Front Squat / Back Squat
Back Squat:
2 x 10
Front Squat:
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Go heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
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Exposure 2 of 8
Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then…
3 minutes max calories rowed
Score rounds and reps + calories rowed. The Challenge begins Monday! Go here to sign up.
Coach Brett cheers us all into the New Year | Photo by Thomas H.
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through four weeks of gymnastics strength training starting in one week! This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next four weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: Sundays in January from 6-7:30pm (1/8, 1/15, 1/22, and 1/29)
Cost: $80 for four weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 pull-up for ladies or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Weekend Schedule Changes
TODAY, DECEMBER 31st (New Year’s Eve)
CF Group Classes:
Normal schedule
Open Gym:
11am Active Recovery, 2pm Comp Class
SUNDAY, JANUARY 1st (New Year’s Day)
CF Group Classes:
10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery, 2:00pm Anti-Gravity
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Rogue 2016: 10 Years Strong Rogue Fitness
In 2017, Pursue Meaning Instead of Happiness NY Mag
2017 Crossfit-ness goals:
Back squat 275
Front Squat 225
Strict muscle up
10 strict pull-ups
Kipping pull-ups. – virtuosity
Butterfly pull-ups
Kipping Muscle ups
Kipping toe to bar – virtuosity
Handstand push-up: consistency, capacity
Deadlift 350
Weight 175 -180
Freestanding handstand
100 DUs in a row
Snatch 120
Clean 185
OHS 135
Recruit at least one of my old friends to join CFSBK. (Some goals will clearly be more difficult than others to achieve)
Let's do this!
Good riddance 2016!
8 AM with JB and MeLo.
2x10x95 back squat
2x10x95 front squat
added up for sure- felt good overall though.
Metcon: 8 rounds plus 18 reps with ring rows. some squats at questionable depth.
64 calories on the row- I'm so much happier switching to calories after the row is completed as opposed to worrying about each pull.
I was thinking about what goals to set on my ride home and like Jay-Star's format,
so here goes:
Back squat 225
Front Squat 200
10 strict pull-ups
learn kipping pull-ups.
Deadlift 300
get DUs
Snatch 100
Clean and Jerk 150
Press 130
OHS 115
30-45 mins of mobility every day I workout.
Happy New Year everyone!
FSQ: 75×10, 80×10
BSQ: 95×10, 105×10
1/2 Cindy (10 min. AMRAP)
5 ring rows (still no pull up bar, but I got some rings!)
10 pushups (went to knees after 4th round)
15 squats
7 rounds + 2 ring rows
3 minute calorie row: 45
Happy New Year Everybody!
309 reps. 8+3 and 66 Cals.
LBBS: 135 x 10 x 2
FSQ: 110 x 10 x 2
Half Cindy: 7 rounds and 8 reps
3 min Row: 54 calories
Looked up from March when we retested (link below for anyone else who is curious), which was 5 rounds + 4 and 57 calories on the erg. So pull up game has clearly improved quite a bit. Did the first 4 rounds unbroken and then 3-2 for the rest. Calories went slightly down, but I just didn't pour my soul into it this time around.
First day back from my exercise hiatus:
Cruise ship had no gym, only a walking track, with a strict "no running" policy. Power walking game was so strong. Also got an epic stomach bug and was basically bedridden for 48 hours. Needless to say It felt prettayyy good coming back to the gym:
DROMs have never felt so good.
BSQ: 140# 2×10
FSQ: 135# 2×10
I was unsure where to go with this. Haven't had a squat day in over 2 weeks. Tried to be aggressive from the getgo and it felt surprisingly awesome! Should've bumped it up a notch on the BSQ so I only dropped 5 for the FSQ. It caught up by set 2 of the FSQ for sure. Still think there's plenty of room to grow here though. That was all my baby deer legs could take today.
Capacity: 9 rds of Cindy + 7 push-ups. Then 46 cal row
That's about what I would expect for 1/2 based off of my Cindy score. Then the row I was jello. Couldn't find that mental push. But that wasn't the point of today! Just felt good to move my body!
Traveled over 21 hours last night. An amazing experience but so happy to be home so I can get healthy, and start my new year off with some positive vibes!! So much to look forward to in 2017, happy New Year's Eve everyone!
Made doubles up to 175 and then a few misses at 195. Wasn't feeling balanced, too forward.
Capacity Test
11 +10
55 cals
Stuck with butterfly pull ups. Push ups fell apart sooner than I'd have liked. Unbroken through 6 rounds then 7/3. The row hurt bad. Apologies to the folks in 608 who had to hear me wailing like a blue wheel in heat during the final 30 seconds.
Did today's work at the open gym @ Paradiso Crossfit.
BSQ: 165x10x2; FSQ: 135×5. Felt a twinge in my hip & remembered I'd done front squats yesterday, so racked it early.
LFPB test: 6 rounds Rx'ed; 60 cals. Compared to 7+2 scaled & 61 cals at the end of last challenge, I feel… ok? Glad about the pull-ups, but otherwise feeling like there's room for improvement? A little irritated about the row? The next 3 months will be interesting.
1pm class with Whit and Brett
Laid awake all night so was in a haze for all of the following:
BKSQT 85lbs
Both these felt fine and fast. Back squat stability greatly improved with a flat bottomed shoe. Whit recommended that I didn't have to go as low as I was going and things got much easier.
9 rounds 5 reps. Ring rows and kneeling chest to ground push-ups. Pushups had to start being broken up in round 6. I'd be happy if I could get 5 rounds with full pushups and kipping pull ups.
Row: 47 calories.
I need to practice rowing, any technique I thought I had disappeared under duress. I want 60 calories.
Goals for the year:
Free standing 30sec + handstand
200+ backsquat
Get better at Oly lifts.
Respectable hands turned out ring support.
Fun day of coaching today! Didn't have a lot of motivation once I got to 2pm, so negotiated with myself to just do my strength work.
A. pandiculations and line drills
B1. DB Front Rack 4" Deficit Rvrs Lunge (8 reps on L side, 5 on R side)
25# DB's to warm up, then 30's x 3 sets
B2. SA KB High Pull
C. Press clusters!
3 sets:
3-3-3, with :20 rest between
Rest 3:00 between clusters
Did this at 80#. Missed my very last rep.
D. 3 sets:
8 single leg hinge jumps L
4 broad jumps L
4 broad jumps R
1 bar muscle up
4 sets of the following with DROMs interspersed:
:08 wide grip pull up hold
:15 hang
:30 Handstand practice
35 mins on erg
10 strict burpees every 5 mins
First 20 mins 600-700 cals/hr, last 15 mins 700+ cals/hr
Fun to watch fitness happening while I was trouble-shooting my erg pull.
Congratulations to Brett and Jake on crushing DT!
V-ups, log rolls, mobility
Happy new year all!
2017 goal: pull-ups!
Snatch: 78#, 68# for the 6 minute work (no misses)
Some great cues from Whit today! 1) Love the idea of driving feet into the floor– has really been helping with snatch and cleans. 2) She put a line of chalk on the floor in front of my toes so my feet wouldn't move. Helped SO much. It distracted me from all the thoughts:lats tight, elbows loose, drop under the bar, etc. etc. all at once and got me to just focus on that ONE thing.
WOD: 5:59 RX. So glad Katie E & Toni were across from me– definitely pushed me to go harder!
So excited for the New Year and the Challenge! I've played around with the RP templates/macros this fall and was really into it! If I stay committed all twelve weeks to the RP diet, maybe I can get a muscle up!!!