Push Press / Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Push Press
Fitness and Performance
3 x 10
Perform these at about 90% of what you successfully made for 10 in Week 2. Touch-and-Go is permitted.
Fitness and Performance
3 x 8-12
Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Use Week 1 as a guide. Aim initially to get 3 sets with perfect form and aim to increase either reps or load from week to week. Keep in mind that these are an accessory movement and you’ll get more out of them by performing the movement well than by heaving heavier dumbbells around with poor form. If you can finish the cycle with 3 perfect sets of 12 at your heaviest 10 from week one, you win! These are both arms at the same time. Keep these strict and avoid using momentum from your back and hips. Elbows finish close to the torso. Drop weight if you need to heave the dummbells.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Dumbbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
For Time:
Scale the Pull Ups to Jumping Pull-Ups as needed. The goal is of the metcon is a fast burner.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to Learn to Row from an Olympian? Come to the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick This Saturday!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 12. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting and technique clinic at 8:30 AM on Saturday, November 12th. Please note: This meeting is only for people who are definitely participating in the program. Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual.
- You don’t have to be an SBK member to participate.
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three races.
- Participants will do the workouts on their own.
- Nick will provide support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program.
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement.
- Visit the event page for pricing options and more info. At the kick-off meeting at 8:30am on Saturday, November 12th, he’ll explain the program in detail. The session will also include the first technique clinic, which will conclude with a workout.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you plan to show up or if you have any questions. There is 12% discount for all current CFSBK members. Please Coach Nick or the Front Desk for the discount code.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk Metcon
Are You Struggling With Muscle-Ups? Focus on the Basics CF Jääkarhu
Photographing America’s Greatest Living Poets PBS
Open gym last night
3 sets
Push ups — 8, 10, 12
Sit ups — 20, 25, 30
Squats — 20, 30, 40
4 sets
50 DUs
:10 false grip hold on rings (turning hands out and in)
:10 C2Rings hold
3 x stick/rope/10# up and down
6 sets
FSQ – 33#x10, 83×5, 103×3, 120x5x3 (90% of 135)
8 ea high pulls 8kg
8 ea SLDL 12kg
I just noticed my blue t-shirt with an anchor on it in the lost and found picture! If it hasn't already been donated, please hold onto it and I'll pick it up tonight. Thanks!
6am in 608
Push Press – 105# x 10 x 3
Shoulders were feeling smoked.
Metcon Rx – 6:02
Shoulders were feeling more smoked.
Brendan, have you ditched us for 6 AM? *cries*
(although I will be coming to 6 AM tomorrow so I can vote afterward)
7 AM with Ro in 608. We got to give Strength Cycle the full experience! (For me one of the best parts of SC when it was in 597 was to watch people doing burpees while we were resting. :P)
Push press at 75, and I didn't jerk a single one. Yay!
DBs at 30×12. Definitely going to 35, maybe even 40, next week. I know based on my Kroc row work that I should be able to go fairly heavy on these.
WOD in 4:50 with jumping pullups. Burpees suck.
6AM at 608.
Push Press 3x10x105 felt solid, strung them together better than last time
WOD around 6:08, had to break up pulls ups more than usual.
To all the helpful Crossfitters who helped look for my wedding ring this morning: Thanks! I found it, but I can't tell you where because it's embarrassing.
Push Press: 88 x 10 x 3. Felt good.
WOD: 7:18 with 12-9-9 pull-ups.
Took a while to get my rhythm going with the pull-ups – first round was tough, but second round started solid with 5.
6am with McD
Push press 120 x 10 x 3. Felt horrible after yesterday's C&J workout.
DB Row 60 x 8 x 3. No issues.
WOD in 6:13 Rx. Just couldn't will myself to stay on the bar after 6 into the round of 15. Broke it up too much but shoulders were pretty fried.
7 a.m. w/McDowell in 597.
Push press: 115x10x3. Felt pretty good, actually. Cycled through them and had good support in the legs. Good to work on the fundamentals after a bit of a rough Sunday.
DB row: 45#x12x3. Didn't want to push it today.
Metcon: mid-7-something, 15-9-6 pull-ups. Getting there on the pull-ups, slowly but surely.
