Front Squat
3 x 5
Use 105% of Week 1’s heavy 5. If last week was a grind, then make a smaller jump than 5%.
5/3/1 (1 Week):
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 95% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 3 and 5 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
Partner WOD
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
In teams of 2, partners alternate full rounds until the call of time of…
9 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Push Presses 95/65
9 Pull-Ups
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Scheduling Note: There is no Yoga or Active Recovery today, all other classes and OG are on.
NEXT SATURDAY: Active Life Bulletproof Assessment Workshop at CFSBK
CFSBK will be hosting a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop on Saturday, December 3rd from 2:30-6:30pm for athletes looking to take their performance to the next level! This will be an interactive workshop, with a full movement assessment from the Active Life coaching staff. The movement assessment will include a series of strength and mobility assessments, which will identify imbalances and expose weaknesses.
You will walk away from this workshop with an insight on how flexibility, mobility, strength balance, work to rest ratio, and skill can tie into your training. Knowledge bombs will be dropped! Sign up! It’ll be a blast. The class is capped to 50, so get on it before it fills up! The registration fee is just $49.
Questions? Contact Coach Katie at Katie [at] Click here to sign up today!
Brian Riley: Learning to Walk Again CrossFit
Let’s Colonize Titan Scientific American
Fsq: 102.5×5, 115×3, 130×3. Hard… maybe it was the wine last night, the 5am flight, or the rapid descent… but that third rep was definitely all I had. Gotta work on staying tight and controlling down. My 1rm is 140, so I'm not complaining too much.
Partnered with Courtney. 53# was the right choice. Made 6 rounds with pull-ups unbroken, but ripped. 7th: 5-4, 8th round was 3-3-2, 9th round I only did 5 pull-ups before telling Courtney to start her 9th round. We had about 18 rounds, minus a few pull-ups from both of us. She went unbroken the entire time!!
Quality session at Crossfit (North) South Brooklyn; Dr. Mike's DIY garage paradise.
Skwaat: 225x4x3 box pause
Chins: (thin blue band): 9, 6, 6
Talking: threat level Orange
Finally back after a week in Montreal, where we checked out 3 different Crossfit places, and wrote about them in the travel gym forum.
FSQ 200x5x3. The first set was very tough, but got a good cue from Ro/David about taking a deep breath and locking in before every rep, and the next two sets worked out much better. Definitely close to hitting the limit on this lift.
Partnered with Mario for the wod, we had about 14 rounds. We did a 24" box, 95lbs push press, and I did ring rows (shoulders still not good) and he did 6 pull-ups. We moved consistently, at about 1:10min per round. I might have cheated a bit and not fully extended my hips at the top of the box jumps. My arms were on fire by the end, mostly because of the ring rows.
Happy to be back at CFSBK, after doing another set of drop-ins around the world, there's just no better place than here. Excited also to try out some of the Bulletproof RX training, starting tomorrow (they have some Black Friday deals on Instagram). My shoulders need some continuous love.
Make-up posts
Thanksgiving Day:
Broly in 9:04 with 63#
Power Snatch: 5-3-3-3-3-2-2
OHS: unbroken
Snatches: singles
I normally struggle with PS but probably could've gone heavier.
Saturday's WOD on Friday:
All felt heavy.
Partner WOD with Gene: 13 rounds +13 reps but I may have not tallied one round for each of us.
Scaled to 6 butterfly pullups per round. Did them as 3-3 except for one set of three that got a little wonky. DO said I need to work on making sure my feet are behind me and not in front of me on the push through. I think.
Lauren S. and I just booked tickets to Miami for WZA. Let us know if you will be there!
CFSBK–Midwest "Home of the Badgers!"
WU: 50 pulls on erg (682m, 42 cal.); D-ROMs; 10 KB@1.5, 10 pushups, 10 squats (2 rds.)
FSQ: 45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 115x5x3
Metcon: (no partner AMRAP 17 1/2 minutes–1 minute rest between sets)
9 box jumps @20", 9 push-presses @#65, 9 curls @#45 (still no pullup bar)
8 rounds
1pm with David and Arturo
Got to a snappy 95lbs 3×5 with the encouragement from Meredith (who is rad and extremely helpful). Worked on not tilting forward at the bottom, felt good about that. Also worked to control the instability I felt in my right hip. I'd be interested to see how this felt in a flat shoe as the ones I have are super padded.
Had a three way partner workout going so I don't think total rounds count. I got 7 rounds at 20'' box, 53lb push press and 5-6 banded pullups.. I thought the push press weight would be a over ambitious for me as my last working weight for 3×10 was 48lbs. But I somehow got all 63 reps mostly unbroken I should probably reevaluate that.
Did some swinging practice at the end as per this video:
Then got to learn to kip! Stoked. Takeaways:
1) Thumb wraps, bar placement is closer to the fingers than the palm.
2) Work on explosive movement. Need to have someone cover me in a rug, hose me down and yell "explode Bobby, explode!" like on King of the Hill.