Snatch Complex
Every other minute on the minute x 15:
Clean Pull + Mid Hang Clean + Jerk
Start at about 60% and build from there as appropriate. No press-outs. If you miss a lift, you can attempt in on the next round. If you miss again (either a straight up miss or a technical miss), then take weight off the bar.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
Cash Out:
550m (1 lap) Carry
Bear hug or goblet hold a heavy object and carry it around the block. Sandbags, heavy slam balls, or KBs are appropriate.
Post work to comments.
TODAY: The Starting Strength Program Total
Coach Jeremy’s and Coach Margie’s Starting Strength Programmers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Check out the Rove Foam Roller Kickstarter
A friend of CFSBK recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Rove foam roller. Rove is the first fully functional, truly portable foam roller. It’s engineered using only the highest quality materials, and we’re recommending it because we think it looks useful and awesome! Rove’s creators are almost halfway to their goal with 18 days to go. Let’s help them get there! Go to the Kickstarter campaign for more info and to back this project.
Journey Series: Butterfly Pull-Ups Average CrossFitter
16-Year-Old Megan Trupp Clean and Jerks 95kg University of Ontario Weightlifting
Best of luck to all the folks hitting their CrossFit Total today!
Yesterday's Active Life seminar was excellent. A lot to ruminate on. Here's my test results
Cleared all the Range of Motion tests
Then there was some strength balance testing
295 Deadlift x17 Touch and Go reps
235 LBBSQ x9 Reps
150lb Single Arm Farmers Carry Right (40m)
150 Single Arm Farmers Carry Left (30m)
22" Box Step ups with 95lb barbell front racked, 20 reps left leg, 21 reps right leg
Strict Overhand Pull-Ups: 14 Reps
50lb DB Press Left Arm: 5 Reps
50lb DB Press Right Arm: 16 Reps
50lb Upright Row: 10 Reps each side
Some pressing imbalances highlighted here and an imbalance with my pulling versus squatting strength… not totally surprised with these results… heh
After the seminar was all cleaned up I did a metcon because #Saturdaynight
AMRAP 20:00
80' Farmers Carry 85lb each arm
10 Matador Dips
3 Rounds of CTB Cindy (15 Squats/10 push-ups/ 5 CTB Kipping Pull-ups)
3 Rounds + Carry, Dips, 15 Squats
Toes to Bar practice.
With a partner/for time: reps of
Toes to bar
Box jumps
Clean Complex: Started at 93 and slowly worked my way to 148. Loaded the bar to 153 for the second to last attempt, which is my C&J PR, and Fox encouraged me to grab some singles and try for a PR. Just could not stick the jerk. Tried a second time, which was slightly better, but alas didn't happen. Head through cue was definitely helpful.
Carry with a green KB.
Quick chipper after with Michael, Dan, and Roy:
15 ft Handstand Walk or 5 HSPU
10 alternating pistols
10 pull ups
10 cal row
I scaled to 3 HSPU, 6 pistols, 6 pullups, and normal row. Nice little extra movement.
Might have made that PR if I wasn't so sore. ALL the fitness yesterday…
Pause FSQ: 155 x 1 x 5
Row and Push Up WOD with Robert in just under 20 min.
Saturday Short Circuit after (woo hoo).
Active Life Seminar was definitely interesting. All lower body strength testing was based off our 1RM deadlift, which meant lots of heavy movements for me. Lots to think about.
Noon class
Complex up to 220 for a few. Sore from the seminar yesterday and none of them felt 100%
Then a little bro sesh with the wife
Bench Press
12pm, worked up to 190 on the complex. Split jerk was super shallow but this is definitely a lot higher than I've ever tried before, and I haven't jerked much in ages, so happy? with that.
Then a break for foam rolling followed by AG. Started to string together some t2bs which was great! Then my partner dialed it up during the WOD which was fun, love these partner workouts. Thank Ro! So hungry now.
C&j complex:
83-93-98-103-108-113(f)-93-103-108-113!-118(f)x3 🙁 congrats to klove on the Or!
Honor to work out with Steph M at AG! Our time was 19:03. She pushed me to hit the bar for every ttb rep even though it was hard and I had to do them as singles! Good times.
