Establish a new 1RM Press. If you’re newer to this lift, then perform 5 heavy singles or triples instead. The goal is no missed reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
Deadlifts 315/205
Bar Muscle-Ups
The Deadlifts should be heavy but unbroken on the fast side. The scale for the Bar Muscle-Ups is 1 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up + 1 Burpee per Bar Muscle-Up. Sub Jumping BMUs, or regular Pull-Ups as needed. Bands are okay for the Pull-Up + Burpee sub.
Post time and Rx to comments.
A quick glimpse of Saturday’s Active Life Bulletproof Workshop. We highly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to learn more (a lot more!) about movement, performance, and how to get rid of pain!
The 2017 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A Meeting
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kick-start positive changes. This year’s Challenge will follow a similar model to last year. There are two levels that you can choose to participate from.
- With Level 1, you’ll focus primarily on food quality and eating from a large spectrum of whole foods (lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, and legumes). This is a perfect place to start if you’re new to healthy eating or are having to re-learn what that means for you.
- With Level 2, you’ll be tracking macronutrients and focusing on eating particular quantities of them, adjusting along the way as necessary.
As with last year, the Challenge will last 12 weeks. The reason behind this is that while extreme actions can bring rapid results, we’ve seen this often result in a “crash” where the individual rebels against the limiting factors of extreme dietary challenge. We’d rather you have more inclusive food options and change a few manageable things over a longer period than change many things for six weeks only to get lost in a haze of bagels, beer, and chocolate cake once the Challenge ends.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community.
What? A 12-week challenge meant as a collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are. You’re encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow participants. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet-Ups at the gym in addition to the online forums that you can look to for daily support. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day.
When? There is an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 18th at 12pm in the Annex! Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you have. The dates of the Challenge are from Monday, 1/2/17 through Monday, 3/26/17. We’ll also be hosting a Community Potluck Dinner on 1/28/17 where you can meet and greet with fellow SBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with their food choices.
What will I need? For Level 1, only a desire to begin to make better food choices. For Level 2, you’ll need a food scale and a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons since you’ll be measuring out servings of lean protein, clean carbs, veggies, and fats. Whichever level you choose you should plan to do a bit of food shopping and prep beginning the first week to make good food choices easy.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
Wait, did you say prizes? Yes! The grand prize for both the men’s and women’s category is one month of FREE unlimited training at CFSBK, a $265 value! There are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the men’s and women’s categories including a punch card for free specialty classes at CFSBK, and a free personal training session
Alright, you’re in? Great!
How To Participate:
We’ll have full sign-up details right here on the blog. Keep a lookout. In the meantime… See you at The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Info Session on December 18th at 12pm in the Upstairs Annex!
Sammy Lee, First Asian American Man to Earn Olympic Gold, Dies at 96 NY Times
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups: Common Faults CrossFit
Johnson & Johnson Has Released an 8,000-Calorie Shampoo People Can Eat If They Get Trapped in the Shower
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit
8e Split Squats with 3 second neg
8e High Pulls with 2 second neg
8e Palloff Presses
MetCon Circuit
10min @ 85% effort – same pace each round
8-12 wall ball
8-12 KB swings
6-8 DB press
10min @ 85% effort – same pace each round
250m row
6-10 ring rows
6 slam balls
10min @ 85% effort – same pace each round
2 bear crawls length of gym
6-8 burpees
8-10 hollow rocks
6am with McRo
Press – 115# / 125# / 127.5F x 2
Didn't realize this was a 5# PR at the time. I'll take it!
Metcon – 6:36
225# on the deads (~70% 1RM) and 3-2-1-1-1 on the BMU. The former was too light. BMUs were best towards the end once I loosened my grip.
7:05 AM (god, I did not have my act together this morning) with McRo
Got to 87.5 on press, which was disappointing. I know I can't always expect to match my PR but this was 5# under that!
WOD on the other hand was super fun. Rx'ed the deadlifts and did burpees + C2B chinups. 4:18.
