail a bar on a box).
1B) Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows
Perform 4 sets of max reps. Once you can no longer clear your chin over the bar, your set is over. Each rep starts from a dead hang. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulders down away from the ears and pull the elbows as far down and back as possible. If you can touch your chest to the bar on each rep, then do it. You should really be feeling these in your lats.
Perform 3 challenging (but submaximal) sets of 2-4 reps using bands or a small partner assist as needed to achieve full range of motion, followed by a 4th set for max reps. These should be tough sets in a low rep range with the goal of performing around 10-15 total reps. If you can do them unassisted but only 1 at a time, then pepper in as many singles as you can in between sets of Step-Ups during the lifting segment. Start and finish the superset with a set of Chins to get all 4 sets in.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Burpees
12 Toes-to-Bars
12 Push Jerks 115/80
Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed. The barbell weight should be on the light side of medium and unbroken on the fast end.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Functional Rehab with Dr. Jason Fidler
Got issues with your tissues? Shoulder pain with overhead movements? Back pain after deadlifts?
Practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes permanent, and the ramifications of compromised movement patterns don’t often rear their ugly heads until much later. Don’t let these things fester and become a limiting factor in your training.
Muscle and joint pain that develops insidiously over time is there for 2 main reasons. First, its purpose is to prevent you from making things worse. And secondly, it’s letting you know that you’re not moving well and something needs to change. Getting a thorough range of motion and stability assessment with Dr. Jason Fidler, conveniently 1 floor above our gym, is a great way to hone in on the root of the problem. Find out what you need to prioritize and how to take care of it on your own. Dr. Fidler has been CrossFitting since 2008 and a member of CFSBK for 7 years. He is familiar with CFSBK’s programming and can offer useful substitutions and/or mobility strategies to complement the WOD. He can also communicate orthopedic issues with coaches when necessary. Major insurances accepted and discount out-of-pocket cash rates for CFSBK members. Get help unlearning poor movement patterns or behaviors outside of the gym so you’re not suffering inside. You’ve got a standing desk? Great. Learn how to calibrate it properly. Need one? Come get a letter of medical necessity for your job. After all, Darwin said that “It’s not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Thus, learning how to adapt to the workplace environment and practicing easy-to-learn spinal hygiene is a worthwhile endeavor and an effective way to remove barriers limiting your performance.
Check out Dr. Fidler’s website for more info and scheduling.
Here’s how people describe a typical visit on Yelp.
News and Notes
- Interested in volunteering for Iron Maidens? We’d love your help! There are a variety of ways to be involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability.
- Speaking of volunteering, the CFSBK Community Potluck is THIS SATURDAY. We need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. To help set up, arrive by 6:30 PM! E-mail our Events Coordinator Danae M. at Events [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’re available.
- HEAR YE, HEAR YE: We have a bunch of your stuff in our Lost and Found. Come ‘n’ get it before we donate it to CHIPS in two weeks.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
How to Compete in the Open CrossFit
The Case Against “Whole Grain” and “Whole Wheat” Breads Time
Squeezed in today's group class yesterday:
Box step ups: 3×10 @ 63#, so hard. Think I can do 11s next week
Chins: 10/10/9/9
12 min AMRAP: 5rds + 16 reps
Broke T2B and push jerk into 6/6 from the beginning. Kept me on pace and calm for awhile. I tried to pick it up a little bit at the end but the Burpees had me sucking wind!
7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Step-ups: 80#x10x3. Starting to feel like I have these down.
Chins: 4-4-4-5. Slowly going up on these, too.
Metcon: 3 rds + 28, HLRs. Ro kindly suggested I quit flailing around on my TTBs and work on getting a better kip going, so I did. Now I've gotta put the "efficient movement" and "getting the actual toes to the bar" parts together.
10 AM with Brett and Jeremy
Step ups at 27#. humbling to say the least, but 5# up from last week.
3/3/3/5 chins.
Metcon- 5 rounds plus 3 burpees @ 63# with hanging leg raises.
Step ups: 38 10×3
Chin ups: 9-9-9-5 really lost it at the end there- quit, I think.
Wod: 4 rounds + 3 at 63#
Ttb: broken up 4-4-4
Jerks: broken up 7-5
I know I could have gone heavier but obviously would have moved slower.
Also!!! During warmup I was doing muscle up transitions with a blue band. Ro told me to move to the red band! Again, no problem! Next time orange band!
Knee has been bothering me so I came in at 8:00 to row a quick 5k just to move. Tried to stay very consistent with the splits and finished in 22:25. Felt good to sweat!
Make up post + today's post
Yesterday. WOD in 6:13 power cleans at 95lbs, jumping C2B.
The jumping chest to bars were so high I should have just been doing the muscle ups but I'm still in the process of eradicating my fear of heights. Can push out of the full dip so the strength is there but will have to start training my amygdala too.
Failed the last power clean like 3 times. I hate power cleans. Whit had helpful advice about treating power cleans like a full clean that you just stop a little earlier. This made me feel better because I really like cleans, just not power cleans. Can I say "cleans" one more time? Thanks.
Got 2 kipping pullups on accident! Didn't know what to do with myself once I got up there so I just hung there like the "hang in there" cat. Tried again at the end of class but they weren't happening. Exciting development.
Step ups 50lbs x 10 x 3. Chins, 5, 5, 5, 7. Don't want to talk about it.
WOD: 3 rounds + 7 reps at 65lbs. Slept exactly zero hours last night because I was playing defense as my house became a milder real life enactment of the "Hot Zone", so was going for three rounds. Happy with that. Traps super sore from yesterday.
Also yes! Really enjoy meeting the real life people from the blog! The internet comes alive. Thanks Kate 🙂