Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat:
2 x 10
Front Squat:
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
Post loads to comments,
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
24 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating
24 Russian Kettlebell Swings
The Snatches should be on the medium-heavy side. The Kettlebell Swings should also be on the medium-heavy side and done in 1-2 sets.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Need an easy New Year’s resolution? Write your numbers on the Daily Results board after each class! It’s a great way to compare your performance with the rest of the community and track your own progress over time. Our Front Desk staff uploads the Daily Results board to Flickr and posts it to the blog the next day | Photo by Thomas H.
Tomorrow! The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A: Why Nutrition?
Join Coach Fox for an Info Session and Q&A, the first of the Challenge, on Sunday, January 8th at 12pm in the Annex.Want to know why we should we care about what we’re eating? Do you have to weigh and measure? You exercise, isn’t that enough? We’ll also discuss what we mean by “whole foods,” “lean proteins,” “clean carbs,” and “healthy fats” to help get you started on the path to better nutrition followed by an open Q&A.
Junk Volume Catalyst Athletics
8 Mesmerising Lifting Equipment Drop Tests Worth Watching BarBend
8 AM with Katie and MeLo.
2×105# each front and back squats.
Got tough at the end.
5 rounds plus 7 snatches @25# and a 20k kb.
pretty much unbroken throughout.
cashed out with 3 rounds of 50 feet farmers carry's with a 36k kb.
now all the shoveling.
LBBS: 210 x 4 x 6. Came in early to get in all the sets. Legs were happy to be finished after this.
WOD: 3 Round + 16. DB snatches at 50#, KB swings at 24kg. Heavy, tried to do sets of 4 for the snatches. Unbroken for the KB.
Was going to deadlift, but my back had it at that point.
Press: 73 x 4 x 6.
FSQ: 45×3, 65×3, 85×10, 90×10
BSQ: 115×10, 125×10
Metcon, 12 min. AMRAP
24 KBs @#45
24 DB Snatches @#25
4 rounds + 14KBs
Still single digits in the garage, so this happened down at the Y.
Forgot to write on the board today! But yes, writing on the board is the best!
Hbbs: 100 10×2. Fast, focused on breathing while squatting like during a workout
Fsq: 90 10×2. Also fast, needed to take a reset breath for the last rep last set.
Wod: 30# db, 26kg bell 3 rounds plus 7. If this had been 4 rounds for time, I think I would have moved faster. Took some longish breaks because I was afraid of the leg hurt during the snatches. Should have pushed through. Kbs unbroken every round.
Noon with Whitguson
HBBS: 175x10x2
FSQ: 145x10x2
WOD @30lb DBs and 24kg bell: 3 rounds + Snatches + 14 swings
Did a "little" metcon with KHarp, Chainsaw and Fox
For time:
2000m Row (7:51.6)
50 Wall Ball Shots
1000m Row
35 Wall Ball Shots
500m Row
20 Wall Ball (Unbroken!)
^samsies. 19:59.
Looked like a total tool though because I got overheated in my leg warmers and ended up needing to go shirtless. New year, new me. Will be releasing a New Jabroni winter clothing line by the end of the month. Stay tuned.
Jeffersons 185x5ea x3
Bench 230x6x3
Stiff legged DL 135x6x3
BSQ 205x10x2
FSQ 170x10x2
Then the above mentioned fun times.
Would have been faster if I were shirtless and in leg warmers.
3+16 snatches. 75# dumbell, 32kg KB.
1pm with WhitBrett
Back Squat 90lbs
Front Squat 80lbs
Partnered with the lovely Leslie. We were pretty efficient. Got the cue again to not go as low, need to actually remember for next time. Last two reps were hardish so may think on how much to go up next week.
3 rounds 6 snatches. 30lb dumbell 16kg kettlebell
First time snatching a dumbell and I think it's my new favorite movement. So fun. Really liked this workout. KB's all unbroken, snatches in sets of 4-6. Want to graduate to the heavier KB soon. Good exercise in controlling my heart rate and air intake. Entered an altered state right at the end where everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
Cash out: carried a green kettle-bell around. went sledding.
P.S. it's 90's dance night at the bell house!
9am short circuit with Brett
SO FUN. Partner work throughout, Barbara was a DB thruster inspiration.
10am with Katie and Melissa
BSQ 85 x 10 x 2
FSQ 75 x 10 x 2
Still feeling fast & fine, right hip feels a little tender
WOD, sort of sandbagged after short circuit, but kept moving
3 rounds, 29 reps with 17.5 DB, 20 kg kettlebell
11am AR with David
So much good hip/leg stuff!
1) Paused BSQ 5×3 Same weight as Monday
(45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1) 205×3…then coach (aka Mr. Fox) had me switch to a heavy single…
220, 235, 250, 265 all in my Sambas and only the last set (265) in a belt. still shifting a little forward in my squats which I need to fix! video tells all the truths.
2a) Paused Bench Press 5×3
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3) 110x3x5
-easy. should make a bigger a jump on these.
2b) Paused Deadlifts (1”, Knee) 5×3 5 second Controlled Eccentric Heavier than last week
(135×3, 165×2) 185x3x5
3a) 1-Arm High Pull 3×8-12 heavier or more reps than last week
3) 1-Arm Farmer Carries 4-6 x100’ Go Heavy
45#, 50#, 55#, 60#
50m left arm farmer carry @35# x4
LBBS: 3×10@ 120#
WOD with Crumsho
Walking lunges (22 total, etc.)
DB bear complex @25# DB