In 3 minutes, perform:
50 Double-Unders
12 Cleans 135/95
If completed before the 3 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Double-Unders
9 Cleans 185/125
If completed before the 6 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Double-Unders
6 Cleans 225/155
If completed before the 9 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Double-Unders
3 Cleans 275/175
In 3 minutes, perform:
50 Single-Unders
12 Cleans 95/65
If completed before the 3 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
9 Cleans 115/75
If completed before the 6 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
6 Cleans 135/95
If completed before the 9 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
3 Cleans 155/115
Scaled B Version
In 3 minutes, perform:
50 Single-Unders
12 Cleans 75/55
If completed before the 3 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
9 Cleans 95/65
If completed before the 6 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
6 Cleans 115/75
If completed before the 9 minute mark then proceed to:
50 Single-Unders
3 Cleans 135/85
Today’s work is modeled after the format used for Rx’d and Scaled in the 2016 CrossFit Open. Choose the appropriate workout that you would use in the Open. The Cleans must pass through a full squat. Score reps completed within the time caps or time to finish the cleans at the final weight
Post score/time and Rx to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
8-12 1-Arm Dumbbell Presses
10 1-Arm Kettlebell Swings, Left
10 1-Arm Kettlebell Swings, Right
Post work to comments.
The CrossFit Open starts on February 23rd. This is the first phase in the CrossFit competitive season and lets you rank your fitness against the rest of the world. Last year, over 324,000 people participated in the Open! The LFPB Challenge is a great opportunity to jump start your ability to perform better in this year’s events. If you’re an Open veteran or a first timer curious as to how you stack up, NOW is the time to start refining your inputs and skill work to help you give it all come February. For many of us weekend-warrior CrossFitters, this is an exciting benchmark in our training year and ignites a little competitive fire to help you get the most out of your training, nutrition, and recovery.
Coach DO has been the competition director for the North East/East Regions for the past six years. On top of helping run the Regionals, he leads a crew that helps verify video submissions for the North East and Canada East Regions. Here is his video submission for 14.2, the second event in 2014. In 2015, we saw this same exact workout come up again. Coach DO was able to get 14 more reps, which according to the comments section required him to “stop feeling sorry for myself and bust ass to get to the next round.” Get after it today people, and sign up for the Challenge!
- Programming Note: The LFPB Challenge Capacity Test WOD is scheduled for this Saturday! This means you’ll have the opportunity to do the Capacity Test in both Friday and Saturday’s classes.
Weekend Schedule Changes
Today’s 4:30pm CrossFit Teens class is cancelled. We are, however, still offering many opportunities to do some fitness leading up to New Year’s Day. Here’s what’s happening this weekend!
CF Group Class:
Normal schedule
4:30pm CrossFit Teens
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31st (New Year’s Eve)
CF Group Classes:
Normal schedule
Open Gym:
11am Active Recovery, 2pm Comp Class
SUNDAY, JANUARY 1st (New Year’s Day)
CF Group Classes:
10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups | Overhead Squats, Pull-Ups, Burpees
7 Bad Health and Science Ideas That Should Die with 2016 Vox
Solid Evidence that Cycling Is the Best Way to Commute NY Mag
6am with the Foxes
Made it part way into the second round before turning it into a 12 minute chipper. Did 135-155. Wasn't able to breath due to this head cold so multiple stops to blow my nose and prevent my heart from exploding.
NFT with 30# db and yellow kb.
6am with the Foxes
Finished the second round and got 1 clean in the third before the 9 minute cap… then did one more clean each minute for a total of 4 at 225#
NFT with a 30# db and 16kg kettlebell… at a conversational pace so that Steve and I could shoot the shit with the Foxes.
Slow to start, but fun morning of training:
A. 10 min assault bike with three :20 intervals interspersed @ 75%, 85%, 95% effort.
B. 3x: :20 chin up grip hang, :05 ea 1-arm handstand, barbell drills
C. Power Clean and Split Jerk to a heavy-ish single
115, 125, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155
D. GRACE! 2:44 RX'd
-First time doing this one RX'd and on it's own, without some other stuff involved.
