Power Snatch
Take 10 minutes to warm up and get to work weight for the metcon.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
50 Double-Unders
10 Power Snatches 135/95
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
T-3 days until one of our funnest community events of the year. Get artsy with us at the 3rd annual CFSBK Art Show!
Got Plans on Saturday? Come to the CFSBK Art Show!
CFSBK’s third Art Show is this Saturday from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
The work of Jen Murray, a local Brooklyn artist, will be on display. You can check out her work here.
CFSBK member, Sarah Mount, will be singing at 9:00pm. Want a preview? Listen to more of Sarah’s tunes here.
Following Sarah’s performance, Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance to a song by Coach Brett, titled “Holding On To You.” Find more of Brett’s music here.
Come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Katherine Akiko Day
Brian Faulk
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Youn Jung Kim
Colette Komm
Saul Melmen
Adele Myers & Niko Reingold
Amy Muckerman
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate R. at KatharineReece [at] gmail.com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | NFT Work
Recovery and Growth Starting Strength
Why Percentages Don’t Feel the Same for Everyone Catalyst Athletics
WOD: 17:30ish at the Rx weight, but scaled with the HSPUs. I used two abmats and did 22 HSPUs instead of the 30 total. Started planning to scale to 6 per round, but was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't hitting failure on these as quickly as usual, so did 7 the second round and then 9 the third. Kind of wish I had just gone for the full 10 from the beginning, but this was probably the best scale.
Mile cool down run and GHD sit-ups after.
6am with McJess
Metcon @ 95# 1/2 HSPU – 16:42 (I think?)
Started failing the push ups after 3 in the second round so just switched to regular pushups for the rest of it. Shoulders and lower back were / are toast.
Mile cool down
3×10 GHD
Gotta talk to the registrar about my 6am application. Still says "PENDING" on the admissions website.
6am Lady Fox and Golden
Metcon – 16:19 Rx
Dubs were unbroken except for last round 25-25
Snatches were all singles from the start
HSPUs: 1 round strict 6-2-2, Rounds 2 & 3 kipping 8-2, 6-3-1
Fun workout considering it's two exercises I'm absolutely terrible at.
@Brendan – we'll be holding a meeting this weekend to discuss your application…There's been a few shady character references, but otherwise things are looking very positive.
6am with McD & Jess
Metcon with 25 DU, Rx Snatch, 5 HSPU in 15:25. Got some long sets of DU, so didn't have to count attempts. These might actually be improving? Snatches felt much heavier than expected and I almost cut weight after 3. But they settled in and 3rd round felt best. HSPU all singles and doubles, but happy to have them in WODs, even at limited volume.
Make up post from Wednesday:
BSQ Perf – 230×3, 265×3, 295×6
Everything moved well which surprised me, given my lack of sleep.
1 round of NFT work after
6am with Jess and McD
WOD in 19:20 at 125#
Finished the last set of snatches around 13:00 and took me 6+ minutes to get 10 HSPU :-/
HSPU were just a mess from the get go today. Think Tuesday's AG workout left my shoulders fatigued. Should have done this at Rx weight, snatches were all quick singles and fairly easy. DU were good today minus a few breaks in rounds 2 and 3 as my shoulders couldn't keep spinning the rope.
2/3 of the cash out, stomach cramped up majorly during the second lap.
Also HSPU increase my already disgustingly high sweat factor by a factor of 10.
(Yesterday's back squats)
WU: 2:00 row (26 cal)
10 step-up 20", 5 pushups, 15 sit-ups (2 rounds)
D-ROMs, hip-openers
Back Squats: 75×3, 95×3, 125×3, 145x5x3
Metcon: 10 hard plus on erg
10 pushups
20 situps
4 rounds NFT
Moved around during the 9am hour and did some light Jefferson deadlifts and other humbling rehab stuff, finishing with Sumo Deadlifts at 275x5x3.
Then did today's WOD during the 11am hour Rx'd in 13:23. No rounds of the dubs were unbroken. Snatches all singles which slowed me down. HSPU all strict in 7/3, 6/4, and 5/3/2. Good Times.
6am with Jess and McD
This was a fun one. Did the first round of snatches touch and go, which actually felt like a good move. Slowed down a bunch after that, but was able to stay unbroken til the last round on DUs and throughout on HSPU
Cashout with a jog a banter pace and some GHDs
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Lady Fox
DU/SN/HSPU Metcon:
12:47 as Rx'd
Doubles: Only unbroken on the third round, tripped up a few times on the first two rounds. Started with a rope that had been cut and was way too short so had to switch it out.
Snatches: All singles
HSPU: All strict, first two rounds unbroken, last round 4-3-1-1-1
Post Class power hour with LB
5 Rounds NFT:
400m Sprint (I went as hard as I could on these, it felt awful)
10 Unbroken Ring Push-Ups
10 KB Front Rack Walking Lunges with two 20kg bells
3 Rounds NFT:
20 GHD Sit-Ups
2 Standing Rope Sled arm pulls (E-Sled + 120lbs)
6 Glue Ham Raises (these are so hard, had to assist with my arms in rounds 2 and 3)
13:31 with 63#. Dubs 20-15-15, and smaller sets every round. 5 handstand push-ups no ab mat!!
Mile run and GHDs because if 6am can… we can too!
Great ar class as usual!
AM Session
Warm up Row
8 min OTM – ( Power Clean + Power Jerk ) x 2
93#, 98#, 103#, 103#, 108#, 108#, 113#, 113#
Close Grip Bench Press — sets of 5
45#, 65, 75, 80, 85
Max Effort Weighted Pull up — 20# with a bit of a kip, 17.5# straight leg strict
AB cool down
PM Session
5 Rounds NFT
400m Run (~80%)
:12 False grip hang from rings (alternating hands in and out)
:10 False grip chest to rings hold
3 Butterfly pull up practice sets
5 Rounds NFT
12 GHD sit ups
8 GHR — hamstring not feeling great, so switched to 8 ea SLDL
2 sled pulls – small sled + 75#
Wod: 10:57 Rxd
Yesterday's squats:
Sumo deadlifts:
Monday's press work:
100 for the complex
-not as hard
Crash b's rowing also since Monday.
2 days of 2x20min with 5min rest and 2 days of recovery rows for 40/30mins. Gotta get the hiney used to sitting in the erg!