Snatch Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Snatches (full) 115/75
10 Over-the-Bar Burpees (lateral)
270m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
8-12 Bicep Curls
6e Palloff Presses
Post work to comments.
Have you ever wanted to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or MMA? Now’s your chance!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Crossfit South Brooklyn
Want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Classes are now available at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s facilities! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a grappling martial art which first gained popularity with its success in mixed martial arts competitions in the 90’s. Since then it’s continued to gain in fame as a fun sport and efficient form of self defense. Practitioners use joint locks, chokes, and leverage to subdue opponents instead of using strikes. The teacher is Jesse Leach, a 1st degree black belt, certified by the IBJJF and medalist at international tournaments. Classes will be Wednesday nights 8-9pm, and Sundays 12-1pm as well as a mixed martial arts class Sundays 1-2pm. Crossfit South Brooklyn members can purchase their first one month pass for $50. Daily rates and class packs are also available. E-mail contact [at] for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | NFT Work
Barbells for Boobs: Saving Lives CrossFit
Samantha Coleman Deadlifts 600 Pounds BarBend
5:30am at Brick Crossfit Boston
4 rounds
:20 handstand hold
5 scap retractions
10 PVC good mornings
15 air squats
Every 1:30 for 6 rounds
(3 each)
1: 1 kip swing + 2 kip pull ups + 3 bar muscle ups
2: 1 lab KB waiter carry
The waiter carry was really difficult to stabilize at the top (red KB at bottom, green at top). Fun though.
3 strict pull ups
6 DB renegade rows
12 abmat situps
– rest 4 min
:30 on / off row for calories
Got 6 rounds + 5 rows with 50# DB, then 91 calories. My legs were smoked from our box jumps earlier in the week.
830 last night
No energy last night but got some work in
Wendler BSQ
215 x 5 / 245 x 3 / 275 x 5
Probably had at least one more in me for 275 but didn't push it since I felt like crap. Need to focus more on keep my knees and ankles out on the way back up. Brett noticed they were caving in during warm up reps.
8 rounds for quality but Sean only did 5
Nothing particularly difficult about this I just had no desire to do it. Guess that happens sometimes.
WOD: 17:34 Rx
Snatches: Was able to cycle better than I thought. Maintained 5-3-2 for all rounds. McD reminded me to breathe during the snatches – what a revelation! It did really help maintain this.
Burpees: Blargh… they happened.
Run: This was recovery throughout. Tried to go all out on the last one, but it took about halfway through to rediscover my legs.
Nice little cash out with 25# and 30# for the curls.
8 AM with Fox. I started with snatches at 63#, and had to switch to 20 KB swings at 16 kg starting in round 4, because my left wrist started to feel stiff and sore. I thought 50 burpees would be fine, but 50 burpees + 50 snatches, not so much.
Live and learn. 22:02.
6am with McDowell and Jess
WOD in 23:00 at 63#
Snatches we're feeling good this morning. I have been struggling with doing touch and go, while keeping the bar close to my body. Perhaps could've gone heavier on this. Did 5-5 for the first 3 rounds, then 5-4-1, 5-3-2. OTB burpees and the runs were slow. I tried to push it a little more on the last run and almost puked twice, but pulled myself together and finished it out. I haven't gone to a dark place on a workout for a while, so I enjoyed this one.
Ca$hed out with 15×10, 20×8, 25×8, 30×4 on the DB curls, plus the pallof presses.
6am with Jess and McDowell
WOD in 27:15 Rx
That was a doozy. Snatches all bailed singles. Burpees were slow. Runs were slow. I mostly just dreaded coming back in and doing more snatches. Legs were jelly for that last run. At least there were no fails. Been a while since I have finished dead last in a workout.
6am with Jess and McDowell
WOD in 24:41 Rx
That was rough. All singles. I knew whilst failing the 10th snatch for the 3rd time in a row, that this would be rough. Tried to get under rather than just power snatch and OHS, but probably only did that 1/3 – 1/2 of the time.
6a with Jess & McDowell
Snatch Metcon – 26:44 Rx
Full snatch is never a pleasant lift for me, but overhead is getting better.
First round singles rest of the rounds cycled the first 3-4 snatches then singles
Tried to make up time on the burpees. Runs were a zombie shuffle at best.
Snuck in right before Steve for a personal victory
6am with Jess and McD
Metcon in 19:27. Tried to stay with Kayleigh but no dice. This was the toughest workout I've done in awhile!
Cashed out with some curlz
I’d like to share my current experience with Brett’s Short Circuit classes. About 3 weeks ago I decided to try these classes in combination with regular crossfit classes.
Prior to my first class I decided to measure (arms, legs, chest, shoulders, waist) and weight myself. My eating regimen and sleep stayed the same – 4 to 5 clean meals and 8 hours of sleep per day.
The first class started as expected. We went through mobility, stretching, name and question of the day. Then, Coach Brett went over the WOD… The only thing I can think of while he was going over the WOD was we are about to work for about 45 minutes straight AND there’s no or very little rest incorporated into this class. The WOD was intense, structured, and basically a sweat-a-thon. I loved it!
3 weeks into it and I’m happy to share the following: I lost 2lbs the first week, 1lb the second, and the third week my weight leveled off. 3lbs in about 2 weeks was a bit aggressive for me, so I decided to re measure my body during week 3 to see what was happening. My arms and chest stayed the same size, my shoulders and legs increased in size, and my waist decreased by inches!
The other thing I noticed was how much my capacity increased. My heart rate definitely increases during WODs, but I’m not getting winded and I’m able to go noticeably faster – even on days when I do double WODs.
In a nutshell, these classes are great and Brett’s programming and coaching is dead on!
