For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
This is THE classic CrossFit couplet that has inspired and hooked so many CrossFitters over the years. So simple, yet so potent. The intention is for this to be brutally fast. The fastest times world-wide are completed unbroken and under 2 minutes. Scale accordingly. However, as always, there’s is room to gut out Rx’ing a benchmark such as this at a load or degree of difficulty that’s at the edge of your ability so you might also consider that when deciding what your “Fran” will look like today. Top athletes complete the reps unbroken and with minimal rest but your (and my) Fran might be very different. If you can do the 21 thrusters unbroken but then you wind up in a world of shit for the 21 Pull-Ups, then you should probably break those Thrusters up! Do you rest too much during the 15s? Have a strategy to minimize rest like: 3-5 breaths between sets or a controlled 3-5 count in your head. In any case, have a plan that is honest to your level of ability. Let your judge know your plan and ask them to help keep you to it. And as always, have fun!
Sub Jumping Pull-Ups or scale volume as needed. Use lighter bars and larger bumps as available to save the 10s and 15s!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare with 8.8.16
Nikhil B. was in Austin this past week and was fortunate enough to drop in at Coach Noah’s new gym, Crossfit Lumos. He had just opened doors over the weekend! Nikhil is pictured here with Noah and Coach Anna
- Schedule Change: Open Gym is cancelled tomorrow for the CFSBK staff holiday party.
TOMORROW: The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A
Want to learn more about our upcoming Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? You’re invited to an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 18th at 12pm in the Annex. Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you might have. The dates of the Challenge are from Saturday 1/2/17 through Saturday 3/25/17. This is when the CrossFit South Brooklyn community comes together to kickstart healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. See the LFPB Challenge event page for more details and to learn how you can participate!
First CrossFit Workout? CrossFit
The First Time “Fran” Was Posted to the CF Main Site
Fran: 8:23 Rx.
This is about a three and a half minutes faster than in August when I first tried Fran, so happy to see my pull-ups have improved. And this time I didn't leave a chunk of skin and blood on the bar- victories all around! Less exciting is that I finally can say I'm experiencing my first Fran cough.
Short Circuit after. Shoulders were smoked, so needed to take far more rest than I would have liked.
10 a.m. w/MeLo & JB.
Fran: 9:49 Rx. First time rx-ing it. Pull-ups still far and away the limiting factor (was doing doubles all through the round of 15). But squeaked in under the cap thanks to Jess P. & JB yelling at me to get back on the bar (thanks team!).
Been a really good crush week.
1 pm with Brett.
7:29 rx'd.
Tried to do rd 1: 8/7/6, rd 2: 6/5/4, and rd 3: 4/3/2 and generally succeeded.
Fran cough now in full effect, I'll be spending the afternoon on Squarespace building a conspiracy website about the Crossfit media's perpetuation of the impossible sub-3 minute Fran time.
But in all seriousness, special thanks go to my partner Gabe for lending me his wrist grip things, Brett for the advice, and the whole group for encouragement. I need to work on cycling my pull ups, being smother on the thrusters, and obv just getting stronger / fitter.
11am with JB and Whit
Fran: 3:41 Rx
This was a minute PR for me (last recorded time was 4:40) but I think I missed recording one in between. Thrusters all unbroken with a pause at the top on the 1/3's through each round. Pull-ups unbroken in the 21, then 8/7, then 4/3/2.
I am still coughing.
Fran alone in 597. Got a PR time at 7:17. Last time was 7:50 in August and I wasn't feeling very snappy today, so I'll happily take that improvement! I try to remind myself that not so long ago, I couldn't even do pull ups so I'm happy with even finishing. 🙂
I had a few issue with the clock but I believe that was the correct time! Thank you to Paul and Whit for cheering me on! And to Whit for the pro tip for pull ups that will save me at least 20 seconds on my next attempt! 🙂
10am with JB and Melo
Woke up today thinking "Fran is a pretty quick one, maybe I'll do a quick makeup wod for Grace that I missed". Needless to say I'm still having a hard time breathing from Fran and didn't even consider doing Grace. My brain needs to stop associating Fran with 3min, and start associating with 7min-that-feel-like-20min.
Fran(ish) in 7:07. Did the thrusters Rx but scaled the volume of pull-ups to 12-9-6. My shoulders are still recovering and I don't think I had ever done 20+ pull-ups on a wod, nor had done thrusters at 95lbs. This was the right approach – I maybe could have done the whole thing Rx, but would have run into the time cap as my pull-ups turned into singles/doubles.
Came back to life doing 11am AR with David, then did a bunch of shoulder strength stuff. Finished week 3 of bulletproof shoulders and I already feel a lot better. No more pain or discomfort while kipping, and generally feeling stronger and more stable.
At some point earlier in the year the question of the day was "what do you want to achieve in crossfit in 2016", and my answer was "kipping pull-ups" – happy for being in a place where I can do them regularly during wods.
Accumulate 8 mins in paleo chair. So. Hard.
3 x 1 minute inversion walking.
15 mins for quality (3 rounds)
Row 250m medium pace, damper @3
20 secs supinated grip bar hang
10 x 1arm suitcase deadlift 75#
10 x shoulder taps
Comp Deadlift
265×6@7RPE, 275×6@8RPE, 255×6
75×5@7RPE, 80×5@9RPE, 75×5
Bulgarian Split Squat
95×7@7RPE,105×7@8RPE, 95×7
Pretty happy with the split squats since I couldn't do these at all last time I tried over a year ago. All of the mobility stuff is beginning to pay off.
D. Fran- 6:18 Rx
This was my second time Rxing this and I made a right old mess of it. Last time I didn't try half as hard and my time was two seconds faster. Granted, I lifted a lot beforehand today but my approach was all wrong. My notes from last time said to try thrusters unbroken the next time but I should definitely not have done that because my pull-ups suffered and so did my lungs/arms/legs/state of mind. At least now I know!!
8 AM with MeLo and JB.
First time with any kind of Fran. Did it with
83# and jumping pull-ups. 5:41. Fran cough is real.
i love CFSBK