The 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge kicked off on Monday! Here are some intrepid CFSBKers doing the Capacity Test. Good luck to everyone participating in the Challenge!| Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Come to the first LFPB Challenge Q&A Info Session—”Why Nutrition?”—this Sunday at 12pm in the Annex with Coach Fox. Want to know why we should we care about what we’re eating? Do you have to weigh and measure? You exercise, isn’t that enough? We’ll also discuss what we mean by “whole foods,” “lean proteins,” “clean carbs,” and “healthy fats” to help get you started on the path to better nutrition followed by an open Q&A.
2. The Challenge has been a life-altering experience for so many CFSBKers. On Wednesday, we heard from one of them: Evan H.!
3. On Monday, Coach Margie offered invaluable advice on modifying group class to train for February’s Iron Maidens Raw Open. Even if you’re not competing in Iron Maidens, it’s a great read full of useful info. Feed your fitness brain!
4. Don’t forget about the Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn session this Sunday at 2pm. See the event page for details!
5. The results of our most recent Lost and Found clean out are in and [tears open envelope] yes… it looks like we have a lot of your stuff! See the Flickr account and claim your sad, lonely posessions before we donate them to CHIPS.
6. Finally, BarBend just published a great article by CFSBK resident anthropologist Katie H. Check out “The Shared Meaning of Community Fitness.” She asks some great questions at the end of the article, so we’re going to make them our Question(s) of the Day! How do you define fitness community? Why do you think community is so important to CrossFit? And how does community get built, maintained, and challenged? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: CinDTRow
How to Become a “Superager” NY Times
How to Dig a Spike with Aurora Skarra-Gallagher Vice
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
2 x 10
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
Post loads to comments,
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
24 DB Power Snatches, Alternating
24 Russian KB Swings
The snatches should be on the medium-heavy side. The KB Swings should also be on the medium-heavy side, and done in 1-2 sets.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
6am with McDowell
Made up CinDTRow from yesterday
12:33 Rx'd
This was a fun one – Cindy rounds took a little over 3 minutes, DT was around 5 and the row was 4 or so.
Wow! Thank you for the shoutout about the BarBend article! And for encouraging people to share their thoughts with one another (yay! QOD!) or me in the comments! If you want you can also email me privately at
This is one of the amazing things *I* find about the "community." In all of my previous research, I have not found the support and encouragement as I have for my research on CrossFit. This support comes from the CrossFitters and the community. People want to tell me what things mean to them but they also want me to succeed with the project. That kind of support for research is truly a rare gift. So thank you, thank you, thank you CFSBK Community for extending your warmth and support to me and my project!! It truly means the world.
I'm currently finishing a grant proposal to continue researching CrossFit in the coming year. This beast has me holed up, at my computer, and not observing/participating like I have been (and would like to). That'll change next week, though, so if you see me and want to share your thoughts in person that would be awesome too!
Again, thank you so much Community CFSBK!
"Good look" instead of "good luck" to people doing LFPB seems appropriate ๐
7 AM squats with McD. I have no shame in saying that yesterday morning when I woke up and saw the WOD, I went right back to bed and pulled the covers over my head. In my defense, my lats were still so sore THIS morning that racking the bar for the back squat was uncomfortable!
BSQ 135x10x2
FSQ 110x10x2. These were all fine, good solid depth. I hate the number 10, but I have to admit the repetition is forcing me to ingrain depth better.
WOD: 4 rounds + 22 snatches with 25# DB and 20kg KB. I am waiting to hear that Kayleigh did this (or will do it) with like a 40 and a 24. I am not that ambitious, at least not today.
On the other hand, hold me accountable if I don't wake up in time for Short Circuit tomorrow!
6am with Brett
HBBS 170 X 10 X 2
FSQ 145 X 10 X 2
Still nice, light, and fast.
Wod 4 rounds + 3 db snatches at 40# and 24kg. That was a lot of hip action. Glad I decided to go 5# lighter on the db and green on the kb. First round unbroken then 2 sets for rest. After all the squats my legs were pretty tired by the end of this.
Cash out with red kb for 1 then 40kg bell for two.
1 arm db press 40x8x3 each arm.
6am with McDowell doing Thursday
Caught the R as soon as I got to the station this morning so I took a super early AM stroll around in the snow. So pretty!
CinDTRow – 18:38
Cindy with ring rows + pushups from knees
DT at 63#, cycling the hang power cleans was really hard to sort out, I just couldn't move the bar down and reset my grip with any sort of flow. First time doing this though, so practice!
Row was fine
Worked on pull ups w/green band after with some tips from McDowell
@Stella, same! We can do it!
8 a.m. doing Thursday's work w/Whit & Brett (no takers on Saturday so we had double the coaching power).
CinDT-row: 18:11 @ 135# on the barbell. Push-ups and hang power cleans were the limiters. Managed to make good time through the bodyweight stuff (5 rounds in 5:20 — where was that on my LFPB challenge day?) only to crash hard on DT. Picked up the pace a bit by the end of the row but was a little disappointed. Still, last time I did anything DT-ish (during last challenge, actually) I had real trouble doing even 1 round of 6 push jerks at 135#, so this is progress.
7AM doing Cindy-DT-Row with Brett. 16:15 with 62#, ring rows and push-ups from my knees.
This was fun (well, except for the row, barf), BUT I definitely went too light…which has been a theme recently (thanks, Fox!). I've now heard it from multiple coaches that I'm "stronger than I think." So in 2017 I resolve to not be afraid of putting more weight on the bar for WODs, even if it's heavier than I think I can manage…because I probably can. I also want to start doing real pull-ups and push-ups from my toes instead of my knees, even if I have to scale some volume, at least when appropriate.
