No, that’s not just the Friday finish line! Azam P. recently completed the Pinhoti 100 mile run in Alabama. Azam reports, “It was a 28+ hour ordeal along the infamous old Indian trail systems.”
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We have two big events happening at CFSBK this weekend! One is the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop this Sunday. There are a few spots left, so sign up now!
2. The other is Saturday’s C.R.A.S.H-Bs kick-off meeting. This is an awesome opportunity to improve your rowing skillz under the watchful eye of Sensei Nick, an actual Olympian, with the goal of competing in the World Indoor Rowing Championship! See the event page for more details.
3. Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our third Art Show will be Saturday, November 19th. We can’t wait to see you there!
4. So much happening! We also have the Bulletproof Assessment Workshop coming up on December 3rd. Go here for more info.
5. Want to spice up your training with some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or MMA? Good news! Both are now available at CFSBK. See the program page for more details! In case you missed it, Jon S. had this to say in yesterday’s comments: “I started a couple weeks ago with no previous experience. Sensei Jesse is great. First class is free. Everyone should give it a try.” We agree!
6. Sunday’s 11am Active Recovery class with Coach Fox is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | NFT Work
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Protects You From Depression NY Mag
The Godfather of American Weightlifting: Mike Burgener Barbell Shrugged
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3×5 at 95% of your heavy 5 from Week 1.
5/3/1 (5 Week ):
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
*Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets then increase your TM 15-20 lbs. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 12 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
For Time:
800m Row
50 Box Jumps 24/20"
50 Toes to Bar
800m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Slow day at work…in the mood to talk to myself on this blog.
This week has been hell in the sleep department. Between my 3am flight on Sunday and accidentally couch surfing in my own home on Tuesday night….managed to squeak out a bit of some half a$$ed fitness.
4 sets: split jerk x 3 (.1.1.1) (10s rest in-between reps)
was supposed to build from 145. but just did 145# for all sets across. Shoulders were stiff and sore. Could not loosen up.
For time: 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1
OHS @ 80#
Completed in 3:21.
All C2B and OHS unbroken. Snatches from the floor felt crisp so transitions were relatively quick. This was a fun little burner
Powell raise @30×1, 8 reps @ 7.5 lbs
Bent over BB row, 10 reps @ i honestly forget (maybe 65#? less?)
Last night:
First leg day in awhile, I am wrecked.
5 sets: Power clean + clean x 3 (.1.1.1) (10s rest in-between reps)
135#x3, 140#x3, 145#x3, 150#x3, 155#x3
that was a spicy meatball. Cleans felt fricKin CRISP. pulls were strong too. Noticed I have a tendency to hold my hook grip too long at a heavier load. Remembering to release it earlier in the pull was extremely helpful for my last set
Back squat: 3-2-1, 3-2-1 (first wave heavier than second)
205#x3, 215#x2, 225#x1
200#x3, 210#x2, 220#x1
I have a little bit of backsquat anxiety that developed sometime over the past couple of months. I fail heavier sets a lottttttt because I have the tendency to descend too slowly when i'm nervous. Picked it up a notch with my squat tempo and oh my god, it felt so light! I was psyched. Gained a little more mental confidence, so hoping this will help me progress beyond this year-long plateau.
-rest as needed, then-
4 sets for max reps:
a) 30s max back squat @ 50% (132# – more like 55%)
*60s rest*
b) 60s max wall balls 14#/9'
*2 min rest*
got 9/9/9/10 on back squat and 26/27/28/29 wall balls respectively. Couldn't see the clock on the wall balls so I kept finishing off early. I was sandbagging the squats a bit because i had a lactic acid buildup to my ears at that point. quadzzzzz were on fiyaa!
Cashout: Bogota w/ FD legend Toni S. Plantain chips and sangritas were consumed.
Veterans Day Short Circuit!
I agree with Mauricio! SC is amazing!!!! It was a workout of 5 different tabata sets: goblet squats and kettle bell swings, for example… but the music matched the tabata, counting down for you and telling you when to stop. In a way, it was crossfit soul-cycle style. I was able to do my movements to the beat for many rounds, which helped me keep moving. It was such a fun workout… can we please get a Friday night after work class!? What about Saturday afternoons!? My adductors are particularly sore but it felt so great to do those movements!
Cashed out with 1-1-1-1-1 weighted pull-up at 15#, 5 muscle up negatives, 5-7 false grip ring rows throwing in 2 transitions at the end and some banded distraction.
