Ergs: Everybody loves ’em! | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Interested in volunteering for Iron Maidens? We’d love your help! There are a variety of ways to be involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability.
2. With the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge in full swing, we revisited Coach David’s “Perfection Is the Enemy of Good Enough.” Whether you’re counting macros or just trying to eat a little cleaner, it’s a good reminder of what really matters when it comes to getting fitter and living healthier!
3. Join us for the inaugural Strong Fit class tomorrow at 8am! Strong Fit will stimulate different energy systems/intensities, and include objects not normally seen in group class: the yoke, axle, sandbags, handles, ropes, and sleds. You may end up giving The Mountain from Game of Thrones a run for his money.
4. Another new class, Fit 55+, starts Monday! Fit 55+ is a strength and conditioning class for older adults who want to move and use their bodies and are not content to simply sit on the couch getting older. See yesterday’s post for more info.
5. Join us for the next Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn session this Sunday at 2pm! The session will focus on practicing the powerlifting commands used at Iron Maidens, followed by a discussion about fundraising. Danae M. will be providing information about Grace Outreach students, how the Stay Strong Scholarship fund has worked over this past year, and our goals for keeping it going in 2017. Superstar fundraisers Bethany Erskine, Christina LaBrie, and Halston Bruce will be talking about how they raised so much money to support our scholarship students.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard Results
Efficiency Tips: Barbell Cycling CrossFit Journal
“Weekend Warriors” Show Survival Benefits NY Times
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
2 x 10
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Toes-to-Bars
10 Deadlifts 185/125
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Scale T2B to HLRs or HKRs as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Games registration just opened. I now have a little over a month to master:
Muscle Ups (strict and Kipping)
HSPU (strict and Kipping)
Bar muscle ups
Kipping TTB
Triple unders
Peg board climbs
Chest to Bar pulls ups
Body weight OHSs
Any conceivable snatch variety
Handstand walking
Some of these goals are clearly more realistic than others. I'll be working on the last two items at open gym tonight. See y'all there.
Sorry forgot …please take note: beginning February 23 and continuing throughout the Games my blog handle will be "The Glock Jock".
6am w/ Brett doing Saturday things
BSQ – 150# x 10 x 2
FSQ – 135# x 10 x 2
Both moved well. Re-rack on the fronts after 6 reps. 10# jumps in order for next week.
Metcon Rx – 6rds + 11
Been slowly working my way back up to Rx deadlifting, hovering at the 155# range lately. This moved well today. Made sure to pause and carefully set myself before starting. Broke sets up after the third round 6-4.
James A,
Did you write down rounds or reps on the white board for Thur metcon?
Also, did you consider no repping yourself on any questionable reps?
7am doing Thursday. I sat delayed in the Boston airport for 5 hours yesterday thinking about how excited I was to do this one and itching to get to the gym. Jumped out of bed this morning planning to Rx, but then I got scared when I heard we were supposed to cycle the barbell, so I backed off to 125#. Each round between 4+1 and 4+6, with no real problems cycling. Definitely shoulda Rx'd it darnit. Guess I"ll hafta show up again and give this whole crossfit thing another go.
6am with Brett
HBBS 180 x 10 x 2
FSQ 155 x 10 x 2
No issues and still moving fast. Legs were a little sore from yesterday's work.
WOD – 6 rounds + 22 Rx. Box jump workout for me. TTB and deadlifts all unbroken but really slowed down on the box jumps. Think yesterday's work + the squats today left my legs dead. Felt good to deadlift again. Miss having it as a strength lift.
Cash out with 1 arm OH 100' walk x 3 each arm. Green kb. Felt good. Will try orange next time.
7am doing Thursday with Brett
best round: 6+8; worst round: 4+3 all @95
wowza the discrepancy. just got a little too excited the first round. also the rp diet im on has me consuming 35g of carb before and during the workout, so i was hopped up on sugar (the friendliest ive been at 7am in a long time). not sure if the weight was appropriate? all cycled and didnt feel difficult but Brett suggested i do whatever i did for grace. the rounds of 4 were pretty rough though, so maybe it was just right.
havent woken up before 7 in over a month. sosleepy.