Was frustrated with myself this morning for not going hard enough, but trying to channel it into determination to CRUSH some heavier weights next time ๐
6am with Brett
BSQ – 140# x 10 x 2
FSQ – 130# x 10 x 2
Backs were snappy. Fronts heavier than I expected, but still moved well.
Metcon @ 35# (21% bw) / 24kg – 3rds
Sandbagged the shit out of this. My lower back is fitnessed out after the last 4 days.
10 AM with Brett doing Thursday.
Finished in 13:46, doing 2 strict pullups
and DT @83#.
Should have gone heavier for sure.
Pre flight moving around:
10 min AB
Snatch Doubles
53, 63, 73, 83, 93, 98 – bailed backward on 2nd, otherwise feeling strong
10 min
Even: 3 TNG PC 93# + 6 bar facing burpees (:29 fastest – last one, :48 slowest – first one)
Odd: 2 hspu + 4 kipping hspu staying on wall. Strict were not good today, filled in with kipping
5 min Row
5 Rounds Cindy–Lat pull machine at #105 subbed for pull-ups. (May have done 6 rounds–had trouble thinking)
3 Rounds DT–#30lb. dumbbells, no bars at the YMCA
1000m 40 row
18:29 (It was only 4 degrees today, so I did the Cindy/DT at the Y in 14:10, then had to come home and do the row in the garage because the Y has no ergs, 4:19)
I found crossfit during a lonely part of my life and the community is *definitely* what drew me in. Crossfit workouts are short and social–> teammates finish at different times and cheer each other on, you lift with people who are similar strength levels as you (and become friends if you are consistent with class times and attendance!), and you even get opportunities to do team and partner workouts. While I had enjoyed running with others or going to soulcycle (which definitely likes to give the illusion of community), they're not actually a social activity. Soulcycle doesn't actually allow talking during class and running with partners is okay casually, but not for intensive training!
Anyway, Crossfit & CFSBK has done a great job of creating and maintaining community! The whiteboard and blog posts allow for people who work out at different times a day to stay connected. I'm always following what Kayleigh, KLove, Whit, & Charlie are doing because they regularly post and give me goals to look to, even if we work out 12 hours apart!
It's great to be a part of a community that wants to be challenged, too. CFSBK asks for feedback through the feedback form and wants to please it's members. (Remember the desperate cries for the showers?) I heard Whit mention the importance of unilateral movements and sure enough, we've incorporated those into our workouts. Ro (and Noah) created AG so we could improve our gymnastics skills with the support of many members. Short Circuit class was probably no different.
Anyway, excited for a rest day today but I couldn't go a day without posting. ๐
happy friday! after some brief rowing and general misery over how sore my arms are from yesterday's "that wasn't even that hard!" CTB work…
A. 3x:
100' OH carry, each side (40, 45, 50… then did 200' each with 55#)
10ea single leg RDL (12kg)
2 log roll to v-up
B. Single Arm DB Press: 3×7 each @ 35#
did some tempo squat press outs in between b/c i was bored while resting
C. Conditioning
a. AMRAP 10
12 wb shot, 14#, 9'
15 DU
5 DB push press (30# DB's)
Rest 2:00
b. AMRAP 10
200m row
5 power clean @ 105# (all singles)
2 muscle ups
Rest 2:00
c. AMRAP 10
10 cal assault bike
10 burpee
10 TTB
(Rest was used to reset equipment and move things around)
a. 6 rounds + 12 wb + 15 DU
1:40/1:40/1:40/1:30/1:30/1:20 +
-blew up last time i did something similar, so wanted to stick to 1:40 pace for first half, even though it felt really slow. WB 8-4 every time, DU and PP unbroken but calm. would love to get myself to 8 rounds on this when it's a stand-alone workout.
b. 4 rounds + 96m
3:00/2:30/2:15/1:45 +
-did first MU's as singles, took extra transition time b/c I didn't want to blow up. all other sets MU as doubles. regular grip kip is starting to feel natural!
-happy with increased pace! power cleans felt so great.
c. 3 rounds + 10 cal + 10 burpees
-not sure of splits, but was around 2:45-3:00 and then kicked it up for last bit. had a long walk across the gym from bike to TTB, so that was nice ๐
-spent some time taking a blister bandaid off my palm and making sure i wouldn't tear
8am between clients:
Aerobic Recovery
10 Rounds at a breathable pace
20 Calorie C2 (~1:30-1:35)
14 Calorie Bike (~1:45-2:00…I hate this thing)
100โ E-Sled Walk (heels flat, straps over the shoulders, walk forward)- first one at 150# but was too heavy/took too long, dropped to 95# for the remaining 10 rounds.
Cash Out:
-helping the boyz make our new dope sandbags and then carrying them across the street.
OG tonight
I'm doing another Wendler squat cycle so I don't completely embarrass myself at Iron Maidens.
HBBS: 3×135, 3×155, 6×175. This was tougher than it should have been but I took almost a full month off of squats after hurting my knee at Thanksgiving so I guess I'm still building back up!
Goblet squats 2×8 at 45, 8 at 50, 8 at 55, 2×8 at 60
Bulgarian split squats: 3 rounds, 8 each leg with two 20lb DB.
Chin ups: 3-3-3
Random mess of burpees and toes to bar, pull ups, hand stands just to move a little bit.