Snatch Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
21 Double-Unders
7 Overhead Squats 95/65
7 Burpees over the Bar
Sub 50 Single-Unders or 10 attempts for dubs. The Snatch load should be on the medium side for you.
5 Rounds for Time:
21 Double-Unders
3 Snatches 135/95
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
The Snatch load should be on the medium side for you. Scaling Muscle-Ups is allowed to either Jumping Muscle-Ups or, if you’re close and have maybe done a few in the past, attempts. For the latter option, you must be able to perform at least 3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 3 Strict Dips.
Post time and Rx to comments.
What better way to plug our Fit 55+ class, which starts tomorrow at 11am, than with the heartwarming story of Constance Tillett? Even if you know Constance, this one’s always worth watching!
Fit 55+: Staying Strong, Mobile, and Able
What is Fit 55+?
Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. Research points to development of chronic disease in older populations not as a consequence of aging alone, but as a product of decreased activity and less-than-healthy lifestyle choices. Strength training and conditioning can help both stave off, as well as reduce, the effects of many chronic diseases. As the old adage goes: “If you don’t move it, you lose it.”
Fit 55+ will help you:
- Build muscular strength and joint integrity
- Increase and maintain bone density
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve pulmonary function
- Improve balance, coordination, and mobility
- Reduce your risk of falling (and be more resilient in case you do)
- Maintain independence and improve quality of life
Who is this class for?
Any older adult who wants to exercise in a fun, safe, and inclusive manner. Whether you’re a total newcomer to resistance training or more of a veteran, our classes will challenge you to become better.
What does a class look like?
A typical class will start with a series of light warm up movements to get your heart and joints ready for exercise.
From there we’ll move onto the strength training portion of class, using a variety of tools to help you develop strength. You’ll use both weight training and bodyweight exercises of the upper and lower body to develop and maintain muscular strength and joint integrity.
After the strength training portion of class we’ll move on to the conditioning portion. Here the goal is to get a bit sweaty and elevate your heart rate for a while to improve heart function and lung capacity. To this task we’ll use a variety of equipment and modes like: rowing machines, exercise bicycles, sled pushes, sandbag training, and bodyweight exercises, in addition to many others. The variety keeps it engaging and more fun (we think) than just walking on a treadmill for an hour.
Finally, we’ll end with a few cool down stretches to relax your heart rate and your mind before you head out of the gym.
Where and When do Fit 55+ classes meet?
Mondays and Thursdays at 11am at CrossFit South Brooklyn (597 Degraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues) located in the heart of Gowanus. We have served the local fitness community for nearly 10 years, growing from grassroots park-based workouts to our current location, which has two spaces with a total footprint of over 11,000 square feet. In addition to our spacious facility, we also have brand new locker rooms with showers, towel service, and bath products available for your convenience.
Drop-In: $25
5-Class Card: $100
Monthly Unlimited (2x per week): $125
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Toes-to-Bars, Deadlifts, Box Jumps
Benefits of a Lunch Hour Walk NY Times
Murph in Space BarBend
Ring Dips
Toes to Bar
5 Rounds
Minute 1 :30 max cal Row or AB
Minute 2 :30 max Box Jump overs
Minute 3 :30 max sit ups
8am with Fox & Fox, Inc.
Metcon @ 115# (JMU) – 14:15
This is ~ 82% of my 1rm so I expected to be a little slow. Failed a few – caught too many too soft and too deep to stand them up. Happy to have finished before the cap at this weight.
3×12 GHDs
Some high ring kipping MU practice after. Another thing to get back into warm ups.
10am group class
Enjoyed the muscle up skill work. Did probably around 12-15 total reps of each progression and that was tough.
Fitness WOD:
6:28 rx'd
-tripped up on the dubs in at least 2 rounds. all OHS unbroken. burpees were about as fast as I generally move through burpees. Should have pushed the pace more.
Active Recovery Class–always good stuff.
10am with Fox
In a bit of a NyQuil fog after being down with a cold yesterday, so good to get moving today, even if slowly.
Muscle up skill work for the first time was very challenging but really beneficial to see how the movement can get broken down into smaller components. Thanks to Jess for all the partner assist on that stuff.
WOD: 8:59 fitness, scaled to 42# and single unders. Could've gone heavier and faster if I was feeling 100% but just happy to have made it in for a work out.
Nice walk to and from the gym, ~2mi.
Performance WOD at Rx weight with JMU: 11:52
Took my time in this one for each snatch and JMU. Pushing myself up out of a dip got rough near the end, but went better than I expected. Happy to have done most of the DUs unbroken in lifters.
Recovery Squats: 205 x 2, 215 x 2 x 5
Deadlift: 185×5, 235×3, 275×3, 295×3, 305×3
Rx'd in 10:09
Tripped up 4x on first round of dubs, fell on my ass on my first snatch attempt, and wondered if I should consider a rest day. Didn't feel solid until the 3rd round. Snatches all singles, muscle ups unbroken, and dubs unbroken after that first round. Good times.
1 p.m. split class w/Ro.
Seconding enjoyment of the m/u work.
Metcon: 14:18 @ 105#, subbing attempts for d/us and c2b/dips for m/u's (except in the last round, where I did regular pull-ups to get in under the cap). Lowered weight and focused on form for the snatches. First time doing C2B pull-ups in a workout. Good times all around.
11am- the small class- with J-BRo
First time I've ever done MU skill stuff without any anxiety.
Fitness WOD Rx in 7:12
First time I've ever done OHS in a WOD without lifters. Bulletproof Ankles is working! They were still slow and wobbly but there is no way I could have done this a few months ago. There is hope for me yet!
DUs unbroken except the second round during which I tripped about four times. Burpees were a little better than usual. 7 is a manageable number.
Hands are raw from yesterday so did not do my planned butterfly pull-up practice.
3 Rounds
5 x pistols (green band)
3 x HSPU ( Strict-1abmat)
Dropped into Crossfit Green Bay yesterday and today.
Yesterday 4 rounds: 15 GHD extensions?, 20m handstand walk, 10 GHD sit-ups, :30 handstand hold
30-20-10 deadlift, power clean, strict press. Had to do 45# because of the volume. That many strict presses was HARD. Also, my hamstrings are surprisingly sore, despite such a light weight. 13:07– had to break up the strict presses in 3/2 by the end.
27 cal row/100dus/27 thruster
Did 55#, 19:13
Wendler deadlift week 3: 160×5, 180×3, 200×4
Today's fitness wod RXd in 7:16.
Tabata abs with Ryan and Erik 🙂
Does anyone else miss seeing JuanLo2 at the gym?