Rob U. and Dan C. competed in the Starting Strength Fall Classic over the weekend. Rob hit 372.5/177.5/435 for a 985 total. Dan went 500/225/575 for a 1300 total, a new gym record, and first place in the Master’s division. Congrats, Rob and Dan! You make us proud.
- Looking to try something other than group class this week? Check out 6:30pm Active Recovery with Coach Fox or 7:30pm Pilates with KH!
Call for Artists in CFSBK’s Third Art Show, on November 19, 2016!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s first and second Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our third Art Show will be Saturday, November 19th, so save the date, and START MAKING ART!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of CrossFitters, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
Want to Participate?
We’re excited about everyone who has reached out so far, but we want to hear from more of you! If you are an artist (even if your art is just a hobby!) and a CrossFitter at CFSBK or beyond, reach out to Kate R. at katharinereece [at] by November 4th, 2016 to get on the roster of artists. If you haven’t participated before, your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
Note: Several of you have asked if anyone can participate. Yes, but the artist MUST be a CrossFitter. They don’t have to work out at CFSBK!
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, design, drawings, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. The 180” projector is taken. If you participated in years past, please DO NOT repeat work you included for that show.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press / DB Bent-Over Row | Toes-to-Bars, Push-Ups, Box Jumps
What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Squats Starting Strength
Putting the Fun Back into Fitness BBC News
Sleeping While Awake Scientific American
Make-up post from yesterday
First off want to join in with everyone noting how great of an AOM Super Karl is. He's been an engaged and committed member since day one and we're all better off for having Karl and other folks like him in our community.
Pre Class Crossover Symmetry
6:30pm Group Class with Coach Ro
3 Rounds
16 DB Swings 35
6 Pull-Ups
8e OH DB Lunges
Press: 97x10x2 97×9 Andre was very specific about the % he used 🙂
DB Row: 45x12x3
T2B/PU/BJ Metcon
11 Rounds + 9 reps as Rx'd.
This was a fun one, goal was to do all the push-ups unbroken, which in the later rounds just meant holding the top a little longer.
There was a lot going on in 608, I liked the energy!
Wednesday's Work
Back Squat
Use 90% of week one's heavy 5
5/3/1 1 Week
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
*Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Set your TM at 90% of your 1RM. The final set (the 95% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 3 and 5 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Read more about the 5/3/1 below, and use the calculator if you don't have a true 1RM.
Metcon (20min)
8 Rounds for QUALITY
15 second Ring Support at top of dip
15 second Ring Support at bottom of dip
20 second Hollow Hold
15 Russian KB Swings, AHAP
Scale the ring supports to feet elevated, band assisted, or do them between 2 benches. At the top, keep the shoulders active and the elbows absolutely extended. If they are easy for you then externally rotate the shoulder (turn the thumbs out) and let the arms drift an inch at a time away from your torso. At the bottom the elbow must be below the shoulder and the shoulders stay active. Scale the hollow holds to tuck holds. If a 20 second hollow hold is easy for you then hold a light dumbbell overhead.
A. Pistols
20 min AMRAP W/Partner
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pulls on the Erg
6am with McDowell
250# x 5
285# x 3
320# x 3 for the rep-out
Got through 7 rounds, then worked on handstand walks with JamesA and DanL.
7 AM squattin' with Jess
160×5, 180×3, 200×3, I did a fourth rep but it was high. Feel like if I'd taken a second to brace harder and think about it more I wouldn't have gotten sloppy like that.
Formerly-known-as-NFT work was pretty tough! My shoulders were already pretty shot — I realized I did 100 pushups yesterday — and doing those ring supports was comically difficult.
BRAINZ N GAINZ SHOUTOUT! Tomorrow night our trivia crew will be competing and there are real prizes at stake, not just the usual prize of a few bucks off our bar tab. AOTM Super Karl can't come, which means we really need someone who knows their stuff about movies. Is that you? Please come, we have a great time! Tomorrow night, 8:30 PM at The Rock Shop (which is right by the gym and serves some pretty tasty burgers, so feel free to come by having sweated it out at 7:30 PM class).
6am with McDowell and the maniacs doing Wednesday things
BSQ – 150# x 5 / 175# x 3 / 195# x 5
Rep out this week felt much better than last week. Really digging this programming.
Quality Control – 8 rounds
KB – 32kg x 4 / 36kg x 3 / 40kg x 1 (whatever that white bell is)
Ring holds at the bottom were rough.
LBBS: 170×5, 195×3, 215×5
Ring holds at the top: Fine, kept with 15 sec
Ring holds at the bottom: Tough, scaled back to 10 sec
Hollow holds: Okay
KB: Started with the green bell, worked up to the 36kg bell for a round. Tried the 40kg bell and got to 8 (just couldn't keep my grip).
