Power Snatch
Max effort day. After a few warm up sets, attempt to set a new personal best on the Power Snatch. If you’re very new to the lift, then perform 5 heavy singles instead of a true max effort single. Focus on a strong and aggressive 2nd pull followed by an immediate and equally aggressive 3rd pull under the bar. No press-outs. Footwork should not get too crazy either.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
20 Power Snatches 155/105
5 Burpees every minute on the minute, starting at 0:00
The Power Snatch can be on the heavy-ish side today. However, you should still be able to do at least 3-5 reps per minute on the slow end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach McDowell helped out with some much-needed barbell TLC this week. We’re in the process of wire brush scubbbing, oiling, and wiping down our whole fleet of barbells!
- Schedule Change: Today’s 2:00pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled. Coach Ro is out of town for the week, so AG will resume on October 18th.
Register Now for the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop!
Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn presents:
A Pelvic Floor Health Workshop
November 13, 2016 from 2:00-4:30pm
Do your hips ever feel a little unstable at the bottom of your squat? Are you fastidious about making a trip to the bathroom before that heavy Deadlift… because you learned the hard way? Do you sometimes feel pressure in your pelvis on a max set of 5?
The health of your pelvic floor is part of the equation here! Correct pelvic floor engagement is an essential, but often overlooked component of lifting, and everyday life.
This team taught workshop aims to shed light on what exactly constitutes the pelvic floor, how to strengthen it, and engage it under load. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to cultivate healthy pelvic floor function and prevent dysfunction.
You will walk away with:
- A basic understanding of pelvic floor anatomy
- Exercises you can do at home or as part of your warm-ups to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor, including breathing and bracing techniques
- An understanding of how to apply engagement under load
This workshop is for women only.
Limited to 25 participants
$75 registration fee
Developed and presented by:
Katie Harper received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since March 2015. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer, Functional Range Conitioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms), Functional Movement Screen Provider (FMS), Graston Technique Provider, Rocktape Functional Movement Specialist I, and has attended the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I course offered by the Institute of Physical Arts.
Kristin Hoesl has been training clients one on one and in groups in Pilates for over a decade. She specializes in helping athletes access their pelvic floor, and find both stability and mobility through their abdominal core and spine.
For over 30 years, Debbie Parsons has been teaching and studying movement. From a professional dance career to Pilates certification (1994), and continuing through Crossfit Level one and Starting Strength programs, Debbie has been helping clients to move with economy and efficiency.
Margie Lempert has been a coach at CFSBK since 2009, always with a focus on barbell training for women. She founded Iron Maidens Raw Open, an annual all-women powerlifting competition in 2015, teaches small group barbell classes with her husband, and trains individual clients. She is a Starting Strength Coach and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.
Melissa Loranger received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since April, 2012. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, a Certified Starting Strength Coach and has taken multiple continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Physical Arts, Graston Techniques, LLC and Rock Tape.
Teach Every Child About Food TED
Weightlifting Technique with Brooke Ence Barbell Up
Worked so hard on technique this cycle, was really hoping for a snatch PR!
73×3, 78fx2. Oh well.
Wod: picked 63#. 58 was a technical 80%. Had no idea this wouldn't be the correct weight. Totally envisioned it being light and crisp, thinking I could do 10 in a minute! HA! Took me 10:00, 3 snatches or so per round, and lots of support from the class. Many press outs and bad snatches.
The main reason it sucked was because I didn't anticipate having a bad workout. Got plenty of sleep, didn't drink… just a reminder how mental snatch is!
Thanks nick and Jess and the class. Man! That was weirdly rough!!!
10am yesterday with JB
Front Squat
195-210 (PR), 215F
I didn't even attempt to stand up on that attempt at 215. I think I would have had it but it would have been really ugly and not worth it. Really happy with this 5# PR though as I was not expecting it.
WOD in 13:28 Rx. Thrusters- unbroken for the first round, 14/7 in the rest. Pull-ups were in one set of 5, then 3's, 2's and 1's after that.
Today 10am with Fox.
Power Snatch- worked up tp 103#. Had to walk around a bit to balance but it counted. Made a few attempts at 108# but I just couldn't commit.
WOD in 4:52 @ 83#.
Like Allie, I found this to be surprisingly hard. I got 9 in two sets touch and go in the first round but missed every attempt in the second minute, then got totally in my head and wanted to quit because it was 'too heavy', then did 3 touch and go, missed 1, 3 more touch and go, and then 4 touch and go, then 1 for the last round.
So, like, what's that about??!
9am with the Foxes
Power snatch
115×2, 125, 135, 145 PR, 150 PR, 165 F
Snatches were feeling great today. Patient with my pulls and stayed nice and balanced. 145 and 150 looked so easy Fox said to just go for 165. Pulled it plenty high just didn't get under it enough and pressed it out.
Wod at 115 in 2:57. 9-6-5 with some much uglier snatches in there. Was much harder than I was expecting.
Spent most of the middle of the week doing the Team Series with Charlie, Michael, and Brad. It was an absolute blast and I really enjoyed working with this crew.
FSQ: 185, 200PR, 205F. I think I have 205, just wasn't mentally there and lost tension.
WOD: 14:42 Rx. All thrusters 14-7. Pull ups went better than usual for me – still not great, but feeling more consistent.
Power Snatch: 93, 103, 108, 113PR, 118FF. Ugly, but happened. Any snatch related PR is always very exciting.
WOD: 3:58 at 93#. Broke up the snatches 7-5-4-4.
6am with the Foxes
Power Cleans: 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98F. I've been struggling with keeping the bar close, but this is the most I've snatched in a while.
WOD in 2:50 at 68#. 11-5-4. This was pretty ugly as I don't cycle power snatches well and the bar was coming way out in front.
*Meant 9am, wrote 6am out of habit 😉
Lol, Linda. I have the day off tomorrow… tempted to crash your 6am party that I'm so jealous of. Then again, I get to sleep in! 8am or 10am with the normal people!
9am fox style
Power Snatch hit 145 and then (supposedly) pressed out 155 twice.
Still unwilling to get low. Jess gave me credit for the lift 🙂 only to be overruled by the grumbling duo of Steve H and Mr Fox
WOD: 2:59 @115#
Burpees were the highlight of this workout for me
I'd like to get back into group class programming 3x / week with a day of Frank's class and an AG.
Gotta kick this cold by tomorrow and it make it happen.
OG tonight
Assault Bike — :20 max effort, 1:10 arms only x 4
3 rounds:
:30 supine hang
:30 handstand hold
15 Am KB swings 16kg
3 sets of 4 HSPUs — unbroken, no abmat, failed last rep of last set
Bench Press — heavy single
45 x 10, 65 x 5, 75 x 3, 85 x 2, 95 x 1, 105 x 1, 110 x 1, 115 f
moving grip around. this is a weight i've hit before. oh well
Dead lift — ~75% x 3 x 3
95 x 5, 125 x 4, 145 x 3, 165 x 3 x 3
focusing on bracing and keeping knees from going out. hamstring getting better.
Clean & Jerk
1 Clean, 2 Jerks @ 63#, 83#, 113#
C & J @ 123#, 128#, 133# missed the jerk, clean felt great
138# f