This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We bid a fond farewell to two of our wonderful members, Pigeon K. and Evan H. Come back and visit us soon, you two!
2. There’s still space in the upcoming Pelvic Floor Health Workshop. Register now!
3. SAVE THE DATE: The 3rd annual Iron Maidens Raw Open will take place on February 18th, 2017. See the event page for more details.
4. We posted another testimonial from our Short Circuit class, this one from Kristin H. Since Foundations is not required to take Short Circuit, it’s a great opportunity to take a class with friends and family!
5. Did Fight Gone Bad whet your appetite for competition? Check out the 2016 Hoboken Winter Challenge! The event will take place on December 3rd, and registration is now open.
6. The annual CFSBK Art Show goes down on November 19th, and we’re still accepting submissions! Check out Wednesday’s post for more details.
7. You like music, right? And, of course, you like Coach Brett. So you should definitely check out Brett’s CD release/listening party on November 11th at Freddy’s Bar.
8. CFSBK made Yelp’s list of the Best 10 Gyms in Brooklyn, coming in at #5 (and the only CrossFit gym on the list). Hurray! If you feel so inclined, you could always “yelp us out” by writing a review. But only if you really love us!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Metcon
Lifting Weights Could Make You More Intelligent Independent
Watch the Domino Effect of 8,000 Matches Going Up in Flames Atlas Obscura
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3×5 at 85% of your heavy 5 from last week
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 10 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 10 then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 below, and use the calculator if you don't have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
For Time:
60 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20
50/40 Calorie Row
40 DB Push Press
Rx the dumbbell push presses at 45% of body weight (total, between the dumbbells).
Post time and Rx to comments.
Quick edit from yesterday: the run with the KB's was 100m, not 400m. My b.
6am doing Saturday's McDowell across the street
Front Squat: 185# x 3, then 215# x 3, then 240# x 8. Moved well, saved 1-2 reps at the end I think.
Metcon: 10:46 Rx. Sped up in the middle of the burpees and then sustained through the end. Rowing sucks. Push presses were 20/8/5/7. Thanks to SteveH for pushing me at the end.
And now, this:
830 pm last night
Snatch Metcon #135 / strict HSPU / strict Pistols for a bit then low blue band assisted for the majority
I asked Brett if this should be lighter load / faster time or heavier load / slower time. He said heavier. He seems to always say heavier. Anyways I was glad for the advice afterwards since I got the work done under the cap but legs were jello on the long walk home. HSPU were the easy part of the workout. Pistols first two rounds done strict no assist. Last three rounds blue band as low as possible which didnt do much for assistance other than letting me know I was at the bottom of the squat. Balance was very difficult in the later stages of the workout.
These snatch metcons are no joke.
6am living in the past with Brett
Snatch Metcon @ 105# – 20:00
Fell 11 pistols shy of 4 rounds. Didn't try to race through this but rather hit all the movements properly. Snatches got better with each round as my shoulders warmed up. HSPU best they've been for me. Third time ever doing pistols so pretty pumped to have gotten through as many as I did.
3 rounds of the NFT
I'm awful at L-sits.
This morning at 7 AM, for some reason everybody wanted to hang out with Brett and do snatches, and it was just Dylan and me on the burpees. It's like people don't like burpees or something…
FSQ: 135x5x3. I was kinda conservative given that I had to switch to HBBSQ last week, and they went really well. I found the bottom! Whee!
WOD in 11:44 with just burpees instead of BBJs, and 30# on the DBs. I wanted to do the burpees with DBs, which made box jumps impossible (or at least really really inadvisable ;)) This was still pretty hellish!
6am with McD
FSQ – 175×3, 200×3, 225×8
Felt good today. May have left too many in the tank but always hard to tell.
WOD in 13:54 Rx. Was very happy to finish the burpee box jumps as they are awful. Row was a nice break and kept it around 21-22spm and 1200-1300 cal/hour. DB push press 12-8-5-5-6-4. Probably could have moved faster through this but this drop-in from Boston kept wanting to banter.
6am with McDiesel
FSQ: 45×5, 135×5, 145×3, 165×3, 185×5. This felt heavy today :/
WOD in 15:20, with 30# db's. Burpee box jumps were slow – I need to start pushing myself on these. Row was fine. DB push press in 15-10-8-7. I think this was the right weight for me today.
Side note: I'm also signed up for the pelvic floor workshop. I'm excited to hear what these talented women have to say!
10 AM with McDowell +17 and Brett.
Saturday's work-
125# for the front squats 3×5. Moved well. Feeling much more solid on these.
Metcon with my imaginary partner in 13 something I think?
6 sets of 10 burpee box jumps @ 24" in 7:08 Missed the box on one of the 10th reps. worst feeling evah doing that jump over.
row in 2:50.
1 x 30# push press followed by
14/10 @ 20#
followed by 5/3/3/4 @ 30#.
Should have stayed at 30#.
Nowhere to hide. Nowhere to hide.
6am with McD
FSQ – 175×3, 200×3, 225×6
Not feeling strong these days, so just going for 2x on the rep out.
WOD in 13:33 Rx. Burpee box jumps were interminable. Kept the row easy with ~15 spm and 1000 cal/hr. Push press in 12/8/8/7/5.
10:30am session. pecs/shoulders are still unbelievably sore from the dips I did on wed. legs not as bad as i thought. stuck to the plan…
10 min heat up
5×5 @ 73#
A2. 1-arm DB Bent Over Row @ 21×2 tempo
4×12 @ 35#
B. 4 sets:
5 Burpees
:15 assault bike @ 97% RPE
Rest 2:15
Was aiming to get up to 87 RPM which is what I held last time. Definitely harder with the burpees first and bike second… so hard to maintain that pace/power! Hit 87 every time but last :05 was just staying above 82 as best I could.
Each set about :28-:30.
Next time 2:00 rest, will need to actively slow down my breathing.
about 10 minutes to do some recovery movement (pandiculations) before coaching again
A small-ish 7am doing Thursday w/ Brett. Really enjoying these lift/metcon combos! Great opportunity to work on cycling these lifts and staying focused under duress.
I finished in 15:16 doing 57# for the snatch, box-piked HSPUs and 10 unassisted pistols for all but the first round (first round I did all 14). Thinking I maybe should have gone a little heavier on the snatch, but I'm scared of these and also didn't snatch at all last cycle, so for the last 2 weeks I've been concentrating on dialing in my form. Face your fears!!
FSQ: 135×3, 150×3, 165×9
WOD: 12:14 Rx. Burpee Box Jumps felt like an eternity – finished right at Michael's predicted time of 5:58. Row was fine, DB push press was harder than I would have liked, but manageable – broken into five descending sets.
I can attest that Kirby does pistols like a boss.
Wowza, tough day at the office. Front squat 4 sets of 3 reps w/ 65 pound dumbbells, b/c of gunky elbow – hardest part was schlepping them across the street, off. But then that WOD put me over its knee. Rarely been more grateful for some good 6am chi- shout out to Steve for setting up the rower for a poor cripple and DJ Flash for the psychic firemans carry for the last 20 push presses. But I did cheer myself up writing this because I remembered I'm supposed to subtract 7 minutes from my time. Phew! 16:00 and a bit.
5 min assault bike warm up — :45 moderate pace, :15 arms only
4 rounds:
8 each leg straight hip bridges
:08 each arm hand stand – working on getting legs together
8 ea single leg DL 12kg – left leg standing is so much harder bc of hamstring problem
FSQs – missed last week so found a medium heavy set of 5
95# x 10, 115 x 5, 125 x 5, 130 x 5, 135 x 5
Yoga class. 2nd time this week!