Last night: 58×1, 63×5, 68×4, 70.5x x3, 73×2
Relaxing elbows definitely helped.
Solid AR class too. Got some great quad foam rolling techniques from Whit! Painful!
First off…Album Release/Listening Party TONIGHT at Freddy's Bar on 17th and 5th Ave. Psyched to finally get my music out to you all!
Second…Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit
8 DB RDL with 3 sec negative
8 bent over DB row each arm
8 DB bicep curl with with 3 sec negative
:30 accumulated in planche plank
MetCon Circuit
Tabata 1
Airsquat – odd rounds
Plank with toe taps – even rounds
REST :30
Tabata 2
DB thruster – odd
Renegade row – even
REST :30
Tabata 3
Box jumps -odd
Mountain climbers – even
REST :30
Tabata 4
Goblet reverse lunges – odd
KB swings – even
REST :30
Tabata 5
Squat jumps – odd
DB Russian twists – even
@Allie B I'm with you—really want to try Short Circuit but can never make it. Would LOVE a Friday night or weekend class! In the meantime, thanks Brett for posting the programming, might try this on my own sometime!
7 AM w/McD
FSQ 150x5x3. I continue to use the fitness programming to find good positions and protect my cranky wrists. I think I just have to accept that I must warm up my wrists before doing this movement, but once I do, it goes just fine.
WOD: 14:49 with 20 T2B. This was my first time attempting T2B in a WOD in many, many moons, so I wanted to be cautious about it. I am still not good at them, ha. But my wrists held up fine, which is great.
8 am and Short Circuit! What a morning!
FSQ: 125 x 5, 145 x 5, 165 x 10
WOD: 17:30 Rx. This was a long push through all of the T2B. Definitely the most I have ever done at once.
Really enjoyed the extra cardio push with all the tabatas.
Azam is insane! 100 miles, congrats on finishing!
Noon class
WOD with 50 push ups instead of toes to bar and 100 KB swings 32kg instead of the run.
I am so grateful for the work environment and community I get to be a part of every day.
A1. Press 5×5 @ 77#
A2. Single Arm DB Bent Over Row 5×8 @ 40# @ 21×2 tempo
B. Group Class Snatch time! Was fun to be in a big noon class and get to watch some people lift during the big 30 min segment. Always a pleasure lifting next to Captain Osorio. I got two great cues from him: Lats tight and mid-foot through the pull, GROUND my feet in the catch. This helped me stay back off my toes.
Pulling under the bar and speed felt fucking great today. At least something does.
C. 3x :20 hollow hold
Forgot about the conditioning I had planned for myself (oops!), so I will do that tmw!
Oh right… my numbers:
Sn DL + Mid Hang Sn + Snatch …
73, 78, 83, 83, 88, 93, 98, 98, 103, 108, 108, 98, 98, 103, 108 (=83%)
haven't snatched (full) in a while due to my hip which felt awesome today, so decided to push for a couple more singles at the end. one @ 113#, one @ 118#, both felt solid.
Noon class with Brett, Thursday's work.
Warmup: Completed third straight day of crying while riding my bike somewhere. Actual in class warmup I enjoyed.
Snatch, worked up to 40lbs on last two rounds. Good snappy moment blocked by oppressive feeling of existential dread and helplessness.
Cashout. Hollow-body rocks good for aggravating nausea onset by POTUSE being an enthusiastic rapist and confirmed sentient enema.
Seriously though, to anyone else feeling scared or more marginalized than usual, I got your back. Feel free to grab me after class if you need a hand or ear with anything, I flop around for a good half hour with the foam roller anyway. To the younger crew, I look forward to slowly being submerged under the Atlantic together. Peace.
Noon class with McD
Front Squat: 135×5, 165×5, 185×5, 205×9 (I was hoping for 10 or 11 but #9 was ugly enough to prompt me to re-rack.)
WOD with 50 V-ups instead of TTBs: finished in 13:41
Nooner with Brental Floss (working on a nick name..)
SN DL + Hang SN + SN Complex:
Only did one round of the assistance work then had to run to start my client
Really tired after a long and emotional week.
came into OG for some quick fitness.
Snatch: worked up to 83 which felt really good, hit 88 twice (PR) then 90 for 1 (4lb PR). Wasn't my prettiest lift but it wasn't that ugly either. Felt good to make some progress here.
Then I just messed around with some double unders, ring dips and tempo push-ups.
Karina S: greatest comment in xfit blog history. Thank you.