Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups Superset*
1A) Front Rack Step-Ups
Perform 3 x 8-12 reps on each leg. Start the cycle light enough to make 12 reps on each leg without too much difficulty, and move up in weight week to week from there. Use your non-dominant leg to set the weight and only do as much weight and as many reps as that side can perform. The end goal by the end of the cycle is to perform 8-12 good reps on each leg with about 1/3 of your Back Squat 1-rep max. Use a height that allows you to be at full depth (hip crease below knee) when the working leg is on the box. Come to full standing using the working leg before the trail leg touches down for balance. Do not use the trail leg to help you stand up. Use the trail leg as little as possible to push off from, and use a tempo in which the down/eccentric phase of the movement is slower than the up/concentric phase. The barbell comes off the floor. Stop the set when you’re not sure you can do another rep or two (i.e., do not bail a bar on a box).
1B) Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows
Perform 4 sets of max reps. Once you can no longer clear your chin over the bar, your set is over. Each rep starts from a dead hang. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulders down away from the ears and pull the elbows as far down and back as possible. If you can touch your chest to the bar on each rep, then do it. You should really be feeling these in your lats.
Perform 3 challenging (but submaximal) sets of 2-4 reps using bands or a small partner assist as needed to achieve full range of motion, followed by a 4th set for max reps. These should be tough sets in a low rep range with the goal of performing around 10-15 total reps. If you can do them unassisted but only 1 at a time, then pepper in as many singles as you can in between sets of Step-Ups during the lifting segment. Start and finish the superset with a set of Chins to get all 4 sets in.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
15 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Now in stock: the CFSBK Skyline knit hat. Pick up yours at the Front Desk!
- Schedule Change: Tonight’s 4:30pm CrossFit Preteens class is cancelled. Otherwise, we’re running on our normal schedule today! All other schedules changes through January 4th can be found here.
- Looking for a spring powerlifting competition? As Rob U. pointed out in Monday’s comments, earlybird registration for the Spring Starting Strength Challenge is now open! The event takes place on April 2nd at CrossFit Gantry in Long Island City. Go here to sign up!
April 21-23th, 2017: The Starting Strength Seminar at CFSBK
We are excited to be hosting the Starting Strength Seminar again this spring. The Starting Strength Seminar: The Complete Method teaches the system of barbell training detailed in the books Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training and Practical Programming for Strength Training. It features an in-depth examination of the physiology, biomechanics, and execution of the 5 basic barbell exercises at a level of detail unavailable in any other seminar in the industry. The SSS is the most detailed exposure to any training method offered in the fitness/exercise/training education marketplace, available to both the serious strength and conditioning professional and the trainee interested in improving personal performance under the bar.
The professional S&C coach will take the course for the credential the successful applicant obtains: The Starting Strength Coach. The non-professional will take the course for the exposure to the complete suite of Starting Strength materials and the chance to be evaluated on its understanding, as either a possible precursor to professional status or for personal development as a lifter and athlete.
This method deconstructs the five basic barbell exercises – the squat, deadlift, press, bench press, and power clean – down to their basic elements in biomechanics and skeletal and muscular anatomy, and then derives a system for performing and coaching them based on the the most efficient and productive way of approaching each movement.
The Starting Strength Seminar: The Complete Method is an intensive exposure to all the information from which the Starting Strength system is derived. The 3-day format allows for an in-depth exploration of the theoretical basis of the system, as well as a thorough under-the-bar practical session for each exercise which provides for the evaluation of each participant on the basis of both lifting and coaching the method. The basics of barbell training are developed into a logical and effective system that forms the best possible foundation for any strength and conditioning program. Please note that there are no prerequisites for attending this course.
The SSS currently offers two levels of completion. First, attendance at the complete seminar provides a Certificate of Attendance. Competence in the system will also be evaluated by the staff on the ability of the participant to demonstrate understanding as both athlete and coach in the practical sessions.
