Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat:
2 x 10
Front Squat:
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Start at 50% for each and add weight each week throughout the cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
270m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Paola L. repping CFSBK with (that’s right) Mount Everest in the background!
Holiday Schedule Changes
Happy first night of Hanukkah from CFSBK! While we are offering a full slate of group classes today, there will be some cancellations, and we’ll be operating on a limited schedule tomorrow. Here’s what the next few days will look like:
CF Group Class:
8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
9am Short Circuit, 10am Yoga, 11am Active Recovery, 2pm Comp Class
CF Group Class:
9am, 10am, 11am
10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery, 2pm Anti-Gravity, 2:15pm Free Intro Class, 6-8pm Proctored Open Gym
CF Group Class:
10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
6pm, 7pm, 8am CrossFit Group, 9am Short Circuit, 4:30pm CrossFit PreTeens
You can find the rest of our schedule through January 4th right here. Have a joyous holiday!
Join Us for CFSBK’s Community Potluck on Saturday, January 28th at 7pm
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of normal classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. Bring your family! Bring your favorite healthy dish! We can’t wait to see you there!
What Are The Most Egregiously George Lucas-Ass Names in Baseball? Vice Sports
Fix Your Squat: Sliders Naturally Stronger
Back squat 200, FS 180.
5:53 on WOD.
Crossfit Novi-
Back squat 83 2×10
Front squat 73 2×10
These were crisp, quick, and tiring. Felt the full range of motion- loved it!
Did a version of the 12 days of xmas wod (like the song)
On the first day of Christmas…
1 jumping muscle up
2 hand stand push-ups
3 pull-ups
4 ttb
5 box jumps
6 kbs
7 goblet squats
8 burpees
9 KB deadlifts
10 sit ups
11 double unders
12 wallballs
Super fun but that gym is a hot mess. If I didn't have great habits from cfsbk, I would have had no idea what was going on. I felt bad for the guy dropping in from Florida.
Wishing all of you Happy holidays!
Dropped in to CF Involve again
Then did some of the partner WOD with Jess that they had programmed.
Alternate rounds of:
1 Power Clean 185/115
3 Push Jerks (Jess did HSPU)
5 Wall Ball 20/14
We did 11 rounds each in just over 12 minutes and then had to wrap up. The gym had it as 50 rounds!
LBBS 3×10 @107.5
Did three sets of BS instead of FSQTs because of my wrist. Easy and fun, focused on not tipping over. Felt fine holding the bar in place but a little bit of discomfort in my wrist when I released the bar.
Modified WOD
15 cal AB
15 single arm thrusters (left arm) @25# DB
AB is hard but I will def get better at it since it seems like I will be using it several times a week. Actually excited about this.
Thrusters broken up as 8-7
Happy Holidays! Thanks to those working today!
Gorgeous Paola! Enjoy it up there.
This morning:
15 mins working out kinks, then 4 sets of..
10 GHD sit-ups
20 cal row — 800 cal/hr pace, ~80%
10 push ups — unbroken
8AM with DO.
HBBS: 165x2x10
Then, like a fool, I forgot to deload for the front squats and did:
FSQ: 165x2x10
WOD @95lbs: 8:34
Pretty beat up now after doing Thursday's workout on Friday. Probably going to take the day off tomorrow.
A. 3 x 25 m foot drills
Single leg stand- accumulate 90 secs each leg. Harder than it sounds!!
B.10- x push-up shoulder taps
10 x PVC dislocates
1 arm high pull 3 x 8 @ 35#
Wall facing handstand- accumulate 75 seconds…also harder than it sounds. Took 3 sets.
C. Deadlift
265 x 6, 275 x 6 x 2, 255 x 6 x 2
All hook grip and belted.
Strict Press
70 x 7, 72 x 7 x 2, 67 x 7 x 2
Front Rack Step-Ups
85 x 7 x 4
Had planned to get some conditioning in but I guess that will happen tomorrow.
1pm class
80lbs BKSQT as I have no idea what my 1RM of this is this seemed like a logical choice and also one that doesn't feel like my spine is being hammered into my sacrum.
70lbs FRNTSQT (good band name?) Big difference in how the stability differs in these two squats. Someone who understands these lifts better than I could probably explain this to me. In back squat I can feel my right side not being recruited, this doesn't really happen in front squat, probably something to do with multifidi. Was more fatigued on these, because probably closer to a true 50% and the squats that came before.
WOD: 11:43 63lbs then 53lbs
Today I discovered hang power cleans and power cleans feel different. Did the first round with 63lbs, which probably looked alarming. All manner of tossing and grinding and thinking "I've made a huge mistake". Sorry guys. Went down to 53lbs for the second round, and gained some empathy for the fine pit crews at NASCAR. These felt much better, was able to cycle smoothishly. Still kept sets of 12 then 8. Went just down from a full sprint on the last 100 meters. Glad the rained eased off, I was excited to run this morning.
Got to meet Corey B. in class today. I squealed. He's an expert on improv and all around excellent human being. Talk to him if you want your mind blown on how to be a better listener, teacher and generally funner human. Also Christmas came early in the form of a ShakeShack burger coupon (also squealed). Couldn't have had a better day. Thanks CFSBK.