AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Aim to move quickly from station to station on this throwback benchmark and CFSBK Leaderboard WOD. In it’s best capacity, the movements are performed unbroken throughout, though most athletes will break up at least the Push-Ups and the Pull-Ups as needed. Scale the Pull-Ups to bands or ring rows as needed, or scale some volume. Scale the Push-Ups to Knee Push-Ups or to elevated. The Squats are either an “active rest” if you’re moving fast and unbroken through the upper-body movements or a chance to make up time if you’re breaking them up. Either way, perform this classic triplet with virtuosity. Average scores are between 10 and 15 rounds, with high scores going into the 30s. That gives you 300-450+ opportunities to move well. Take advantage of them!
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Compare with 2.24.16
50′ 1-Arm Farmer Carry, each side
Go heavy on these. Use Jerry Cans, Farmer Handles (for above 100#) or grab a heavy kettlebell or dumbell and carry it 50 feet. Rest as needed between sets. Start with your weaker side and only go as heavy as that side can handle. 25% of your best Deadlift is a good place to start.
Post work to comments.
Coach Fox leading last year’s first Look Feel Perform Better Q&A. Registration for the LFPB Challenge is now open!
The 2017 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kickstart positive changes. This year’s challenge will follow a similar model to last year. There are two levels that you can choose to participate from. On Level 1, you’ll focus primarily on food quality and eating from a large spectrum of whole foods (lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, and legumes). This is a perfect place to start if you’re new to healthy eating or are having to re-learn what that means for you. On Level 2 you’ll be tracking macronutrients and focusing on eating particular quantities of them, adjusting along the way as necessary. Due to the lasting success of many participants last year, we’re following the same 12 week format as in 2016. The reason behind this is that while extreme short term actions can bring rapid results, we’ve seen this often result in a “crash” where the individual rebels against the limiting factors of an extreme dietary challenge. We’d rather you have more inclusive food options and change a few manageable things over a longer period than change many things for six weeks only to get lost in a haze of bagels, beer, and chocolate cake once the challenge ends.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community
What? A 12 week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are! You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet Ups at the gym in addition to the Facebook group that you can look to for daily support. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day. If you’re on the social medias, then join our Facebook group! Search “2017 CFSBK Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge”.
When? There is an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 18th at 1pm in the Annex. Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you have. The dates of the challenge are from Saturday 1/2/17 through Saturday 3/25/17. We’ll also be hosting a potluck dinner at the gym on 1/28/16 where you can meet and greet with fellow SBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with their food choices.
What will I need? For Level 1, only a desire to begin to make better food choices. For Level 2, you’ll need a food scale and a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons since you’ll be measuring out servings of lean protein, clean carbs, veggies, and fats. Whichever level you choose you should plan to do a bit of food shopping and prep beginning the first week to make good food choices easy.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
Wait, did you say prizes? Yes. The grand prize for both the men’s and women’s category is one month of FREE unlimited training at CFSBK, a $250+ value! There are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the men’s and women’s categories including a punch card or free specialty classes at CFSBK and also free personal training! Additionally, Kettlebell Kitchen is extending a 15% discount to all CFSBK members who are participating!
Alright, you’re in? Great!
How To Participate:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Buy-in of $30 cash, given to Front Desk staff.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos according to the guidelines on the Look, Feel, Perform Better website. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent. You can access the 2017 LFPB Challenge Entry Form HERE.
- Perform the Test WOD and record your results.
- Track points earned daily on the spreadsheet based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines.
- Complete your Post Challenge submission by 3/28/17 at the end of the challenge
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions on Sundays at 1pm in the Annex at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture and a Q&A. (1/8, 1/22, 2/5, 2/19, 3/5, and 3/19).
See you at The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Info Session on December 18th at 12pm in the Upstairs Annex!
Heavy Lifting and Heart Health Starting Strength
A New History for Humanity Kurzgesagt
Dan L says
6am with Ro and McDowell –
Cindy: 23 rounds + 3 PU
PR by about 20 reps from the last time I did this. Pushups held out til after the 10th round (maybe 11th or 12 I started breaking them up).
DJ Flash says
6am with McDowell across the street
Cindy: 22 rds + 15 rx
1 round better than last time, so that's good. Push ups fell apart quicker than usual but I managed to keep speed through the squats.
Kayleigh says
Cindy: 12 rounds + 8 Rx
This is a two round improvement from February, so pretty excited. Pull-ups don't usually agree with me at 6AM, so it took until the fourth round for me to start to get a rhythm going there. Pushups went fast. Fun watching Michael and Dan go head to head next to me.
James A says
6am with Ro
Sweet little Cindy – 22 Rounds + 12 Rx
Made it through 7 or 8 rounds until the push-ups disappeared
Dan G. says
6am with McDowell across the street
Cindy: 13 rounds + 5 Rx
I'm pretty sure that this is a PR. Stayed on the bar for all 5 pullups each round, but couldn't keep consistent rythym past 2. pushups in 2 sets for 2 rounds, 3 sets for 9 rounds, 4 sets for 2 rounds.