The election is tomorrow. If you need a place to sit around with good company and watch the returns come in, let me know! I'm hosting a mid-sized watch party at my apartment in Prospect Heights. You can drop me a line on Facebook or by using my chascarey gmail address.
6a w/McDowell
Push Press 140x10x3, moved well enough for 90%
DB row: 55x10x3
Metcon: 4:53 – pull-ups were broken up a lot
Shoulders are taking the rest of the day off
10 AM with Ro and Jess
Push Press 75x10x1 then 85x10x2.
Need to focus on getting these to my shoulder while cycling- harder on my wrists, but easier overall.
Metcon in 4:57 with strict chins and pullups in 10-8-5 reps.
Need to work on kipping and pullups "under duress"
Slightly off script
Crossover Symmetry 2×10 Rev Fly
GHD Hip Extensions 2×10
Crossover Symmetry 2×10 Snow angel
Hanging Shrugs 2×10
5 Rounds:
5 Ring Dips
5 Seated Box Jumps
20' Handstand Walk
Bench Press: 135x12x3
Kipping Pull-Ups
3:46 as Rx'd
pull-ups unbroken, Burpees as fast as I thought I could maintain… but not fast enough to beat Brendan!
Fun training with LB then jumping into the group class Metcon
5 mins row warm up
2 rounds – 8 crossover sym, 8 hip extensions
2 rounds – 8 different crossover sym, 10 hanging lat activation
5 Rounds:
3 ring dips — 2 strict, 3rd kipped — unbroken
5 seated box jump — 20, 24, 30"
24-30' handstand walk — many sets :/
Bench Press
12 reps @45, 55, 65, 75, 80
Pull ups – these were terrible today
5 min TABATA alternating hollow hold, tall plank
6am with McD
Push Press: 140 x 5,7,6. Not too heavy, but I've been tweaking my mid back by arching too much overhead, so I stopped each set after form started to break down. I'm going to keep an eye on this and maybe drop down in weight to focus on technique.
DB row: 55x8x3
WOD: 7:08 Rx'd
Two slow movements for me.
Make up post from 11/6:
C+J wod in 11:40 with squat cleans, double pushups, and 1/2 volume DU. Same back issue as above after 4 reps overhead, so had a chat with Fox, before getting back to wod with modifications.
5:30 class
Push Press
Cycled all reps. Last few reps each set were tough.
DB Rows
Not too bad.
WOD in 5:06
My lack of pull up stamina is currently embarrassing. All sets broken up, the 15s were the worst.
6am with McD
Push press – 150x10x3
Last set was tough
Row – 75x10x3
Up 10# from last week
Metcon in 2:54 all unbroken. This was a PR of at least 30 seconds and just 1" off my Fran PR.
Push Press: 3×10@78#
DB Row: 30×6, 25×6 then 2×12@25#
Went down in weight on the row- but I missed last week's exposure. PP harder than expected.
WOD Rx'd in 5:13
Pullups: 12-8, 8-7, 5-4
Feel like I could've pushed myself more! Def was too slow on the round of 15 burpees and took too much time to get on the bar in between sets of pullups. Really wanted to go unbroken on the 9 pullups but wasn't able to today. Fran cough but I think it's more from getting over this flu/respiratory infection
Push Press @ 120 based on 90% Training Max (135)
Metcon: 4:32Rx
Cash Out – Tabata, Hollow Hold & Plank
5:30 class
Finally stabilized my SI joint enough to mess with the lateral box step ups in the warm up. Stoked.
Push Press
48lbs. Still working on form. Hyper-mobile lower back got lil' wild in the drive, worked on keeping ribs in and everything nice and tight.
WOD ~5:14
Man I liked this one. Jumping pull-ups. Traumatized from the first round of 21 burpees I lost count on the pull-ups, jumped from 10 to 18 and then repeated rep 18 endlessly. So probably cheated somehow. First workout that got me to my holy grail of frothing at the mouth. Burpees were whatever, last round featured my chest hitting the ground and knocking aforementioned spittle onto the floor for the last 3 reps, cinematic. Transcended in the last round of pullups and they felt snappy. Actual end time an estimate as I paced like an overheated puma for awhile afterwards before I realized I was supposed to be concerned about the time.
Cashout in my wheelhouse, 6 rounds tabata of hollow hold and hand plank.