While I consistently work at the times we offer BJJ at CFSBK, I was able to make it in last week since my client cancelled. I did BJJ for about 4 years 10 years ago and I loved it and am so stoked we're offering it here at the gym. If you're curious at ALL about this this class I recommend you try it. BJJ is awesome, EFFECTIVE and in my opinion knowing how to handle yourself in a physical altercation is a life skill everyone should possess.
In short, BJJ is awesome, this class is awesome, Jesse is awesome and you should do it.
BJJ and Short Circuit sound like great programs. I've read through the class descriptions , however, and there is no discussion about custom T-shirts. Before I commit to one or both of these classes, can you give me some assurance that swag is in development?
(Same comment applies to Anti-Gravity – can someone get on the phone with Lululemon and make this happen?).
Whole lotta fitness to talk about. Finished out Wodapalooza submissions this week! 10 workouts in 10 days. Results in summary were as follows:
-1RM Thruster: 160#
– Isabel: 2:23
– 3K row: 12:11
– 30, 4" deficit HSPU: 2:04
– 21/15/9 deadlift/hang power snatch/OHS @65#: 5:26
– 3:00 burpee ring MU-13, and 3:00 burpee bar MU 13- total of 26 MU in 6 min
– 2 rds: 25 burpee over row/25 cal row- 5:23
– 30/20/10: Thruster @65#/ T2B: 5:59
– 30 HPC @115# / WB (14#/10') / 180 DU- 10:58
– 3 position snatch (floor/below knee/above knee): 135#
Wow, that was quite the mental/physical feat. I am exhausted! Unfortunately, the results came in and I found out that we didn't make the cut. I will admit, I was REALLY bummed out last night, I wanted it really bad. But, I couldn't have been happier with my performance and the improvements I've made within the last year. I was happy to even fall close to the middle of the pack (128/197) up against the big dawgz, and it's really great for perspective. Getting super effin fired up for the open this year. Can't wait to come back stronger. Thanks to everyone for the support! (Especially those who had to endure my wrath during the technical video difficulties)
Tonight's WOD:
5 Rds:
10 Snatch @75
10 burpee over bar
270M run
Completed in 15:29
Holy barf! This was rough! Snatches in 10, 7/3, 5/5, 6/4, 7/3. Everything else was a steady-ish slog. Had a big ol rat running next to me (and outpacing me) for a solid 50M on the last round. A literal rat race. Collapsed onto the sidewalk after because my legs were ded.
Solid bi-pump sesh to follow. Hit a pump variation. Double bis/alternating bi's/hammer curls/then back to alternating bis for the finale because they are my favorite 🙂
Heading to Florida for the weekend to bronze the guns. Later peeps!
Um Brett- when are you going to layer in a class that us 9-6ers can come to? Weekend class?? Mo's comments are making us all jealous 🙂
Almost didn't make it over to 608 because I was being side-ist, but I'm glad I did cuz I got to take a group class with Coach Fox which is a rare occasion during the week!
Snatch @ 52# in 20:59. I'm glad I didn't go heavier, but I'm mad I stuck with my plan of 3-2 instead of pushing myself a little harder.
15# bicep curls after.
I was hungry and didn't feel like waiting until 9pm for dinner, so I skipped AR :/ Hope my shoulders don't pay for it later…
-Sorry you didn't make it, Katie! You clearly did your best and amazed all of us!
-Also: YES! I want in on short circuit too. Can't wait for Veteran's Day– It's already on my calendar because I don't work that day.
-Lastly, I am excited to try BJJ. I tried it at the UFC gym on 4th Ave and it was a HOT. MESS.
KHarpz perma-heart-eyes emoji!!!
Also Kayleigh wow!
Love Mo's write-up and I need to get my ass in there for 9am one of these days!
Today- did some of my hypertrophy stuff but skipped some and dialed it back a bit too. Have some stuff going on with my traps/back of head/ general neck area so need to be careful.
Front Squat- 145 x 11 x 2
Bench press-110 x 9 x 2
Matador dips- 2 x 9
RDL- 100 x 20 x 2
DB side lateral raise-7.5 x 10 x 2
DB press- 20 x 12 x 2
5:30pm with Whit and Fox
WOD in 22:54 Rx
Wasn't sure I could do the snatches without lifters and I am sure many were not caught low enough so perhaps that Rx is not completely honest if power snatches don't count, but I slogged through it. This is actually kind of a major accomplishment for me. Burpees were absolutely terrible. My goals were to a) not look at the clock, b) try to take my time with the snatches and not rush things c) conserve enough energy to be able to sprint the end of the last run.
Not a good workout for me but 'fun' nonetheless.
Cash out 3 rounds with 25 x 8 on the DBs.
I second Jays request for some new CFSBK swag!
Metcon today – 23:34 – substituted Cleans (135) for Sntches as I'm working around a nagging shoulder injury. Great workout!
Had 30 minutes. I warmed up to 63# on snatch and knew I had to get started even tho i wasn't really ready. I put 5s on and started the clock. I had a hard stop at 21 mins.
My first 4 snatches at 73# were power snatches, so I took off the 5s and did them at 63#. After 3 rounds I felt warm and fired up, and I switched back to 73# for the 4th and 5th rounds, which felt great.
When my time was up I'd finished 4 rounds + 10 snatches + 6 burpees :/
3 rounds —
1:00 row
2 wide grip pull ups, negative, :20 dead hang
:06 single arm handstand hold
8 ea straight leg hip bridges
BSQ @90% of 155
140 x 5 x 3 — good
Practiced jumping MUs on the rings.
Need more work on keeping my false grip during kip swings