Joe M., Coach Nick, Liz M., Mike M., Stephanie H., Jude G., and Richard G. represented CFSBK at the Row New York Jingle Mingle last weekend. Want to know how it went? Coach Nick wrote a blog post for Row New York, which you can read here!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
We had some big annoucements on the ole blog this week. Let’s review!
1. It’s that time of year again! That’s right, the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is back. We’ll have sign up info very soon!
2. It’s also another time of year again! Time to register for the Iron Maidens Raw Open, a rare, women’s only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to women of all ages; you do not need to be a member of Crossfit South Brooklyn to participate. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
3. Want to get stronger? Of course you do. Registration opened for Coach Margie and Jeremy’s Starting Strength Program this week. These classes fill up quick, so act now! See Tuesday’s post for details.
4. CFSBK is now offering Short Circuit classes on Saturdays at 9am. Foundations isn’t a prerequisite for Short Circuit, so bring a friend. Head over to the Short Circuit website for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Metcon
On the Social Function of Noobs NY Mag
Found: A One-of-a-Kind Dinosaur Tail Preserved in Amber, With Its Feathers Atlas Obscura
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
1-1-1 or 3-3-3
Establish a new 1RM, or if you're newer to the lifts, then perform a heavy triple instead.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
40 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
20 KB Swings 32/24kg
Baller status for going unbroken on the wall balls and kb swings (and for not sandbagging the row or the burpees). The swings are Rx'd as overhead so scale to a weight you can handle for one set of 20, or at most 2 sets. Scale to Russian Swings as mobility necessitates.
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am with Brett doing Saturday's work
Front Squat: Hit 305# for a 10# PR. Moved well and I would have liked to hit another one but we ran out of time. Fun working with MikeyM and Alex.
Metcon: 6:06 Rx. Wall balls unbroken, row was annoying, burpees were paced and KB's unbroken. Fun racing with Kayleigh.
FSQ: Hit 205#, a 5# PR. One failed attempt at 210. Need to just focus on staying more upright.
WOD: 7:09 Rx. All WB and KB unbroken. Enjoyed trying to keep up with Michael on the the first two parts because I knew that once we hit the burpees it was game over for me.
I know that we have done this before – any idea of when it was programmed? Would love to try to find my past time to compare.
Hey! My notebook (containing almost a year of Crossfit progress) went missing sometime between 7am today and the end of DROMs. It was sitting on the floor by the GHD machine with my lifters. I would reeeeeally like to find it! If anyone sees a ratty-looking turquoise/blue patterned notebook with a ripped cover, half the pages falling out and a pen stuck in it, can you please either put it in the bin with the others or leave it at the front desk? I'd be very very grateful!
Kayleigh: I thought I could find it quickly for you by googling "'baller status'" but apparently that phrase gets used a lot on the blog!
Looking forward (uh, sort of) to giving WBs a try again tomorrow.
Did some Active recovery today with crossover symmetry and some light sled work, just wanted to get a light sweat going.
Kirby, abandoned note books usually end up back in the log book bin. Hope you find it!
Loved seeing the article about the well preserved dinosaur. More evidence that more of them than we thought looked like giant chickens as opposed to godzilla.
new line height on the blog is driving me nuts
@Entitled – The blog is acting funny and we had to go to an older version so it would actually post. Please stay tuned, it should look prettier soon.
Row 3×10 min/2min rest
11 Uni DB Presses 45#
11 Uni DB High Pulls 45#
5 Sumo Deadlifts 275
50' Yoke Walk (195×2, 295×4)
6 Strict Wide Grip C2B Pull Ups
EMOM x 15
Power Clean
Started at 132 and worked up to 209 then back down and up a few times.
@Stella – brilliant idea, definitely a consistently used descriptor on the blog. Thanks for trying!
Warm up — 10 RDL 45#, 10 FSQ 45#, 6 BTN Press 45#, 10 Handstand walk attempts
Deadlift — 3 x 3 @ 165# This felt heavy… 10# lighter than I'd left off last time :/
FSQ — Doubles OTM for 6 mins, bc I misunderstood what I as supposed to do
125# x 4 mins, 135# x 2 mins
Power Cleans
3 mins — Every :20 2 PC @36kg (65% of 1RM PC)
3 mins — Every :20 2 PC @42kg (75%)
I think it's time to re-check my PC 1RM (I'm operating off of 56kg)
12 mins — :30 "off" (2:30-2:50), :30 "on" (2:00-2:30)
For some reason the style template we were using forever crapped out on us and none of the CSS works, luckily there was a backup format which we were able to use to get the blog at least online. The line height displayed is terrible, I agree.
Yay, hit a Snatch PR today!! 128!! Super exciting to hit a Snatch PR that actually felt really good ?