CFSBK’s Third Art Show is Tomorrow!
In case you somehow missed the memo: CFSBK’s third Art Show is TOMORROW from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol. It’s the best deal in town!
The work of Jen Murray, a local Brooklyn artist, will be on display. You can check out her work here.
CFSBK member, Sarah Mount, will be singing at 9:00pm. Want a preview? Listen to more of Sarah’s tunes here.
Following Sarah’s performance, Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance to a song by Coach Brett, titled “Holding On To You.” Find more of Brett’s music here.
Come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Brian Faulk
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Youn Jung Kim
Colette Komm
Saul Melmen
Adele Myers & Niko Reingold
Amy Muckerman
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate R. at KatharineReece [at]
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Metcon
Think Global: A Better Approach to Back Pain Anders Varner
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Cure NY Mag
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3 x 5 at 100% of your heavy 5 from Week 1.
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 90% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 5 and 8 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Partner WOD
For Time:
1000m Row
100 Push-Ups
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
100 Squats
100 Pull-Ups
Must be completed chipper style. Partition the work however desired. Scale Push-Ups to knees or elevated as needed. Choose a kettlebell that you and your partner can complete sets of at least 10 reps on. Be sure to move through full range of motion on each Squat and not to collapse. Scale Pull-Ups to banded, Ring Rows, or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time, Rx, and partner to workout.
7 AM, not too many squatters today. All the cool kids were snatching ๐
FSQ 155x5x3, felt better than 150 last week and I have absolutely no doubt I hit bottom. Yay!
WOD with Cali visitor Sierra in 16:39, with 20kg bell and ring rows. Sierra did more than her share of pushups — I did a set of 12 in the beginning but they quickly devolved to singles as I knew they would. I tried to make it up to her on the squats and in retrospect, I probably should have rowed more since I'm about six inches taller!
6am with McDowell
FSQ – 140# x 3 / 160# x 3 / 180# x 6
Grinded through these more than I should have.
Metcon Rx w/ Mikey M – 15:57
Pushups were a struggle after 35 of them and Mike was gracious enough to take some off my plate and keep us moving.
Talked into rope climbing 101 with Flash and Steve afterwards.
6am with McDowell
FSQ – 195# x 3, 220# x 3, 250# x 6.
First two sets felt good and I stopped correctly on the last one.
Metcon: Team Hutsal+Affronti at 15:08 Rx
I love partner workouts like this. Pushups were terrible and air squats were fast. Pull ups were broken up as needed.
Worked on some legless rope climbs afterwards.
6am with McDowell
FSQ – 185 x 3, 210 x 3, 235 x 8 (I think, maybe it was 7)
Felt just ok today. Lower back area was a bit stiff.
WOD with DJ Flash in 15:08 Rx
Kept the row under a 1:40 pace
Push-ups were 20-10-10-5-5, fell apart quicker than expected
32 kg swings 10-20-20
Squats 25-25
Pull-ups something like 10-10-7-5-5-stuff. Hard to hang onto the bar at the end
I did one rope climb with the Hutsal technique and I would not recommend it. Brendan reminded me of how it should have been done.
wow its been a minute since ive posted
7am with brett today
thursday snatch wod at 10:3X at 75#, du, and kipping hspu
ive been a sad lil panda lately. coming off the flu and then getting my leg infected with strep has had me feeling not so great and not able to give it my A-effort during class. du's were 50, 40-10, 25-10-15; snatches were 6-4, 4-3-3, 4-3-3; hspu were 6-4, 6-4, 4-2-1-1-1-1 (so weirdly fatigued here).
getting better tho! looking forward to the partner wod and art show manana
Errands around Gowanus meant I got to work from home this a.m. and come in a bit late: 10 a.m. doing Thursday's work with Brett.
Snatch metcon: 12:37 @ 115#, s/u's for 1:00, & box-piked HSPUs. Not pretty. Too much weight on the bar and regression to some bad pulling habits to avoid putting strain on my hip. Really need to get a tune-up in to work my fundamentals.
Another good one with McDowell today
20 min EMOM
6 c2b pull-ups — did these in sets of 4-2 or 3-3 and a few 5-1. Got C2B on almost all!!! Big victory that was ๐
10 walking lunges @65# (1st 3 rounds at 55#)
20 min EMOM
1 rope climb — been a long time
:30 handstand work by wall — practicing balances
3 sets
Wooden stick / string thing each direction w 5#
30-40 DUs trying new rope
Quick warm up and a bit of OH work before taking group class:
5×5 @ 79# … oh boy!
Sets went as such: 5, 4 (F5), 5, 4 (F5), 4 (F5)
Right on the edge of it all. A little toesy. always better when I focus on squeezing quads, butt, and keeping ribcage neutral. L side lagging was main cause for the failures.
12PM with Brett
Warmed up to a couple reps at 113# on power snatch before we started. I think this actually my PR for a power snatch, so that's rad.
WOD in 10:09 RX'd
50 DU
10 Power Snatch 95#
Round splits: 3:05 / 3:45 / 3:19
DU's: ? some trips / 30-20 / 27-23
Snatches: All singles
HSPU: 4-3-3 / 3(F4)-3-2-2 / 3-2-2-1-1-1
Felt the burn a bit in round two so slowed the snatch pace and then one fail on HSPUs. Happy I was able to make up a little ground and push through round 3. Intentionally broke on DU's to keep myself calm. Shoulders feeling spicy after all that strict pressing, too!!
Quick singles at the end were the way to go on HSPU. Good chance I would've failed otherwise. Brett gave me good ideas for my kip afterward… a little wider with feet and focusing on heels.
Oly class
Love partnering with Amanda when I drop in!
Hang snatch triples: 63-68-73-83×4 or 5
Focused on keeping my weight in the middle of my feet, jumping up, and not pulling with my arms
Clean pull, hang clean, clean, jerk: 83×2, 93×3, 103×2
Focused on a short pull
Lots of clean pulls at 103
Comments from Coach Joe ranged from "not so bad" to "very very good"- all of which I consider compliments ๐
Did a few handstand walks. One may have been a PR for distance but I wasn't sure exactly where I started.
5# bicep curls for the mannequin challenge.
Fun evening!
12pm with Brett
Warmed up to 47# snatch, went down to 42 for the WOD
WOD 10:31
25 DU attempts, 42# snatch, 10 box piked HSPU (1 abmat then 2).
Surprised myself by getting the first round of DU pretty much unbroken, so went up to 30. Glad I didn't stay there because they fell apart completely in the second and third round. Snatches were 5 and 5 usually. Box piked HSPU unbroken, this was my first time doing them, they felt fine but I feel like the technique wasn't there in the last round.
3 laps around the block for cashout, stopped to pet a gentlemanly welsh terrier who licked my hand so a win for the day!