Also, Rob and Dan…WOWWWWWWWW! Those are some serious numbers!
6am with McDowell
HBBS 215 x 5, 245 x 3, 270 x 6
Squats have been feeling really good lately.
Quality NFT
Think I did 6 rounds, things got fuzzy in there
Support holds – shaked like a polaroid
Red kb then White 80kg kb x 5
That white kb will shoot you across the room if you aren't careful
Some serious numbers indeed Rob and Dan!
Correction — my numbers were 372.5/177.5/435 and my total was 985!
Fixed now – thank you Josh.
6am with McDowell
Squat 245 x 5, 280 x 3, 315 x 5
Put on a belt for the first time in awhile to aid my aching back. Squats felt okay today.
Quality NFT ~4 rounds
Hollow holds and top ring support easy. Bottom ring support damn near impossible. kb with the 40kg bell – did last swing of each round as american to spice it up.
Impressive numbers from the Starting Strength Classic guys!
8 a.m. doing Wednesday's work w/McDowell.
BSQ: 175×5, 200×3, 225×3. Better than last week but still not where it should be. Going to re-calibrate TM weight in order to try and work kinks out.
QUALITY work: 5 measured rounds. Test-drove the Taurus (a/k/a the 40kg bell) for 3 of them. Surprisingly fun if you give yourself enough time to recover and really go for it each round.
Congrats, Rob U. & Dan C.!
10 AM Class with McDowell and Jess
145x3x5. all but 2-3 with good depth- better.
8 rounds of quality work with 3@ 24KG and 5@ 30KG with assisted bottom ring holds.
No joke after yesterday's pushups.
Way to go Rob and Dan- impressive!
Folks, from the bottom of my massive heart, THANK YOU!!! I was pleasantly surprised and honored when Fox shared the good news with me a few weeks ago. I absolutely must shout-out CFSBK's phenomenal community because my receipt of this nomination is also a reflection of it. Every day, every workout, I see people putting in WORK to be healthier and better than they were yesterday. Even more importantly, I see people SUPPORTING each other's work to be healthier and better. i do believe healthy, honest teamwork makes the dreamwork and that is true here. So, I thank all of you wonderful people because my growth is a direct result of my desire to push myself along other industrious, wonderful people 🙂
6a w/McDowell for Wednesday
BSQ 220×5, 250×3, 275×5
Weight felt a little heavy today. I think all those Box Jumps didn't help
8 rounds of QUALITY – crushed it
Bottom of the ring hold, woof
Then worked on some handstand walks with Coach Michael
NICE WORK DAN AND ROB!!! Always proud to hear about the accomplishments from the strong people of 608. : )
I love the art show!
10 min EMOM
10 pull ups — 6,4 & 5,3,2 – need to fix my grip
50 DUs — almost all unbroken! 2 sets tripped in the 40s
10 min EMOM
10 HSPUs — all unbroken except last round, last 3 were singles
10 KB swings 24kg
5 rounds EMOM-ish
:15 false grip hang
:15 ring support (top)
10 tempo v-ups
10 wall balls @20#
6am with McD
225×5, 255×3, 285×4 – legs were a little fried so took it easy.
Got all 8 rounds, mostly using the 40kg bell. Quality was high.
Cash out HS walk practice. Still not very good at these, but getting a little better!
5:30pm with Fox and Maschi doing Sunday's WOD:
15 wall ball 14#, 9ft
10 chest to bar
5 power cleans #135
22:24 RX'd
-I wanted to quit this workout after the 3rd round. Was thankful that Chris and Jason were also suffering so I kept going. Wall balls all unbroken, chest to bar broken from the beginning and power cleans all singles.
-That was a doozy!!!
Wednesday at 6:30
110X5, 125×3, 137×3 Kharpz confirmed the reps were good, so I'm happy with it.
Did 8 rounds of the quality accessory work, most rounds with the green kb.
AG was pretty fun too– good pistol practice. My hip flexors and quads are fried. Glad tomorrow is a rest day!
Make up post! 4:30 with Jeremy
3×10 at 38lbs, which was nicely 88% of the 43 I did two weeks ago. 25lbs with the dumbell rows, rhomboids are nice and sore today so I think I found a good weight.
9 rounds + ended with some clean and elegant leg lifts to kill the last minute because I really didn't need to do more than 90 pushups. T2B hung out almost the whole time which I was stoked, in later rounds the 5th rep was more "toes in immediate vicinity of bar". Started kneeling elbows to ribs pushups, switched to wide arm after the 5th round because my shoulder was mad. In retrospect I should have just scaled to 5 on my toes pushups, got stronger and babied my shoulder. Next time. Box jumps on 16" box. Got fun towards the end.