Brendan B says
6am w/ McD
Cindy Rx – 15 rounds + 3 reps
2 round PR from the last time we did this which was a nice surprise.
James A says
Christian Michael Thomas Fox – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
33 years old never looked so good on a man
Linda says
6am with McDowell and Arturo
Cindy – 9 rounds + 1 pull-up. I decided to approach this workout with the goal of doing all push-ups strict, which meant more rest than I would've liked, but I also did 90 strict push-ups!!
Warming up, I was playing around with kipping pull-ups and they're getting better. Hoping to be able to start doing these in the workouts, but stuck with the band assisted for today.
Happy birthday Fox!
Stella says
Happy birthday, Fox!
Warmup was good — I did kip swings for the first time in, like, a year and a half, and they felt okay! Not okay as in I am good at them, but my wrists didn't bother me at all and that was huge.
11 rounds + 9 pushups with 3 strict chins per round. (I was not about to try kipping in a WOD, particularly not one of this length.) I did the pushups to DBs, but still, that means I did 119 of them and my wrists were pretty much fine, which is also huge. PROGRESS!
You 6 AM people are freaks, though.
Whit H says
A.Heat up: 1000m row, thoracic mobility, 2x through: :20 noes and toes HS hold, 8 kip swing, 3 push up 55×1
B. CGBP @ 30×1 @ 112#
3-3-3, rest :20 b/t sets
rest 3 min
repeat 3 sets
spicy!! within the clusters: set one is no problem, two is challenge, three is just digging dip! last rep of last set just stood still for a bit til I cranked it up with the right side. Thanks Snickers!
C1. seated arnold press 21×1
25#ea x10 (effing hard)
Rest :30
C2. max unbroken strict pull up 7-5-5
Rest :90
D. Run 2 miles with Penny, with some stops to look for holiday cards.
K HarpZ says
Cindy: 18+ 8 reps.
I haven't done this in over 2 years! Had no idea what to expect.
–> all pull-ups UB. fine.
–>Pushups are a huge weak spot for me. So I should be happy that I was able to do this one without pain! It's been over 8 months since pushups have truly bothered me. So no -pain gainz have been attained. *golf clap* started with 5/5, but quickly broke down to 4/3/3, then 2's and sad singles
–>squats, for some reason are really hard for me, but i think I'm finally figuring out how to do them efficiently. Has something to do with using the momentum of my arm swing to pull me down into a squat.
My elbow feels crazy on the L side (occasional electric zinging in my funny bone area during pushups today). Gotta keep my forearms loose or this is gonna become an issue.
Did 80# D-ball bear hug carries for the washout instead, as prescribed via active life folk. Plus. Wanted to give my L forearm a rest after a good beating.
Charles S says
10 am Cindy with Brett and Arturo.
13 rounds plus 5 push-ups with 3 strict
pull-ups instead of 5.
First Cindy. lost push-ups quickly.
David Osorio says
6:30pm Group Class with Ro and Melo
19 Rounds + 8 Reps
Wanted that 20 rounds, but alas. This workout is all about the push-ups for me. Got through 10 rounds unbroken then was breaking 6-4 for a few rounds then 3-3-2-2 the last few. Felt pretty good about this effort
Lauren says
3 sets —
6 ea SLDL 16kg
6 ea high pull 22.5#
6 ea pistols
Deadlift 30X0
145# x 5 x 3 — better than last week
Close Grip Bench 30X0
80# x 5 x 3 — fine
3 Power Snatch OTM for 12 mins
36kg, 38kg, 40kg
some misses, not many of them were executed properly
5 sets
10 ab wheeel roll-outs
6 spiderman push ups
10 v-ups
Under the weather but feeling a little better after this.
Daniel R says
6:30pm with Ro and Melo.
Cindy – 14 rounds + 2, doing 3 pull ups instead of 5.
First time doing Cindy will pull ups. Moved well, kipping pull ups got weird in the last three rounds (sweaty hands didn't help), but the push-ups really broke down. Did 4 rounds of 10 push-ups, then moved to 5/5 for a few rounds, then 5/3/2. Was pleased with my squats, which I used to have a hard time with but can do them well and fast nowadays. All in all didn't know what to expect, so ended up happy. I think I'll be able to do Murph will pull ups this year.
Farmers carry was also my Bulletproof work today, but it was 75m (250ft) instead of 100ft. Did 3x75m each arm with 65lbs DB, with some nerve flossing in between. Was miserable, the dumbbell is terrible to carry around (the weight is distributed weirdly on the edges).
Jenny M says
7:30 with David and Ro
1st time doing Cindy and push ups were a struggle!
12 rounds +8 🙂
Fox says
Did this on Tuesday.
Bench Press
1-Arm Carry
Surprise PR at 21 +13
Previous best was 20+5 and that was about 20lbs ago…