Second, experienced coaches that wish to be candidates for the Starting Strength Coach credential can elect to be evaluated at a higher level of scrutiny. These coaches should come prepared with a background in weight training and coaching, a working knowledge of muscular and skeletal anatomy, an excellent familiarity with the foundational texts, and an ability to communicate effectively. They will be expected to conclusively demonstrate their ability to function as coaches of the Starting Strength method.
Lifters who just want to improve their understanding of barbell training, its techniques and its programming, can expect the most informative and productive weekend available in the entire fitness industry, guaranteed.
Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis. Each seminar has limited enrollment, with athlete:coach ratios of 5 or less.
You can secure your place with a deposit of 1/3 the seminar fee. Full payment must be received at least 4 weeks before the start of the seminar. Go here to register!
Friday 5-9pm: Coaching, Strength, Anatomy, Biomechanics
Saturday 8-8pm: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press
Sunday 8-7pm: Power Clean, Press, Programming, Q&A
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Overpopulation: The Human Explosion Explained Kurzgesagt
6 Fitness Resolutions You Forgot to Make BarBend
6am with JessTuro
First group class in a month for me due to injury, traveling, and an awful cold. Took it pretty easy.
Step-ups – 75 x 8 x 3 each leg. These were hard. Going to stay here next week and go for more reps.
WOD in 7:37 scaled for both volume and load. First time moving in a while and still not fully feeling better so took it easy.
Jeffersons and shoulder openers
Step up
Felt more organized than last week but still hella hard.
WOD Rx'd in 11:42
I had no gas and my T2B were shitty. Shoulders are smoked.
9am @ Crossfit Palm Springs
Class was 12 drop ins & 3 regulars. Vacation towns are funny like that.
FSQ – work up to a heavy triple
Got to 185 comfortably and didn't push it. Did a lot of mezcal for time yesterday.
Karen Rx: 7:52
This is my best Karen time by almost 3:00. Must have been the mezcal?
3×15 GHDs
10 AM with Jeremy and Brett
53×10 and 4 chins/round each time. This is not as many chins as last week but I'm feeling pretty beat up from doing 2 classes yesterday so I'll take it. All I really cared about today was getting those step-ups in!
WOD in 7:38 with 50# goblet squats and 9-6-3 T2B. Probably over-scaled it but I'm not sorry. (See above re: caring about only one thing.)
Is there AR on New Year's Day? The front desk whiteboard would seem to say that there is, but Jess wasn't sure. I hope so (feeling old and creaky!), but I totally get it if not!
10 AM with Jeremy and Brett
4×22#x8 for the rack step ups.
These are so hard for me.
WOD in 8:01 @63# squats and knee raises.
That's officially 9000 burpees for the week ;-).
3 min row, general movement prep
:20 chin up grip dead hang
:30 HS hold
:40 FSQ bottom hold on tension 45#
BSQ: 145x9x4, rest about 3min or so between
FSQ: 115x3x3 @ 33×1 tempo
no hip pain. feeling relatively even and stable. David measured the difference in girth between my left and right thighs just for fun. it's been a while since I've checked it out. survey says about 1.5". so yes… my hemi-hypertrophy is real.
8 Rounds:
:90 amrap
3 ctb
5 burp
7 box jump
:90 rest between rounds
2 rds + 3 reps on each round = 72 CTB total
(same workload, added 1 round this week. switch to something new next wk and keep increasing overall volume) – butterfly improving but definitely some sloppy reps. getting plenty of height but not falling through well. stay relaxed. breathe.
:30 on / :30 off, alternating
supine GHD hold
prone GHD hold
6am with Jess and Brett
Step up: 85x8x3. All unbroken across both legs. Rack is hardest part.
Chins: 8-8-8. Didn't really go to failure
WOD: Rx'd in 9:34 OHS unbroken, T2B with a kipping set to start each round (8,5,5) then strict-ish triples and doubles to finish.
At home with inner daemons
Six mile run at 9:00 pace with some hill sprints to finish.
3 rounds of 2:00 minutes on my ab matt.