Yesterday's Workout:
6 rds
4 + 8
Kind of interesting to note after my initial drop in the second round, my score was starting to improve. Guess my battery is still pretty decent at recharging!
I'd be interested to test my battery with this same exact rep scheme with 3 movements that are in my wheelhouse. Pushups are a huge goat for me, so I'm naturally slowed down and forced to recover during this period. Sub this in for HSPU, for example, and we may have a completely different story. My results may look more like a gradual drop off than my results above? I don't know, just nerding out over here about my metabolic capacity instead of doing real work.
headed to watch wodapalooza here in a few hours. STOKED!
8 AM w/Brett, who gave me some good pointers on my lip swing during warmup.
BSQ 140x10x2, FSQ 115x10x2. I still hate the number 10.
WOD 8 rounds + 21 reps with kipping hanging leg raises since my swing definitely needs more work than my strength.
Hip flexors feel spicy. Can't wait to get on an airplane this afternoon ?
10AM with McBrett
Thursdays's workout RxD. Best round 4 + 12; worst round 3+5. My legs got smoked early, and I wasn't getting properly under the bar. Still, I'm happy to have done this RxD. I hardly ever do high-rep cleans workouts RxD.
Today was one of those days of just like… okay… let's do some stuff… don't worry if it's not perfect… just get it done and move on.
A. 2 min assault bike, line drills, quick bb drills
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, up to something heavy-isn for the day
83, 113×2, 133x1x2, 143x1x3 (not being patient on clean, jumping early, bumping fwd), 123×3
C. EMOM x8
2 PC + 1 Jerk
123, 123, 133, 133, 133, 143, 143, 143 (~85%)
Jerks felt solid all day, footwork and speed great. Cleans are bumming me out; I know this fault is holding me back. Always better when I'm tired in a wod… maybe focus there.
D. AMRAP 12 min
7 OH walking lunges @ 65#
5 Bar facing Burpees
7 OH walking lunges
5 CTB pull-ups
Didn't keep a whiteboard, which was dumb, but I think I did 5 rounds + 19 reps. Started around a 1:30 ish pace and know that I slowed in the middle, but thinking I picked it up a bit at the end, so just under 6 rounds makes sense.
Pull-ups felt okay but I just need to stay focused on using my hips and falling through quicker. All butterfly, good height!
Chose to do 7 lunges per round and always start with L leg so I could get some more overall volume on my weaker side. These felt surprisingly put together though, so I think my training is working 🙂
Hands are feeling raw these days.
7am with Brett.
This was intense but fun!! Did it at 83# and really proud that I stuck with that weight, which is heavier than I'd normally do. Also did all the push-ups from my toes instead of my knees…first time I've done that in a workout I think! Slowed me down a bit but it still feels like progress. Best round was 3+5, worst was 3 even.
That cashout though…woah.
Partnered with @jonathan g and can attest that he was ON FIRE, especially in that first round. Dang.
noon with McWhitney doing Thursday's work.
Round 1 @95# 5+1
Round 2 @100# 4+9
Round 3 @105# 4+5
Round 4 and 5 @105 4+1 and then 4.
happy that i escalated the weight. it often takes me
a while to warm cleans up so this felt right.
Happy to have signed up for the open. annoyed that
i'm already 50 according to Dave Castro.
haha, he counts about as well as he squats
3 sets: 10 DL @ 95#, 10 ring rows/5 kipping pull ups
Snatch pulls – singles up to 163#
Close Grip Bench Press – 93 x 3, 98 x 3, 103 x 2, momentary lapse of reason and asked for a spot
10 min EMOM
6 Kipping HSPUs
3 PC TNG @83#, 6 bar facing burpees
3 sets:
25 cal row
20 hr push ups
15 DL @73#
10 STOH @73#
10 TTB
55 DUs
5 min rest
Times – 6:08, 5:24, 4:58
Thankful for a tattoo session last night that granted me my first rest day since 12/26. Instead of doing my prescribed 60min 'active recovery' cardio sesh, I took the dogs on a long walk from the gym, around prospect park and back to the gym. Probably about 90mins or so.