Power Snatch
Every minute on the minute x 15:
1) 3 Power Snatches 135/95
2) 10 Toes-to-Bars
3) 30 Double-Unders
The Power Snatch should be on the medium-heavy side. Touch-and-go on the fast side but quick singles are okay. Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bar and 15 attempts or 60-90 Single-Unders for dubs as needed. The goal is to have at least 10-15 seconds of transition time.
Post work and Rx to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
2 Round for Time:
50 Squats
270m Run
Go hard. No pacing.
Post time to comments.
Squats are on tap for today’s metcon! Here’s Alli C. doing some a couple weeks ago | Photo by Thomas H.
- Join Coach Fox for the second Look, Feel, Perform Better Info Session, “Nutrient Timing Simplified,” today at 12:00pm in the Annex. As always, an open Q&A will follow the brief lecture. See the event page for more details.
- Also this afternoon: the next Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn session starts at at 2pm! The session will focus on practicing the powerlifting commands used at Iron Maidens, followed by a discussion about fundraising.
Fit 55+: Staying Strong, Mobile, and Able
What is Fit 55+?
Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes: “If you don’t move it, you lose it.”
Fit 55+ will help you:
- Build muscular strength and joint integrity
- Increase and maintain bone density
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve pulmonary function
- Improve balance, coordination, and mobility
- Reduce your risk of falling (and be more resilient in case you do)
- Maintain independence and improve quality of life
Who is this class for?
Any older adult who wants to exercise in a fun, safe, and inclusive manner. Whether you’re a total newcomer to resistance training or more of a veteran, our classes will challenge you to become better.
What does a class look like?
A typical class will start with a series of light warm up movements to get your heart and joints ready for exercise.
From there we’ll move onto the strength training portion of class, using a variety of tools to help you develop strength. You’ll use both weight training and bodyweight exercises of the upper and lower body to develop and maintain muscular strength and joint integrity.
After the strength training portion of class we’ll move on to the conditioning portion. Here the goal is to get a bit sweaty and elevate your heart rate for a while to improve heart function and lung capacity. To this task we’ll use a variety of equipment and modes like: rowing machines, exercise bicycles, sled pushes, sandbag training, and bodyweight exercises, in addition to many others. The variety keeps it engaging and more fun (we think) than just walking on a treadmill for an hour.
Finally, we’ll end with a few cool down stretches to relax your heart rate and your mind before you head out of the gym.
Where and When do Fit 55+ classes meet?
Mondays and Thursdays at 11am at CrossFit South Brooklyn (597 Degraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues) located in the heart of Gowanus. We have served the local fitness community for nearly 10 years, growing from grassroots park-based workouts to our current location, which has two spaces with a total footprint of over 11,000 square feet. In addition to our spacious facility, we also have brand new locker rooms with showers, towel service, and bath products available for your convenience.
Drop-In: $25
5-Class Card: $100
Monthly Unlimited (2x per week): $125
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Row, Push Press
Raised in the Box CrossFit Journal
How to Make an Alien Planet on Earth Atlas Obscura
Double under Practice
Handstand Walk Practice
4 Rounds
25 American KB swings
15 Wall ball
5 box jumps
Someone tell that girl in the red shirt to get her hips to the floor!! Geez. No wonder by bicep used to bother me when I do push-ups
Hey guyz, I missed you! Had a 6am flight this morning and headed straight to the gym. Knew I had to get my lifts in.
1) Back Squat: build to a heavy 4 then 95%x4, 90%x4
(45×6, 135×5, 175×4, 205×3, 225×4, 240×4 then 230×4, 215×4
-squats felt good today! Used the belt for the sets at 240 and 230 only.
2) Bench Press: build to a heavy 4 then 95%x4, 90%x4
(45×6, 85×5, 105×3) 120×4, 130×4 then 125×4, 115×4
-130 had a little squirrelly barpath, but cleaned it up for the drop set at 125.
3) Deadlift: build to a heavy 4 then 90%x4, 80%x4
(135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 245×2) 265×4, 275×4 then 245×4, 220×4
-these felt great today also! Was going to stop at 265 but since it felt really good, I knew I had 275. Regular grip up to 225 then hook grip for the rest. My thumbs hurt.
DB Bear
EMOM x 20mins: 5 DB deadlifts, 5 DB Hang Power Cleans, 5 DB Thrusters
-Wanted to use 20# and kinda just move slowly but a dude was using them. So I had to go with the 25#'s. Damn him for not allowing me to sandbag it!
3x: 10 reps each of DB Step-ups, Bicep Curls, Tricep Kickbacks, Russian Twists
For Time: 28-21-15-9
-Cals, Run (on treadmill, gross)
-Push Press 70# (with weird curl bar)
Man, maybe I should go away and eat my mom's cooking more often! Even though I only had about 4hrs of sleep, everything felt strong and kinda wish today was Iron Maidens. Maybe it was the energy and excitement carried over from yesterday's march or maybe it's just that I'm glad to be back home. Either way, it's a win-win situation that I'll take any day.
Following onto Allie B's post from yesterday, could we get a blog article sometime about overtraining and good rules of thumb to figure out the difference between "I'm tired but this is normal" and "I'm tired and I should take a rest day I wasn't planning on"?
For a long time it wasn't even possible to have an unlimited membership precisely to encourage us all to take a certain amount of rest. And now that there is one, Allie you're not alone in having questions about how to navigate being at the all-you-can-eat fitness buffet! I never thought I would take two classes in a day before, but now I'm doing it on Tuesdays (albeit separating group class and AG by 12ish hours, not back to back). I also never thought I would go to class more than five days a week but six now seems within the realm of possibility, if I were to do SC on Saturdays and AG on Sundays. Is that a good idea? And when I "listen to my body" to figure out what days I should skip class, how do I tell when I'm listening to a whine or to a legitimate complaint?
Would love to hear more on this topic!
Snatch: First try cycling at 93 and was able to maintain throughout, usually with a pause between the second and third rep. Thinking "efficiency" helped.
T2B: 10, 6-4, 6-4, 4-3-3, 5-3-2
DUs: Unbroken (pleasantly surprised)
WOD: 4:15
Fun chasing Dan L. And by fun I mean my legs wanted to fall off and I collapsed on the mat immediately upon finishing. So yeah, fun.
Deadlift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 300×3, 315×3.
Did heavy squats (for me, hah) and bench this morning getting ready for Iron Maidens at CRUNCH! That was a trip. Saw some nassssttyy (not in a good way) deadlifts happening.
Did 12pm class (and missed the LFPB talk…) so I'd have energy for AG. Took a break at the coffee shop at 1pm–> but wasn't feeling up to it after all! :/ Oh well.
Snatch: 68#, singles.
TTB: unbroken every round. Tight, small kip helps tremendously.
DUs: 3 rounds unbroken! 1 round 29-1, 1 round tripped up a couple times
WOD:4:58 –> after heavy squats, all those air squats were ROUGH. Plus running! Yikes! On a different day, I could have been faster. I still collapsed on the couch after. 😛
@Lady Fox: The march amped me up for Iron Maidens, too!
@Stella: Glad I'm not alone in curiosity/confusion 🙂
ALSO!!! HUGE SHOUTOUT TO COACH LAUREN!!!!!! She is a pro already! So fun and so happy she's a coach here!
noon class with Lauren and Arturo.
Worked up to 83# on the snatches. leg raises and
50 single unders.
squats/run in 4:11.
pretty much my best possible wod.
Anyone have suggestions for a good primary care physician? Need to get my ears checked cause I can't hear nothin! (I also occasionally get dizziness- so it kind of freaks me out a bit) thanks guys!