Some shoulder strength work at 10:30am, then 11am AR with DO, then 12pm class.
Front Squats 185×5 – 205×5 – 215×5.
The 215 was a new 5RM, and form was starting to break down, in particular around reps 4 and 5 (chest starting to bend forward). I might have 220 or 225 in me for 5 reps, but this is pretty close to the ceiling.
Partner WOD in 15:02min with Adam, who was a beast on the rower, pulling around 1:35 splits on all 5 rounds – I'm used to being the fast partner on the row, so this was awesome to watch. Did 15 pullups instead of 20, and still they were breaking down by rounds 4 and 5. Managed to row at 1:35 to 1:45 throughout the 5 rounds.
Active Life Seminar from 2:30pm to ~8:15pm. This was a lot more intense then expected, with lots of rep-out sets on near maximal weights. The farmers carry was brutal, and so was doing a max rep squat at a heavy weight (it was a new 5RM for me, and I did it for ~8 reps). Lots of lessons about where my strengths are unbalanced – mostly around upper body and bodyweight movements (e.g. I can't one-arm strict press 33% of my bodyweight).
11am AR with Fox – all the smashing, and some hip capsule mobility, all very welcomed since my body was just one big pain from the ~8h in the gym Saturday.
12pm class with Harpz, working on C&Js. My shoulders were very fatigued, so I was happy with the outcome – got to a successful 185lbs complex (jerk a bit wobbly), and 190lbs on a hang clean (new PR, I think). Carrying 80lbs medicine ball around the block was awful.
Then did a bunch of one-arm dumbell shoulder press sets with Thaisa. Considered staying for AG, but we had already spent all the fitness we had for a weekend.
1pm Hang(over) Clean Complex with KRo
Pull – HC – Jerk: Up to 185#
Failed one at 180# as I got soft in my catch. Hit 185# after which ties my C&J PR.
Heavy carry @ 32kg was heavy
3×10 GHDs
Clean and Jerk complex: Worked up to 133# which is a 5# PR! And my back is FRIED from the Bulletproof workshop so I possibly have more in me!
Did 83×4, 93×4
Kept the carry light at 20kg, but only made it half way around the block. Had to switch to farmer carries for second half because my shoulders were too fried from yesterday (way too many box step ups!)
Partner WOD with Ellie in 21:09
I surprised myself on the erg and maintained a split of 1:55 and below for all rounds. I broke up pushups early but was able to start each round with sets of 3s until about 9 reps before going to singles. Need to start working pushups back into my warmups.
It was really inspiring partnering with Ellie who is pregnant and still killing it at CF.
Bulletproof Workshop
This was so much fun! I learned that I'm more flexible than I realized. I thought I would fail every lower body test but I only need to work on my calf and wrist flexibility. Hmmm, guess I can't blame poor ankle dorsiflexion on my inability to do pistols anymore!!
I learned that I need to do more press work because I wasn't able to do a single press or high pull at 33% body weight (or maybe I should just lose weight so I can test at a lower weight 😉 )
Bulletproof workshop was great! Lots of fun and very informative.
I learned that I have terrible ankle mobility (duh) my quads are tight, I am awful at heavy farmer's carries, which was a surprise, and somehow ok at weighted step-ups!
Some srength imbalance in my upper body too. But overall I'm not as much of a mess as I expected! Ha!
Big mistake to work out before this though. I was completely wiped by the end of it and I'm still exhausted today and possibly getting sick.
Here's what I did before the workshop.
245 x 13, rest 1min, 245 x 7
Dips- rest 30 secs between sets
DB lunges
35 x 10 x 3
WOD with Linda
We finished in 17 something? That was really hard and Linda is very good at rowing!
Pause Bench Press
112.5 x 9, rest 1 minute, 112.5 x 5
Press -rest 30 secs between sets
70 x 8, 4, 3
BB curls- rest 30 secs between sets
55 x 7,5,5
BB row
95 x 10 x 3
Did Thursday's snatch EOMOM
And followed with 5 RNFT
40 x DU
19 x butterfly pul-ups
I only got to the right height about 70% of the time on the pull-ups but this is progress!