Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 90% of Week 1’s heavy 5.
5/3/1 (1 Week):
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
These percentages are based on your Training Max (or TM). The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 reps, then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps, then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 here, and use this calculator if you don’t have a true 1RM.
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Exposure 3 of 8
8 Rounds for Quality:
15 second Ring Support at top of dip
15 second Ring Support at bottom of dip
20 second Hollow Hold
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
Scale the Ring Supports to feet elevated, band assisted, or do them between 2 benches. At the top, keep the shoulders active and the elbows absolutely extended. If they are easy for you then externally rotate the shoulder (turn the thumbs out) and let the arms drift an inch at a time away from your torso. At the bottom the elbow must be below the shoulder and the shoulders stay active. Scale the Hollow Holds to tuck holds. If a 20 second Hollow Hold is easy for you then hold a light dumbbell overhead.
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Just When I Thought I Was Out: Coach Nick at the Head of the Charles Regatta
By Nick Peterson
I consider myself a “recovering rower.” But like Michael Corleone, just when I think I’m out, rowing pulls me back in. For the past three years I’ve been rowing with a group of guys in the masters division at two regattas: the San Diego Crew Classic (2000m, in April) and the Head of the Charles in Boston (3 miles in late October). There are a few other crews out there that give us a run for our money, and we’ve been trading first place with them over the years.
This past weekend our crew came in third at the Head of the Charles – 7 sec. behind first place, and .07 sec. behind second place. While it pains us to lose, we’re pretty happy with how we rowed in terms of technique and aggressiveness. And unlike these other guys, we’re scattered to the four winds (one is in Hawaii!), and don’t have the opportunity to train together. We joke that the other crews test positive for training. In the next year we may change this whole not-training-together thing, and run one or two mini-camps to get more water time.
Here’s video of us in the last mile of the race. The Head of the Charles is single file, or “head style,” meaning that the crews can roughly tell where they are in relation to the crews immediately ahead and behind them, but otherwise are just racing the clock. In the video, we’re on one of a few big turns – this gives you an indication of the importance of the coxswain (the little guy in the stern who’s steering and calling the race) in this race.
News and Notes
- Dear departed CFSBKer Erin Musni is visiting for this weekend from Hawaii! There will be a big group get together at Lavender Lake at 8-8:30pm on Friday.
- Photos of our recent lost and found haul are up on Flickr. Come get yer stuff!
Reminders of Mortality Can Motivate Athletes Pacific Standard
How to Deal with Digital Distractions NY Times
Nick did that little kid in the video yell at you guys to mess up? What a jerk!
Today OG
30 x DU
5 x butterfly swing/attempts
Monday's Metcon
AMRAP 20mins
5 x T2B
10 x Push-Ups
15 x Box Jumps
11 rounds, 8 reps
Just couldn't string more than 3 x T2B together!! But paced well.
Yesterday OG
30 x DU
6 x chin-ups
Deadlift- 212.5 x 15 x 2
LBBS 195 x 10 x 2
Walking Lunges 95 x 10 x 2
superset with
DB side lateral raise- 10 x 15 x 2
Press- 65 x 9 x 2
superset with
Good Morning-105 x 15 x 2
Shoutout to BETHANY! OMG I was having a terrible time of it and was about to quit before my squats. I mis-loaded the bar for deadlifts- it was supposed to be 220 but I grabbed the 1.25 instead of the 2.5's and the 2.5's instead of the 5's but it still took a lot out of me.
I just couldn't wrap my head around the higher reps. I don't know what was wrong but I really wasn't feeling it and almost went home. I was aiming for 12 or 15 reps on the squats and I just kept reracking it after one rep but Bethany came and counted my reps for my first set and I got out of that state of mind and did it. Sometimes you just need a friend! Thanks Bethany!!
Made some major progress on pistols!
Partnered with Linda and Katie Rose on the metcon. Lots of fun- used a blue band for the pistols and got my first unassisted left leg pistol lol!! Great class!!
Sunday 10am with Brett.
I overly scaled the WOD at 113# and 3 x C2B because I was tired and, well, feeling lazy. 16:24. Should either have done full volume regular pull-ups or 5 x C2B and probably could have done 123# on the barbell but sometimes you just need to take it easy!
AG last night
Fun multi movement warmup for 10 min
Pistols : Frustrating… left leg no problem getting all the way to the bottom. Right leg i make it like 90% of the way and can't go lower. Not sure if its a strength thing or a flexibility/mobility thing.
AMRAP : partnered with Joy
118 cals
HSPU strict unbroken
Pistols strict but went to box assist for the right leg towards the end.
I know this is going to sound cheesy! But getting to leave work to go to crossfit in the middle of the day for my workout time, personal time, and a reboot is the greatest luxury ever!
12pm with Arturo! Great class and well yay for squats!
HBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 215×3, 245×10