-Hands are real beat up, so decided to do all singles and not look at the clock. Just went by feel and tried to keep pace and not think. Did first 15 reps in 1:10 and then it got rough for reps 16-22 before I felt like I was in the home stretch.
-Next time try cycling 3-3-3 to start out and then singles?
E. 3x for quality :
20 cal row
100' single arm farmer carry R @ 95#
100' single arm farmer carry L @ 95#
:15 top support on rings
rest day tmw!
Today's WOD Rx'd
Got through 6 cleans (2 under the 9min mark, plus an attempt where I fell in my ass) and 50 dubs. 275 would have been a PR clean so alls well that ends well?
Dubs were not great today, lots of trips. My shins are en fuego.
Tour de Denver Stage 3
CrossFit Verve
As many have noted, huge well-equipped well-maintained gym with very welcoming vibe. Got a great cue for my Deadlifts from Coach Eric.
4 rounds
15 cal row
15 deadlifts at 135
400 m run
Rest 2 minutes in between rounds
I thought that I was in decent shape. Guess not.
See y'all back at sea level soon.
3 sets w 45#
10 stiff leg DL
6 ea SLDL
8 strict press
8 ea FR step ups 20"
95 x 5, 135 x 4, 155 x 3
175 x 3 felt so hard so dropped down for 5 sets of 3
155 x 3 x 3, 165 x 3 x 2
Superset w 12' handstand walks
Close Grip Bench Press
95 x 5 x 3
Superset w 30 sit ups
4:30 class with Whit
Scaled to option B (75/95/115/135)
Used the 22# bar to save the small plates, got through 50 double understanding in the last round at maybe.. 10 mins? Not sure.
Couldn't hit the cleans. 135 is my 1Rm but I haven't done full squat cleans since my knee started acting up in November.
Caught 132 in the bottom and lost tension and didn't want to stand it up with terrible form.
Fun one!
A. Pause Squat
185 x 4, 205 x 4, 215 x 4, 200 x 4 x 2
B. Pause Bench Press
115 x 5, 120 x 5, 122 x 5, 115 x 5 x 2
C. Tempo Deadlift 3-0-3
205 x 4, 215 x 5, 220 x 4, 205 x 4 x 2
D. 4:30 Group Class
WOD- scaled to the B version and finished it in 11:01
Happy to have been able to hit all 3 cleans at 135#. with no misses This is a weight that often doesn't work out for me. Loved this workout. I toyed with attempting the A version but honestly I wanted to get a good conditioning workout in and I feel like I made the right decision. In the Open I would not have scaled….or gotten very far!
8 a.m. at Paradiso Crossfit in scenic Venice, CA!
5K Row
Every 2 mins: 10 burpees over the erg
I finished in 35:56, scaling to stepping over the erg after the 14:00 mark (hips just gave out). Vicious! Should *not* have run the mile over to the gym. Gonna try out their lifting program tomorrow.
Close-Grip Bench Press: 75×8, 95×8, 100×8, 105×6 (lost the bar path on 7)
WOD: Just short of two rounds each time.
Today (made up Wednesday):
Step Ups: 75x12x3
Chins: 4-3-3-3
WOD: 11 minutes Rx. That was such harder than I initially thought.
Short Circuit after – always a pleasure.
7:30 with Brett
Did option C I believe. 65, 75, 95, 115. First time catching cleans at the bottom of a squat. I discovered this after I loaded the bar for the first round under the impression power cleans were on the menu. I like these. 65 was fine, 75 fine, got heavy at 95 (grunting), failed twice at 115, went down to 105, these were basically power cleans then squats because I'm scared of the bar, also heinously ugly. About a minute ahead of the timer so I had lots of time. Would like to spend more time on these, really understand how speed comes into play. I'd also like to take a moment to be thankful for my new shoes that made this workout easier than it would have been.
Cash out. Did one round then had to scurry next door to teach. Finished up after class 20lb press, 16kg kettlebell. Big difference in what felt light right after class and heavy and hour later. Extra 8 presses for the left arm because he's a slacker.