Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3 x 5 at 90% of your heavy 5 from Week 1.
5/3/1 (1 Week):
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
These percentages are based on your Training Max (or TM). The final set (the 95% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 reps, then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps, then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 here, and use this calculator if you don’t have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
2 Ring Muscle-Ups
The swings should be on the heavy end for you and are Rx’d as American. Scale to Jumping Muscle-Ups or Floor-Assisted Ring Transitions (add the Dip if you’re able to) as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Jamie C. cooking up some Push Presses at Fight Gone Bad 2016
- Photos of our recent lost and found haul are up on Flickr. Come get yer stuff before we donate it to CHIPS!
- In case you missed it or don’t follow us on Instagram (you should!), we replaced front desker Toni S. with a wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube person for Halloween.
- The 3rd annual CFSBK Art Show is just two weeks away! Kate R. will be finalizing the flyer this weekend and wants to put your name on it! E-mail her at katharinereece [at] to join the roster of artists. We can’t wait to see your work!
Register Now for the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop!
Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn presents:
A Pelvic Floor Health Workshop
November 13, 2016 from 2:00-4:30pm
Do your hips ever feel a little unstable at the bottom of your squat? Are you fastidious about making a trip to the bathroom before that heavy Deadlift… because you learned the hard way? Do you sometimes feel pressure in your pelvis on a max set of 5?
The health of your pelvic floor is part of the equation here! Correct pelvic floor engagement is an essential, but often overlooked component of lifting, and everyday life.
This team taught workshop aims to shed light on what exactly constitutes the pelvic floor, how to strengthen it, and engage it under load. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to cultivate healthy pelvic floor function and prevent dysfunction.
You will walk away with:
- A basic understanding of pelvic floor anatomy
- Exercises you can do at home or as part of your warm-ups to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor, including breathing and bracing techniques
- An understanding of how to apply engagement under load
This workshop is for women only.
Limited to 25 participants
$75 registration fee
Developed and presented by:
Katie Harper received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since March 2015. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer, Functional Range Conitioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms), Functional Movement Screen Provider (FMS), Graston Technique Provider, Rocktape Functional Movement Specialist I, and has attended the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I course offered by the Institute of Physical Arts.
Kristin Hoesl has been training clients one on one and in groups in Pilates for over a decade. She specializes in helping athletes access their pelvic floor, and find both stability and mobility through their abdominal core and spine.
For over 30 years, Debbie Parsons has been teaching and studying movement. From a professional dance career to Pilates certification (1994), and continuing through Crossfit Level one and Starting Strength programs, Debbie has been helping clients to move with economy and efficiency.
Margie Lempert has been a coach at CFSBK since 2009, always with a focus on barbell training for women. She founded Iron Maidens Raw Open, an annual all-women powerlifting competition in 2015, teaches small group barbell classes with her husband, and trains individual clients. She is a Starting Strength Coach and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.
Melissa Loranger received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since April, 2012. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, a Certified Starting Strength Coach and has taken multiple continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Physical Arts, Graston Techniques, LLC, and Rock Tape.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Repurposing Recovery Day Starting Strength
Report: Holding Trophy Above Head Still Number One Celebration Technique
Front Squat: 95×5, 110×3, 120×4 been given similar advice from both JB and Whit about using my light weight warmups to really hit and become confident in my depth. All reps were good though!
Wod: 4 rounds plus 13 reps, 24 kg bell, 2 jumping MU to the high rings, 5 strict pus, 10 sit-ups
I fee pretty good about doing 21 strict pull-ups in 10 min plus other stuff! I'm glad it wasn't just jumping muscle ups; the pulling portion is what I need to work on!!
Fun workout. Have GOT to get a muscle up!
Note to programmers (Chris?) That was really smart making us do those 15-second ring supports earlier in the week. I think it really helped with the muscle-ups today. I'm still doing jumping, but less and less so.
Front squat: worked up to four reps of 157.
OG last night
Thursday's work
25:33 Rx
Snatches felt good despite the fatigue. Burpees sucked. Runs were slow down to 4th and a bit faster on the way back. Tried to use the runs as active rest and get my heart rate/breathing under control.
Saturday 1pm
175/200/225 (5)
Expected the rep out to be much worse but everything moved fine.
7 rounds +3 kb swings
MUs as singles. KB swings unbroken.
Front squat 85lbs, first time doing this one. No further comment on those.
WOD: 8 rounds + 3 KB swings with whatever weight the yellow one is (forgot to check) + 10 sit ups. Feet on the ground "muscle up" to couple seconds of front support and then dip to transition back down. I love ring stuff.
Smallish 11am with the Foxes
FSQ – 185×5, 210×3, 235×5
Left a country or in the tank
Metcon – 11 rounds plus 1 KBS
LBBS-195 x 12 x 2
Press- 65 x 9 x 2
Good Morning- 105 x 20 x 2
Single arm DB row- 30 x 20 x 2
DB side lateral raise- 10 x 15 x 2
Strict pull-ups -2 x 5
Then with Kayleigh and Tyler
With a running clock:
1 Mile Run
Max Clean & Jerks (95#)- (14 reps)
800m Run
Max Power Snatch (80#) (27 reps)
400m Run
Max Thrusters (65#)(27 reps)
I had done this workout before back in May when I was more used to running. That day I got 15 clean and jerks, 23 snatches and 26 thrusters. Which is kind of the same, rep-wise but I definitely ran way faster that day, so the barbell stuff must have been faster today.
5 x TTB all but 2 rounds unbroken.
115×5, 127.5×3, 142.5×3
Fox gave good cues about the front rack position. Pitched forward on the third rep of my last set so decided to stop there. I did 155×3 at Girls Gone Rx a few weeks ago so I know I could've done more, but it's also my first day back after being sick with the flu for a week so wanted to take it easy.
WOD: 8+ 11
American swings at 16kg, jumping MU on low rings, 10 situps.
Kept everything light for my first WOD back. Happy to be moving today. Cabin fever is real!
A little belated, but…
Congrats Aileen and Dave!! Noah is adorable!
Congrats Super Karl! Well deserved!
WoD from CFSBK Midwest:
WU: DROMs, 2 rounds: 10 pushups, 16 lunges, 12 goblet squats @ #20
Cleans: 2 x 65, 75, 86, 97, 103, 108, 113
WoD: (3 rounds for time)
10 power cleans @ #65
10 burpees
270m (down to my neighbor Elmore's house and back)
Big hugs to all! Miss you!