There are so many good photos from Fight Gone Bad on our Flickr account | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Fight Gone Bad 2016 was a huge success! We raised over $30,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation and had fun doing it. Read all about it.
2. We announced our new training cycle template.
3. Another great event, the 3rd annual CFSBK Art Show, is just around the corner! Kate R. is still accepting submissions. You can contact her at katharinereece [at] by November 4th, 2016 to get on the roster of artists. If you haven’t participated before, your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
4. We reported on the CrossFit Team Series at CFSBK. Congrats again to all who participated!
5. Squad WOD at CFSBK, originally slated for Novemeber, has been cancelled but will be rescheduled for 2017. Keep a lookout for another annoucement.
6. Coach Noah is alive and well and living in Austin, and he also wrote an awesome article called “It Was All a Dream: Starting a CrossFit Gym” for Beyond the Whiteboard. Check it out to find out how things are going with the launch of his new gym, CrossFit Lumos!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | NFT Work
Minor Gains Catapult
A Visit to the CIA’s “Secret” Abstract Art Collection Hyperallergic
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Warm up and perform 3 medium-heavy sets of 5 reps
5/3/1 5
Week 65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 10 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 10 then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 below, and use the calculator if you don't have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
3 RFT:
400m Run
Strict or kipping is allowed on the HSPU as is 1-2 AbMats. Sub Box Piked or regular Push Ups as appropriate.
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am w/ Greg (Greg you didn't a brilliant job this morning!)
FSQ: 185×5-200×5-215×5. Hitting the fitness programming this cycle. Haven't had a good results with the Wendler format in the past.
Metcon: 8:03 Rx. All HSPUs unbroken and kipping.This is in my wheelhouse.
Correction, Greg you DID a brilliant job.
Thursday's work with He-Man(TM): 42, 47, 57, 62, 67, 72. I did box jumps instead of burpees. I have done burpees post-surgery, just not more than, like, 50 of them in one workout? I'd like to do some volume in between 50 and 120 before I try 120.
Not sure how I feel about my weight choices. On the one hand, I was getting it done in less than 2:00/round, so I feel like maybe it was too light? On the other hand, I was catching pretty far forward, which makes me think I should have stayed in the 60s and really drilled the catch position.
Cool to have my morning OG mate Nat in group class today!
7 am group class:
Thursday's snatches: 53, 53, 58, 63, 63, 68
So fun being back in group class, snatches are the best! Haven't done them in a month + I think so felt a little weird at first. Then did two rounds of the cashout: 10 v-ups, 10 supinated ring rows, 10 ghd sit-ups, 10 supinated ring rows 🙂
Thursday Snatch WOD: 40×2, 45×2, 50×2 (kg). Since dropping under is something that I'm objectively terrible at, I tried to keep this light and focus on getting low, quickly. All rounds in 1:40-2:00. Failed the last mid hang with a pull that was too far forward to stand up.
7am with McDowell
FSQ – 135# x 5 / 155 x 5 / 165 x 8
Last set felt a little heavier than I anticipated, but moved.
Metcon – 13:32
Used 2 ab mats for the HSPU. Still failed a couple, but overall these are improving. Not sure I finish if I only used 1 mat.
3 x 10 GHD
6am with the new big cheese Gregors!
FSQ Wendler – 165×5, 190×5, 220×8 rep out
Metcon – 13:50 with 10 strict handstands each round.
Greg was very inspirational with his speech before we started the WOD. I see a very bright future for him.
8 a.m. doing Thursday's work with Brett.
80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105. Felt "good," by which I mean I did not die at any point during this workout. Caught a couple in awkward positions at the beginning (too far back) and end (too far forward) but stood everything up and generally got under the bar pretty well.
6am with Coach Greg and his very white Nikes
FSQ Wendler – 165 x 5, 190 x 5, 215 x 8 on the rep out. Front squats just felt heavy today.
WOD in James + 1-2 minutes with 10 HSPU. The more I do HSPU the worse I seem to get at them. Tried using blue plates and an abmat today. My head appreciated it but think I need to move the plates away from the wall a bit. Could consistently get 5 easy to start each round then they just fell apart.
Took a bit to get going today. Legs are feeling the 80 squats from yesterday. May need to re-think the timing of my training a bit.
Power Clean & Jerk:
143x1x3 … (about 85%) all of these were pretty bad in some way. wasn't really finishing my pull, sloppy catches, not reaching front foot out far enough on the jerk, slightly soft. just felt off. probably could've used a fuller warm-up as I just did quick line drills and jumped in.
110x1x5 … finished with some crisp ones
4 sets:
:15 Assault Bike @ 97% RPE
5 Burpees
Rest 2:30
Bike was done at 87 RPM. Each round finished at :28. Good consistency.
Repeat with burpees first, rest @ 2:15.
Cooled down with 3 minutes easy on the bike and eventually a leisurely walk home.
5 rounds
1 min Assault Bike
18' handstand walk — accumulated, not very coordinated
1 min supine plank
Sled Push
4 sets of :10 max effort, 2:30 rest
5 min rest
4 sets of :10 max effort, 2:30 rest
Approx 80' each time @235#
20 min row — focusing on technique, rhythm, 4000m
3 sets
12 strict T2B (6-6)
10 ea reverse lunges 16kg
20 mins mobilizing
Front squat 103×5, 118×5, 133×8
Was going to do "ghost" but was exhausted from a rough work week, so I did 1/2 ghost:
3 rounds (instead of 6)
1min row
1 min burpees
1 min double unders.
254 total reps. 13-14 cals per row. 12-13 burpees, 52-60 doubles.
Will definitely do the whole thing when I have more energy!
Two rounds: 1:00 plank, 25 sit-ups