Power Clean + Push/Power Jerk
50% x 3
60% x 2
70% x 2
80% x 1
85% x 1
90% x 1
95% x 1
100% x 1
100+% x 1
Press-outs are missed lifts. If you miss a lift (either a press out or a straight up miss), then redo it. If you miss it again, go down in weight for a make before going up again. If you’re feeling good, then go for it today. If not then aim to make a few reps above 80% and call it a day.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
Power Clean + Push/Power Jerk at 75% of your best lift on the day.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Register Now for the 3rd Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open!
Hosted by CrossFit South Brooklyn
February 18, 2017, 9am-6pm
Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
You are invited to test your one rep maxes in a rare, women’s only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to women of all ages; you do not need to be a member of Crossfit South Brooklyn to participate. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
We’ve already lined up some great sponsors, including: Cafe Grumpy; Sara June Salon; Twig Terrariums; Threes Brewing/Meat Hook/Ninth Street Espresso; Left Bank Restaurant and more!!
Go here to register!
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a first, second and third place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Grace Outreach, a Bronx-based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, the annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship assists low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
In 2016, competitors raised $30,000 in scholarship money – $10,000 above our goal. We hope to match or exceed last year’s incredible show of support.
Questions? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert: Margie [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com.
Entry Fee: $60 for non-CFSBK members; $50 for CFSBK members.
Includes: Eligibility for prizes, a t-shirt and an awesome day!
Registration Deadline: January 7, 2016
Visit www.ironmaidensrawopen.com for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Wall Balls, Row, Burpees, Kettlebell Swings
The Best and Worst Fitness Tips from Old Timey Strongmen and Strongwomen BarBend
Fit at 56: Lucie Hobart CrossFit
Handstand push ups
C2B pull ups
Box Jumps
Pwr Clean+Push Jark– 301#. Cleaned 306 but pressed out
WOD— 11 reps @225#
Power Clean + Push Jerk: 83, 103, 113, 123, 133, 138, 143, 148F, 148
Shared the bar with new addition Sarah, who is strong AF. Welcome!
WOD: 22 reps at 113#.
After: 3 rounds of 5 TTB, 15 GHDSU
Warmed up with some pull ups and pistols
Bench Press with KLove: 105 x 5 x 3.
WOD: Modified a comptrain workout so that it was doable…
36 cal row, 21 thrusters (63#)
30 cal row, 18 thrusters (73#)
24 cal row, 15 thrusters (83#)
18 cal row, 12 thrusters (93#)
12 cal row, 9 thrusters (103#)
Finished 19:22. Woof. Was in no rush when changing those weights. Broke up the thrusters more than I probably would have if I was working out with others (peer pressure is usually the main reason I can go unbroken at times).
Today's blog photo!
Noon class
Up to 231 with a miss at 242.
18 reps on the WOD.
noon class with Ro and Kharpz.
clean and jerk up to 130, a 7# pr.
22 reps in the wod @95#.
Really liked this cycle.
Yeah Sarah snatches more than my max clean haha. Strong AF indeed! Welcome Sarah!
10RM 1 arm shoulder press- 27.5 right, 25 left
11am with Katie and Ro.
Power Clean and Push Jerk
135# (PR), 138#, 140#. Missed 143# several times.
Messed up the metcon- somehow I thought it was just power cleans, did 13 of those before I realized my mistake and then did 13 clean and jerks all at 105#. Oops.
Yesterday OG
60m Max farmer's carry- 45#
Deadlift (rest 1 min between sets)
255 x 13, 255 x 7
Chin-ups (rest 30 secs between sets)
8, 4, 3
Dips (rest 30 secs)
15, 9, 6
Amazed at how much these have improved. I was struggling to get 8 a couple of months ago.
Front squat
155 x 8 x 3
This was supposed to be 3 x 10 but I couldn't push through it.
Max 1 arm OH carry 100m- 35# left, 40# right
Bench Press (1min rest)
115 x 10, 115 x 5
Press (30 secs rest)
70 x 6, 3, 3
Guess I was fatigued from the rest of it because this is waaaay less than last week.
DB curls (30 secs rest)
25 x 20, 15, 12
6:30 group class with Whit and Ro
Got to 98# and it was a full snatch so that was kind of a PR but not really lol. Still all arms. Just can't relax.
20 reps at 78#.
Max 1 arm OH carry: left 30#, right 40# Yikes!
Worked up to 113 and hit it four times. Stayed at 113 bc my jerks weren't good. Kept sliding the bar down my shoulders and wasn't locking out.
WOD: 26 reps @83#
Was aiming for 30 reps.
HSPU progressions
21-15-9 HSPUs, C2B, box jumps
Goal was to have a metabolic stimulus today so had to make some modifications from what I wanted to do.
HSPUs: started with one ab mat + 10# plate, then had two switch to two ab mats to avoid going to singles. Did 15-12-9
C2B: Shoulders were too fried to do more than two reps! Went to regular butterflies and only could do singles so went to regular kipping so I could get large sets in.