We are SO. CLOSE. to our hitting our $15,000 fundraising goal to benefit Brooklyn Community Foundation for Fight Gone Bad 2016. It’s go time, CFSBKers!
- Schedule Change: Don’t forget that Coach Ro is traveling this week, and Anti-Gravity class is cancelled. AG will resume on October 18th.
Short Circuit: Reprogram Your Body!™
CrossFit South Brooklyn is thrilled to announce Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. At Short Circuit, we want you to get sweaty, have fun, and build confidence, one workout at a time. We create an inclusive space where people can feel comfortable exactly where they are in their fitness journeys and, more importantly, challenge themselves to get better. Our instructors have worked with clients in every age group, with every body type, and across all ability levels. We want to show you that you’re capable of much more than you thought! This is our passion. This is our goal.
Each Short Circuit class consists of 4 segments:
Plug In
We start classes with a comprehensive, dynamic warm-up programmed to get your body ready for exercise while practicing skills and positions relevant to the day’s class.
1st Circuit (Strength and Stamina)
The 1st Circuit focuses on your strength and stamina by using 3-4 exercises done in sequence for 15-20 minutes. We use dumbbell, kettlebell, and bodyweight exercises programmed to keep your muscles strong and toned.
2nd Circuit (Conditioning and Intervals)
Here’s where things heat up! We’ll use a variety of high-intensity intervals to bump up your heart rate up and really make you sweat. Whether you’re on the rowing machine, swinging a kettlebell, or doing some Burpees, you’ll get your endorphins pumping with our higher intensity circuit.
Finally, we finish with some extra core and flexibility work before sending you off to take on the rest of your day. You’ll be recharged and ready to go!
What if I can’t do something?
Every movement we teach and perform will have a variety of scaling options, so you’ll be challenged whether you’re flying through a set of 10 Push-Ups or still working on your first one. Our seasoned coaches can modify your workouts specifically for your abilities all while motivating you to do your best and to go a little further, faster, longer than you thought possible. We are here to help everyone achieve their goals, one drop of sweat at a time! No experience is required to take a Short Circuit class. Just show up and get fit!
Schedule & Location
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
Members of CrossFit South Brooklyn may use their existing memberships to drop into this class; however, anyone and everyone is welcome as there are no prerequisites for this class. Because no experience is required, this is a great opportunity to workout with your friends! If you’d like to purchase a punch card for this and our other specialty classes (Yoga, Short Circuit, Active Recovery and Pilates) you can purchase one of the cards listed below:
Single Class Drop-In: $25
10 Class Punch Card: $200
20 Class Punch Card: $360
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Diane”
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Wednesday's Programming
Crush Week: Rack Thruster | "Karen"
Rack Thruster
Work up to a 1RM Thruster taken out of a rack. Take the bar out strong and maintain a strong rack position through the drive. Any re-bend of the knee is missed rep.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
150 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
Settle in and embrace it. Do your best to keep your feet in the same place to help with accuracy. Cycling your arms back to the rack position immediately after the toss can save your shoulders quite a bit. If you think you're gunning for the SBK Leaderboard be sure to let a coach know so that they can verify your score.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Rowed an easy 1000m then stretched out for about 10 minutes
6:30pm Group Class with "Brettney"
6:23 as Rx'd (strict HSPU)
This is about a :40 PR on this workout. I definitely felt the last several weeks of HSPU work made this possible. This workout is all about the push-ups, was able to do the Deadlifts unbroken which isn't a huge challenge but got a PR because I was able to do bigger sets and smaller rests on the wall. woo!
Aaagh! 'Brettney'!!! The best!!!!
Congrats on the PR David!!
6am w/McDowell
Thrusters: 95-135-165-185-205
Karen: 6:01
McDowell definitely pushed me on the last two rounds to pick it up with minimal rest.
7am w. Jess doing Wed
Thrusters@ 135, 140, 145, 145F, 135. First one at 145 was solid, second very wobbly and couldn't lock out at the top.
Karen Rx in 8:50. A full 2 minutes faster than in August! Settled in to 10 sets of 15, and held myself to 15-20 seconds of rest in between sets no matter how much I didn't want to pick that damn ball back up. Love this burn.
6am w/McDowell
Thrusters: 95-135-165-185(F)-185. Failed was sloppy technique. Should be able to go heavier, but not strong this month.
Karen: 7:26
43 to start then mostly 10s. I can (and have) done better on this. Next time might start with 30 then try to keep rounds of 20 as long as I can.
