Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3 x 5 at 100% of your heavy 5 from Week 1.
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets, then increase your TM 15-20 lbs. The final set (the 90% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 12 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point at which you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Partner WOD
For Time:
1000m Row
100 Push-Ups
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
100 Squats
100 Pull-Ups
Must be completed chipper style. Partition the work however desired. Scale Push-Ups to knees or elevated as needed. Choose a kettlebell that you and your partner can complete sets of at least 10 reps on. Be sure to move through full range of motion on each Squat and not to collapse. Scale Pull-Ups to banded, Ring Rows, or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time, Rx, and partner to workout.
CFSBK’s Third Art Show is TONIGHT
CFSBK’s third Art Show is tonight from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
The work of Jen Murray, a local Brooklyn artist, will be on display. You can check out her work here.
CFSBK member, Sarah Mount, will be singing at 9:00pm. Want a preview? Listen to more of Sarah’s tunes here.
Following Sarah’s performance, Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance to a song by Coach Brett, titled “Holding On To You.” Find more of Brett’s music here.
Come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Brian Faulk
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Youn Jung Kim
Colette Komm
Saul Melmen
Adele Myers & Niko Reingold
Amy Muckerman
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate R. at KatharineReece [at]
If you take any photos tonight (and we hope you do!), use the hashtag #CFSBKART so we can all see them! We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The 10 Commandments of Leg Day BarBend
How the Recesssion Left Low-Income Children Out of Shape and Out of Options Pacific Standard
95×3, 110×3, 122.5×5 (I stopped because form started to break down and I think this was truly 2 reps shy of failure…?)
19:30 with Jill. So fun! we did 250m each for the row, all push-ups, white kb for the swings, and alternated pullups back and forth (I did 5 kipping)
Now for my real workout… a three hour drama club rehearsal. Sigh.
Adam Yauch playground, 11:30 Sunday morning: do it.
Nice little morning at the office. Coached 8-11 then hit the nooner for a little group fitness.
Partnered with our fearless leader, DOsorio, for skwats as well as the workout.(we even shared a belt! #teehee)
FSQ: 170# 3×5
Finally feeling stronger here. No lifters today. Feel like it's carrying over well to my clean, worked up to a heavy clean/FSQ complex at 175 and that was feeling tight and crisp as well. Freakin finally.
WOD: 14:13 w/ DO
Pretty smooth! Was able to hold a comfortable 1:50 split, which is an improvement (previous comfortable pace is about 1:55), push-ups are a slog per usual, swings are swings, squats are squats, pull-ups got grippy – and I bit my tongue about halfway through (gonna be rockin a serious lisp at the art show tonight, get psyched)
135×3, 155×3, 175×3, 195×3, 215×8
WOD (partnered with Karl and Eli): Finished in 16:29
10a w/K Harpz
FSQ: 185×3, 215×3, 240×8 sticking with Wendler
WOD partnered with Chris 13:49
Row stayed around 1:35-1:38 split
Push-ups sets of 10, KBs 20-20-10, squats 10s
Pull-ups 10-10-10-then a combination of 8s, 7s and 5s to finish.
Fun workout
12:00pm Group Class with Brettney
FSQ: 190x3x3
Metcon with Coach KHarpz
14:13 as Rx'd
Solo day
rehab stuffs
Backed off a bit and did these barefoot. Lots of thinking about "how" to squat.
Really wanted to do the partner WOD which looked super fun, but:
Did the sled sprints that were prescribed to me that I've been avoiding since Wednesday…I'm supposed to do them 2x/week.
100 ft (50 out and 50 back, not ideal with the turnaround and was supposed to be 120 ft but doing my best)
Goal is under 12 seconds. EMOM until I pass 15 seconds.
Used the empty Dog Sled.
First round was just above 13 seconds, next few were 12, and 5th was just under 15. That was plenty.
Yesterday OG:
Wod at 63# and full volume /ROM HSPU in 16:10. Wanted to focus on the hspu so i opted for the lighter snatch weight. Last round of hspu was a doozy. They go away so quickly.
Today's OG
Front squat 120×3, 135×3, 150×3. Everything felt very heavy today. I took a spin class with a friend in the city today, so I think my legs are just fried. On Nov 5th, I got 5 reps at 150, so I know I should have had at least 5-6.
Partner wod with Erik RXd. I used Green kb, he used orange. 20:04. Glad we had Charlie and Griselle nearby to keep us moving!
FSQT: 115×3, 130×3, 147.5×3
ALL weights felt heavy and tipped over a lot on the 147.
WOD Rx'd with Allie C in 18:51
Row: We each did 500s. Kept splits below 2:00 for most of it, but crept up to 2:05 once for twice
Pushups: Allie started with 15 while I got off the erg, then we alternated 5s and I did two sets of 10 in there to balance us out
KBS: Green bell, started with a set of 15 each, then went to 10s
squats: alternated quick sets of 10
Pullups: Allie did 10 ring rows and I did butterfly pullups in sets of 5. Started with 3s, 2s and quickly went to ones. MeLo said they counted but I need to keep my feet together. I also have trouble pushing through at the top when I get tired. I did 35 in total and am pretty happy about it!
Pause Bench Press
105 x12
Rest 1 minute
105 x 6
Press (30 seconds rest between sets)
65 x 12
65 x 4
65 x 3
Failed 5th rep on second set and 4th rep on third.
Barbell Curl (30 seconds rest between sets)
45 x 20
45 x 12
45 x 10
Barbell Row
95 x10 x 3
7:30pm Group Class with Brett and Ro
WOD in 12:59 @83#
DU's unbroken in round 1 and 2. Snatches- OK. Not great. Pulling too early and all arms on many but about half of the reps were better than usual. HSPUs were really hard Too slow on the negative and resting on my head too long. Just being overly cautious, really.
1 mile run with Steph.
Today OG
215 x 15
Rest 1 minute
215 x 15
For the second set, I was supposed to be aiming for 50% of reps I did for the first set so I guess this should have been heavier.
Pull-ups (30 seconds rest between sets)
Green band across rack for assistance.
12, 5, 5
Matador Dips (30 seconds rest between sets)
12, 6 ,6
DB walking lunges
40 x 10 x 3
Today's WOD with Griselle in either 20:59 or 21:59.
This was fun!! I had a goal to do 3x consecutive pull-ups from the beginning right to the end and I did that. Used green KB. Thanks to Ryan for reminding me to stay braced during my push-ups.
Fun to do this alongside Jenny and Erik.
Ran 1 mile because it was nice outside.
Flight Simulator
Did not set a clock. This took a while!