Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 95% of Week 1’s heavy 5.
5/3/1 (5 Week):
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets, then increase your TM 15-20 lbs. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 12 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point at which you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
6 Deadlifts 275/155
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Bulletproof Assessment Workshop at CFSBK: Register Now!
CFSBK will be hosting a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop on Saturday, December 3rd from 2:30-6:30pm for athletes looking to take their performance to the next level! This will be an interactive workshop, with a full movement assessment from the Active Life coaching staff. The movement assessment will include a series of strength and mobility assessments, which will identify imbalances and expose weaknesses.
You will walk away from this workshop with an insight on how flexibility, mobility, strength balance, work to rest ratio, and skill can tie into your training. Knowledge bombs will be dropped! Sign up! It’ll be a blast. The class is capped to 50, so get on it before it fills up! The registration fee is just $49.
Questions? Contact Coach Katie at Katie [at] Click here to sign up today!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Science Says This Is the Best Motivation to Exercise Time
11-Year-Old Weightlifter Elle Hatamiya Pursues and Olympic Dream Bleacher Report
Yesterday OG
Deadlift 225 x 10 x 2
LBBS 200 x 15 x 2
Press 65 x 10 x 2
Good Morning 115 x 20 x 2
Walking Lunges 95 x 10 x 2
For Time
8:04 Rx
Thanks Jeremy and Josh for helping me through this one. Pull-ups fell apart fast.
6am McRo
BSQ – 135# x 5 / 165# x 5 / 180# x 8
Metcon @ 225# – 7rds + 6 wallballs
Can someone fix the links on this post please. Thanks
I woke up this morning feeling so powerless, and I just want to say that I'm so incredibly grateful I was able to come to a place where I always feel strong and powerful and capable and supported by a community. I did back squats with Shawn this morning, and what she said is really staying with me: "Women need to be strong now."
Thank you, CFSBK, for making a really crappy day a little less so. <3 <3
Echoing Kirby's comment above. Can't wait to squat, wall ball, and deadlift after work today.
Back squats 65×3, 75×3, 95×3, 125x3x5
AMRAP 12 mins
WB 14/9 x 12
DL 155 x 6
7 rounds.
Really miss everyone today. Sorry about Wisconsin. I did my best.
Peter! Good to hear from you!
Yes- agree with Kirby- it definitely helped to come to the gym today.
10am with Jeremy and Brett.
AMRAP 12mins
11 plus 6 Rx.
Sore and sad but happy I am surrounded by like-minded people. Big hugs and warmth to all xx
@Kirby, thanks for your post. Woke up devastated, scared, angry, sad, and a whole host of other emotions.
5×20 @ 35% (80#)
this happened. heart rate and breathing super jacked up but biofeedback still testing normal after each set. played with stance a bit, brett took some video. focused on ribcage neutral. no hip pain/discomfort today. rested about 2:30-3:00 b/t sets
18 minutes, sustainable pace:
:45 assault bike @ 60-62 RPM
4 push-up unbroken
2 D-Ball ground over shoulder (1R, 1L)
7 TTB unbroken
7 rounds + AB, Push-Ups, and DB in round 8
2:25, 2:25, 2:25, 2:20, 2:15, 2:25, 2:25
was intending to keep the 2:25 pace throughout and actually just messed up my math in the middle. slightly uncomfortable, but probably could push to 2:15-2:20 for each round.
When this nightmare is over, somebody please tell me.
Squatting today was the only peace my brain felt.
Noon class. I don't think I'm projecting too much when I say everyone just seemed kind of stunned. Getting to the gym and moving around is definitely a good thing you can do for yourself today… this was my first class in quite a while, heart rate got way up and I was sweating like crazy during warmups. I blame being tired, hungover, and depressed much more than absence.
Medium weight squats. I ran the last 7 miles of the marathon on Sunday with ever increasing knee pain and paid for it later, but everything felt 100% today, which is great. 225x5x3.
Modified the workout into obliion. 10 rounds 20#/10' w/ 95# deadlift, everything unbroken. This was still hard and I could feel my messed up hamstring during deadlifts, even at that weight.
Thank you CFSBK for today! Would have been really hard to get through a workout without people today!
Pause squatted 210 and RXed the Wod and did 10 rounds. Super hard but felt great!
Thank god for the gym at 8AM with Ro.
Back squats up to 3x5x150. two sessions in a row all at full depth. yipee.
Almost broke down after about 14 squats.
9 rounds exactly of the WOD with 135# deadlifts.
Appreciate the kind words about people coming to the gym for a sense of relief.
I'm usually kind of a news junkie but I didnt want to read anything today.. Happy to commiserate with other folks at the gym. It's a very unusual day outside the gym, luckily it's business as usual at CFSBK.
12PM Group Class with Coach Ro
2 Rounds
16 DB Swings 35lbs
8e OH Rev Lunge 35lbs
4 Pull-Ups
BSQ: 210x5x3
Just did a 3×5 today at a medium weight.
WB/DL Metcon
6 rounds even as Rx'd
Goal was to do all the wall balls and DLs unbroken which I did…. just took very liberal rest periods between movements..
Post Workout Assistance Work
4 Rounds NFT
6e Front Rack Step-Ups 20" / 65lbs
Single Arm Farmers Carry 60' / 90lbs
12 Supine Leg Raises
Hbbs: 100×5, 115×5, 130 x8
Wod: 7 rounds + 3 deadlifts at 135. Took it easy today- goal was 6. I just didn't feel like going all out today.
<3 ๐ sigh. Only 3 years, 11 months and change. Let the countdown begin.
4 Rounds at home this morning:
– 30 sit ups
– 10 each side goblet reverse lunges off a step 20#
– 3 wide grip pull ups (unbroken)
– 10 push ups
– :30 hand stand hold
Yoga with Elaina this afternoon, followed by today's met-con solo:
12min AMRAP
12 wall balls 14#/ 10' – unbroken
6 deadlifts 155# – unbroken except the last 4 reps were singles
7 rounds + 12 wall balls + 4 deadlifts
I did all my working out alone today. I actually didn't leave home or talk to anyone in person until well into the afternoon, at which point I conversed only with Elaina for the most part. This helped.
I did a lot of singing (primarily Les Mis battle songs) and cleaning this morning, which also helped.
Didn't 'teach' in any of my three classes today and just spent all the time talking to my students. Happy to come in to squat today and share my feels with my folks here.
630 PM with RoMelo
HBBS: 135×5, 185×5, 215×5, 240×12
WOD @185lbs – got 8 rounds flat.