630 last night
Diane RX 8:32 (8:23 on the board, transposed the 2 &3)
This was one of the first 'Girls' I ever attempted in CrossFit. Per my notes (iCloud comes through) I did this back in 2011 #185 and Rx HSPU for a time of 14:53. So a big PR for me. DLs done as 8-7-6 / 6-5-4 / 9. HSPU 7-7-7 / 5-5-5 / 4-3-2. Same rep scheme as 2011, except strict HSPU all the way through last night. Post WOD i wasn't very fatigued and I think I could have gotten through the DLs faster. Next time will have to adjust the rep scheme.
Karen, similar to Diane, was one of the first benchmarks I ever attempted as well. If we see Elizabeth and/or Isabel this Crush Week will be like 2011 at the Black Box all over again.
Thrusters: 75×3, 95×2, 115, 125, 135, 145F. Bar came out in front on the fail – maybe next time (140 is my current thruster PR).
Karen: 6:18
Bigger sets than what I did last time, which helped cut down the time. And just trying to keep up with James. Legs will be rebelling against me for the next few days.
7am Wednesday stuff with Jess
Thruster – 125 / 135 / 145 / 155 / 145
Came in with a pounding headache so didn't push it here.
Karen Rx in 10:43
Did the first 100 in <5:00 and then my world came crashing down on me.
Jumped into 8am group class this morning with McD
On the first 128, everything felt disconnected (squat from push press, my body from the bar); second 128 was a little grindy, and then the 133 went up really smoothly!
Karen: 7:24 RX ( don't know what I got last time I did Karen, but this is definitely a PR)
15-10-10-10-10 then 5's (with a set of 7-6-7 for the last 20)
Set of 5 was the right way for me to go for most of this (would have no repped with anything bigger), but I think I could have taken slightly shorter breaks. Challenged myself to only jump on the last two wall balls of each set of 5, with mixed success.
Did someone say "attempting girls?!?!"
Will not make it back from Vermont tonight in time to pick up my kettlebell kitchen. If anyone at class tonight wants some free food, help yourself.
Is this Short Circuit supposed to be a complement to WOD's? Is it something that one does if WOD's are too tough? Is it a bad 80's movie with Ally Sheedy?How does it fit into the overall CFSBK program? Thanks.
4:30 w/ Jeremy
6:03 at 105lbs n' pushups.
Really enjoyed this one. The sensation of your butt quivering like a jello platter while you're doing pushups is really something. Pleased to get 16 DL in a row the first round, broke things up more in the second, went straight through the 3rd. I think I could have gone heavier, but right QL got a little quirky in the third round, unsurprised. The cash out with the hollow holds and ball work let me fiddle with it a bit. Started with pushups on my toes in the first, decided to go to knees to really bottom out in strict. Second and third rounds started ok then degenerated into the garbage walrus zone so I broke them up by 3's. Looking forward to be able to do this RX one day!
Short Circuit was designed to be a class separate from the CF group classes and programming which means we program it as a stand alone class. To that end, we were originally launching it as a program separate from CF group classes so it would really be it's own thing. But the more we thought about it, the more we came to the conclusion that we want to give CFSBK members as many options as they can to express their fitness at the gym and also just to keep things simple.
The primary difference between short circuit and CF group classes are that SC has no barbell training, no higher level calisthenics (kipping pull-ups/HSPU etc) and Foundations is not required to participate so anyone can drop in. Its another option for folks who might not be interested in the spectrum and depth offered in CrossFit, but still want an intelligently programmed exercise class.
Is it "easier" than CF? Yes and no, it's easier in that we bias lower skill movements, there is less overall progressive training but SC will still absolutely kick your butt!
Why not check it out and see for yourself. If I didn't answer your question please let me know and I'll follow up. Thanks for your interest!
Still under the weather, but trying to keep moving.
Mobility, 20 cal row, bbell drills
Snatch — focusing on positions and throwing the bar to the ceiling
Pull to knee, pause, reset, snatch from floor – 3 singles @ 33, 53, 73, 83
4 rounds of
16 reverse hypers w 50#
6 unbroken matador dips
8 ea lateral step up, straight leg, 15#
5 sets of 8 push press
75-75-75-80-85 .. Do this again at a heavier weight
Thruster: 95-105-110PR-115PR-117.5PR
Hit 108# last December so a 9.5# PR. Arched my back a little bit on the 117.5. Went up easier than expected though so might have more in me.
Karen in 9:50
In sets of 10 until 80, then 5-7 on average. Breathing and legs were 100% fine (I guess bc I averaged only 15 WB per minute!). Lower back started to burn at rep 80 and then seized up at 100. Will def do better next time when it's not a day after Diane!!