6am with McRo
Press was not on point today. Hit 165, but missed 175 and 170 – not my day there.
Metcon was fun – finished in 2:39 Rx'd
WU: 50 pulls on erg (690m. 40 cal.) D-ROMs, Flagpoles, 2 rounds (15 KB@1.5, 15 situps, 5 pushups)
Press: 45×3, 65×3, 80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 95×1, 100×1, 105×1, 110×5
Metcon: DL@ #185 5-4-3-2-1; Pushups 10-8-6-4-2 (still no chin-up bar) 3:05
Cookie parties and pie are taking their toll!
A few thoughts from the weekend…
Friday night I went to Murat's Sweet Polly.
I highly recommend it — great drinks and atmosphere. I didn't have a chance to try the food, but I will be back for sure.
Saturday Active Life Assessment Session.
The Active Life Performance Care crew was great — they are approachable, knowledgeable and shared a ton of information with what is clearly a goal to make even more information available to help us feel and perform better.
The concepts make a lot of sense and I look forward to delving into their bulletproof programs to find answers to some of the many questions that I have after the seminar.
The seminar itself conveyed useful information, but I was left feeling that it was too much information and too much assessment for what was supposed to be a 4 hour seminar. I am not clear on why we did the strength movements we did and how much our increasing fatigue affected the findings. I am anxious to be able to access the bulletproof modules so that I can find answers to what conclusions I can draw from the results and how to address the pain or discomfort that was experienced.
I was reluctant to ask questions that might send us down a rabbit hole during the seminar because there was clearly a lot that needed to be touched upon. In fact, I had no idea we would be doing all the maxing out, so I was too hungry and exhausted to synthesize all the information — now that it's sinking in, my conclusion is that a longer seminar, or breaking the seminar down into parts, would have been more beneficial.
Rest day yesterday. Ready to get back into it today.
10 AM class with Arturo and Brett. (RettRo?).
45/65/95/100/105/110/117.5/120 fail
The 117.5 is a 2.5# PR and generally indicates that I should be more aggressive with the Olympic lifts given that my jerk pr (yesterday) is 123#.
WOD in 3.17 with 155# DL and bizarro jumping burpee CTB.
7 a.m. w/McDowell & Ro.
Press: 115, 135Fx2, McDowell getting me to pay attention, 125, 130 (PR!), 135F. Too much of a jump and some fatigue from the weekend, but that's a 5-pound PR and next time I'll warm up better.
Metcon: 4:29 @ 265# DL w/burpee+regular pull-ups. Few low pulls, had to re-do. Busted finger fully covered and almost healed.
Can't recommend the LFPB challenge enough. I'm coming back this year, not to win it but to tone up and work hard on the "P" bit of the equation. Even if you have some passing curiosity about how you might tune up your diet in this national capital of Seamless cuisine, it's well-worth checking out. We're lucky we have tons of coaches in this gym who're capable of talking about so many different areas of fitness.
145, 160, 170, 180, 190 (F)
The 190 would have been a 5 lb PR but instead was a pretty funny fail, especially after the histrionic manner in which I approached the bar 🙂 180 felt pretty smooth.
Avoided what looks like a really fun WOD since it involves 2 movements that have left me with injuries recently. Instead did all out intervals on some awful things that don't injure me but I generally avoid because I'm bad at them: The bike, light sled sprints, and strict wide grip pull ups.
Tomorrow's rest day is so badly needed. Super sore from this weekend, small tear in my hand, and my right forearm is having some discomfort – tried to work efficiently today and not push it too much.
Press: 75-80-85-90F-87.5
The last 1RM press I can find is from about a year ago and is 85, but I think I might have tested slightly higher since then. So either a PR or pretty darn close.
WOD: 5:15 with pull-ups and burpees. I would love to try this again sometime when I feel less beaten up.
focused day today. walked to/from the gym, which totals up to 3.5 miles. crisp air!
Quick heat up, warm up.
A. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30×1 tempo @ 80% (108#)
3-3-3, rest :20 between sets
rest 3 minutes, then repeat cluster for 3 total sets
This was challenging, but fine. Definitely feeling the pump by those 3rd sets of each cluster. Repeat a bit heavier.
3 sets, superset:
B1. Seated Arnold Press @ 20×2
8 reps @ 25# DB's
Rest :30
B2. max unbroken strict pull up (5-4-4)
Rest :90
seated arnold press was way harder than i expected today
C. Rowing
4 x 500m @ 2:06 pace , rest 2:15 between
Rest 4:00 extra, then repeat
4 x 500m @ 2:06 pace, rest 2:15 between
2:06.0 / 2:04.6 / 2:05.0 / 2:05.3
2:05.2 / 2:05.4 / 2:06.4 / 2:06.1
CF – Infinitely scalable!
Played hooky from work.. and made it to the 430p class, heaven!
Strict Press – not really shooting for 1RM these days so instead worked up to
58 x 5 x 4 sets (did 3 and had some time left and felt I had more in the tank)
felt great, very moveable.
WOD with 93# DL & Kipping pull ups with burpee jumping to tall plank
5:30 class
53/58/63/65.5, failed 68 twice, think I could have made the second one as it was over my head but no cigar. Went down to 65.5, was fast but broke at the ribs, wanted to try the 68 again but ran out of time. Working on getting the head through without breaking the ribs. Remembering a narrower grip right at the knurling.
WOD in 3:41 at 135lbs
Jumping chest to bar pull-ups, these were easy, too easy.
Probably could have gone heavier on the DL. Should probably just get a neck tattoo that says "could have gone heavier". But this is the heaviest I've deadlifted in recent history, so I'm going to be ok with that. Did a set of 5 at the end just for practice.
Cashout worked on some kipping/general hanging from my arms.
Excited for this challenge. I need to get back into macroland and stop eating like an opossum e.g. eating 4 churros at a work meeting then trying to fix sugar crash by eating most of a mason jar of sauerkraut because in the bacteria in the kraut would eat the sugar, right? It's been a very thirsty 24 hours. #churronation.
7:30 with Arturo
Press: worked up to 80, My 1RM is 81.. from sometime in 2015 i think? The entire 7:30 class can attest to how hilariously slow this lift was. Honestly i can't believe I stuck with it, it was unreal! haha
WOD with 165# deadlifts and burpees/pullups in 4:00.
Press: 58-63-68-73-78 (f)
76 is my PR. Maybe should have done 75 before going for 78? I attempted 78 twice about 2 weeks ago and failed each attempt so didn't go for a second attempt today. Also wanted to spend time trying to get a bar MU before the WOD instead. Partnered with Karina S. who is a great addition to SBK!
WOD in 4:55 with 215# DL and burpee + C2B
Yup, I misloaded the bar. I was too focused on trying to get a bar MU before the WOD to notice my math error. Didn't know until MeLo told me after the WOD. Used a belt each round which was time consuming, but I needed it. These were HEAVY and I had to break them up into two sets.
Wasn't able to get a bar MU today. Ro helped me work on form after class. I wasn't pulling my hips to the bar and was turning over too soon so ended up doing a pullup each time. My right arm also refuses to turn over.
Yeah KCaps with the preggers pullups!!! Amazing!
"Muscle up Density test"
90 seconds Max MU
60 Sec rest
60 Seconds Max MU
60 Sec rest
30 Seconds Max MU
10, 6, 3
Sots Press
Push Press
"POWER HUNGRY" (!!!!!!)
For max Calories
3 minutes of Assault bike
: 71
*one of the worst things I've done in a very long time.
7:30pm with Ro, came in 5min late after a stressful day at work, needed some endorphins tonight.
Hit 145 on the press (new PR), and might have 150 in me sometime in the future. 4:08 on the wod with 225lbs and burpees plus pull ups. Did some shoulder strength work by carrying stuff around the gym (4x50m 70lbs two arm carry). Happy my shoulders are feeling OK after the pull ups.