WOD was getting my fitted sheet back on my bed after laundry. Under 2:00 which might be a PR.
A. Bottom Squat hold- back each 45# x 45 secs on/ 60 secs off
B. 3 Rounds
5 x yoga push-up
5 x Cuban press pvc
3 x 75m 1 arm OH carry @ 40#
C. Today's WOD with Asha
10:53 Rx
OHS unbroken which is huge for me. Pull-ups in 5's, 3's and 2's. Burpees slow as always.
A. Squat on toes- 3 secs down, pause 2 secs
45 x 10 x 3
Way, way harder than I expected!
B. Eccentric ankle dorsiflexion- 4 x 8 each
C. Comp Squat
235 x 5, 245 x 5, 250 x 5, 232.5 x 5 x 2
That last 'back-off' set was terrible. Felt like I was being crushed.
D. Close- Grip Bench Press
115 x 6, 120 x 6, 125 x 6, 118 x 6 x 2
Went home because I needed food and came back later.
E. 15 mins 'for quality'
10 x PVC pass throughs- 3 positions
30 sec double arm oh KB hold @ 12KG
60m farmer's carry @ 16KG
10 x push-up T
3 full rounds
F. Monday's workout.
I did exactly 2 rounds on the second round. Other than that all rounds I got 2-3 C2B short of 2. Just couldn't get those C2B. But I did string 3 together so there is hope!
8am Class:
22# 12 reps every round. Felt much better this week!
8 chinups each round. Glad I committed to it. I'll go for 9 next week!
WOD: 9:21 at 53#. I could have done 63#. TTB were hard today. I was on rogue rack A– it's girth is bigger and it's more smooth than the other racks (That's what she said.) which makes TTB harder for me.
Super fun 1:00 on 1:00 rest partner workout at Short Circuit!
Then lots of stretching and foam rolling. I'm sore! Gunna miss working out during the mornings when I go back to work next week.
Crossover Symmetry
3 Rounds
5 BTN Snatch Grip Push Presses
3 Fat Bar Pull-Ups
First exposure since the seminar, kept it sub max
OHS/T2B/Burpee Metcon
8:21 as Rx'd
All OHS and T2B Unbroken, tried to catch my breath on the burpees
Noon class at Crossfit Deco in Denver
Only two of us .. Coach Emily was great, super friendly and was wearing S'mores-shaped earrings FTW. I love it when class starts with a QOD.
3 rounds
30 Wall balls @14
20 lateral box jump over at 20"
10 pull-ups
REALLY, REALLY, REALLY felt the altitude. Was huffing throughout and scaled it way back. Had a little Fran cough in the car on the way home.
Accessory work:
12 one-legged deadlifts each leg with kettle bell in each hand
40 shoulder taps belly to wall
Steps ups at #45x10x3.
Right leg still really sucks, took a little rest around rep 7 on most rounds because bod just wasn't having it today, especially in the front rack. Left knee was falling in a bit on round one but fixed itself in subsequent rounds. 4 chin ups with the green band from a dead hang.
Ran out of time for the WOD. Thought about doing one round but got the bar over my head and decided I didn't have the heart for it. Going to go some hollowback handstand work to get the shoulders.
Yoga was cancelled, so I had an exercise session with Siena & Elaina.
Warm up — 10 burpees, 40 DUs, handstand walks and kip swings
6 sets
10 ab wheel
:06 false grip hang — hands in and out
2 tempo dips (:02 hold at the bottom)
:06 chest to rings hold
FSQ 5-5-5
33 x 10, 83 x 5
123 x 5, 133 x 5, 143 x 5 — these all felt great
10 TTB & 10 Push ups between work sets
7 Sled pushes — 1/2 the length of 608
Dog sled + 40# + Siena for the first, then Elaina for the rest
(Elaina weighs about 46#, Siena I think 52#)
3 sets
6 strict HSPUs – 1 abmat
12 GHD sit ups
8 hip extensions w/ :02 hold
The girls designed a lot of what I did and made up workouts for themselves as well. They did a LOT of work!